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hi, im a curvy size 16 but ive had enough, ive tried diet after diet after diet, i loose wait and then all of a sudden it stops comming off and i go back to my normal ways and put it all back on, i have my cousins wedding at the end of the year and i want to be able to wear a dress and it look nice, someone please tell me what is a good diet and what is good training to go toning at the same time

2007-03-08 02:48:57 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

20 answers

Ok, I'm also about that size. i don't look it though, You probably don't either. We've got curves girl.

Anyway, I as a matter of fact have started excercising. I've stuck with it for a few weeks and I can really tell a difference. I have tried diet after diet many times but never did I stick with it until my health was clearly at risk. My blood pressure is higher than it was a year ago and i know that I've gained weight from stress over the past year. Heart disease runs so rampant in my family, everyone in my family that has passed away, died from heart disease. i did not want this to get hold of me. The plan I follow is something I put together. i have a treadmill at home and a laborous job. I run every other day, (i started just jogging). I do a mile every other day for now. The more you do it, the easier it gets and the easier it gets the more you can up the rigor and the easier it is to make yourself do it. I also cut out cokes and alot of sweets. I'll eat a small sweet once a day. Don't cut them out completely. You need to reward yourself. If you starve yourself you will never stick to it. You need alot of different foods, alot of different healthy vitaminan and mineral filled foods. Drink ample water, get ample sleep, and try not to stress. Treat yourself regularly, and build a sense of self-worth. Put yourself on a schedule and prioritize things to minimize stress. You need to work on some lean muscle mass to maximize the calories you burn. Cardio will burn off sugar but you really need some weight training involved. I do too, but I don't have the equipment at home so it's not as convenient as the treadmill we have. Don't weigh in everyday. Focus on simple things like "I feel better" and "My face isn't as puffy looking as it was a few days ago". Push yourself and don't give up. It's work I know. If you have a super supportive close family member, have them encourage you, or suggest that you not eat the cupcake and go take a quick jog. Heck, have them join you. It's not always about losing a ton of weight, it's about your health.

Oh and, did you know fat cells kinda don't go away. The cells stay, they're just not full. The only way to eliminate fat cells is to have Iiposuction done, which I don't recommend. So If you were heavy, or you have genes that make you heavy it's just going to be harder for you, and me, to lose weight. But hard work will pay off.

Good luck sweety, I'm in the same boat :)

2007-03-08 03:02:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Walk everywhere and make sure that you complete at least 10'000 a day, if this seems like a lot work your way up to this value.

I can highly recommend a pedometer website and called FITBUG, the health doctors use these and many doctors recommend them, maybe see your doctor before you start any exercise programme and speak to him about it (maybe print something off there website to show him in case he does not know about it). It is always wise to speak with your doctor before you diet or take up a new exercise programme so he can monitor your blood pressure etc.

I hope this helps, I managed to lose 21 pounds in six months just by walking more, I work in a office so have a very sedate lifestyle but with my fitbug I walk at lunch time and a long walk in the evening or some type off sport.

My second piece off advice is to get a fitness buddy, either somebody who is fit and already does sport which you can join in with but not to hard at first or you might drop out, or a friend who would also like to lose some weight, it is a lot easier to keep up with a fitness programme if you have a fitness buddy.

Good luck with the weight lose, and remember eat regular healthy food and increase your exercise.

2007-03-08 03:03:27 · answer #2 · answered by Loader2000 4 · 0 0

I was in the same boat and it is not that hard or expensive to do. Dont worry! Speed walking is what worked for me and healthy eating. Dont go out and by all new grocieries just be aware of what you are eating. Lots of veggies and some carbs and protein for energy. Cut out your evening snack as your body is not working at that time of night so it is just storing it instead of using it. Dont forget to drink your water.

Speed walking is free and is alot easier on your body and joints. it gets your heart rate up to the ideal fat buring level and you can keep there longer than you could running or jogging. You can do it any where. If you start your day with a walk in the morning it gets your motabolism working earlier and it will leave you feeling energized through the day. It really is simple and it works! Hope this helps. Good luck and Good health to you.

