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alot of you wise 18 yrs olds seem to have all the answers, and i was curious-i AM cheating i know it with bf (loosely used term too) but my ? is-what is cheating? i know sex/oral etc is cheating-but what bout flirting? kising? say like 2nd base? or is it moment you feel anything for another? where is the "line" so to say? some will say not till penetration-others at 1st kiss? i don't lose sleep over it-i WAS married and never even thought bout another guy-and now i am single and do as i please until i am committed again. So spare me the lectures of morality.
whats your definition of cheating?

2007-03-08 02:45:54 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

36 answers

Alrighty then..my definition of cheating would be "kissing, calling, seeing another man /spending alot of time with this man..and YES second base is definately Cheating..some other man touching your body..but like you said YOU"RE Single and can do what you want so this question doesn't even apply to you. If you were in a relationship...that would be the meaning of CHEATING..but you're in a loose relationship so it doesn't matter* does it?

2007-03-08 02:51:28 · answer #1 · answered by friskymisty01 7 · 0 0

my definition of cheating would be if you kissed a guy( french or not) and any thing more than kissing. That would be cheating to me cause if my b/f kissed another girl or did anything more than that then I would be deeply hurt. I know a lot of people say it is only cheating when you have sex or oral sex but I disagree. I mean put yourself in in a situation like that. Just imagine how you would feel if some one you really cared about kissed another girl. As for flirting every one does that. It is human nature But.every one has