2007-03-08 02:56:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

hiya lol i am on weight watchers i have lost 16lb up 2 now i would really advise it i was a size 16 now i am a 14 and hopefully i will get down to a size 12 (fingers crossed)i have tryed every diet ever and i always find ww is the best the online forums are great and give u lots of advice and help as exercise i walk the dog for a 20min walk aday and do 3 sets of 100 crunches i feel much better in myself i am getting compliments i am so glad i stuck it try it lol

2007-03-08 02:55:14 · answer #4 · answered by ♥ღ☆ shoesaholic ☆ღ♥ 4 · 1 0

The new glucose revolution(it's a book). You can not go on a diet and expect to lose weight forever. You have to change your life style. Eating healthy and exercising regularly for the rest of your life. Crash diets are harder on your health then just being overweight. Weight loss is based of carbs, calories and fat. The book will explain the carb aspect, the fat is well reduce saturated fat to next to nothing and trans fat to nothing. Keep polyunsaturated fat low(but you need some fat). if you do that calories will just follow along. Eat lots of veggies and exercises about 30 minutes a day 6 days a week.

2007-03-08 03:17:30 · answer #5 · answered by krissy 2 · 0 0

hi you seem to be putting yourself down a lot so first stop that you says you loose some weight then it stops so i suggest that you could just be big boned and when you get down to the size you get to stop looking at it negatively and think positive about it and just keep your mind focused on getting fit and staying fit try a bit of speed walking and try and stay active and the best way to tone your stomach is doing sit ups but most of all stay active and always think positive, good luck and i bet you will look lovely in your dress

2007-03-08 03:10:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Weight does not all of a sudden stop coming off. We just stop having focus.
The goal is to find a way to eat healthier with out hating what we eat. You have to burn more calories than you take in in order to lose weight. Some days will be harder, some weeks will be harder, nonetheless, you must stick with it.

Please set monthly or weekly goals, if the wedding isn't for 10 months, then you will not make it. set short goals

What exercises are you doing? If your onlyt walking, your gonna have to move up to jogging after while, if your only jogging, then your gonna have to move up to running after while. You have to always increase your intensity or your body will not be burning as many calories as you think. look to workout 3-5 days a week. the more you burn the more weight you lose

What are you eating. Find tasty alternatives for everything. trade icecream for sherbet, Trade potato chips for pretzels, trade french fries for your favorite veggie. trade your snacks for fresh fruits that you love. trade fish and chips and coleslaw for grilled salmon & brocclli & salad with fat free dressing. Trade soad for diet soda, or better yet water.
Don't Cheat!!!! and cut your portion size down.
3 meals a day and 2 snacks, Read Lables and write everything down. look to eat less than 1500 calories, and less than 40 grams of fat. Make sure your only eating natural fats. stay away for fatty sauces, cuts of meats, dressings, dips, candy, desserts, junk food, white bread
check out www.fitday.com, its free and a calorie journal. Don't cheat. find a hobby to keep you busy. Right now food makes you happy, find something else to make you happy and keep busy. try the special K diet

2007-03-08 03:09:16 · answer #7 · answered by Gyasi M 4 · 1 0

first of all join a gym and do lots of cardio i.e the cross trainer, treadmill, bike etc and just try and not eat after seven oclock in the evening, if you get hungry eat fruit, i lost three stone doing this and stuck to this religiously, i ate really well in the week, fresh fish, pasta, salads and fruit with six glasses of water a day and i went out every weekend, drank what i wanted and ate what i wanted and still lost the weight, excersise is very important so make that the number one priority
good luck

2007-03-08 02:54:29 · answer #8 · answered by jojo78 5 · 1 0

I think what is good it that you need to eat more green salards and jog more oftern befor meals like two times a day(morning & evning) NO fat things or sweets or starch maybe for three weeks,then see what happence and less bread.

Good Luck!

2007-03-08 03:22:13 · answer #9 · answered by Zelda M 1 · 0 0

Check out a store instead of shopping on the internet.

2017-03-11 15:24:42 · answer #10 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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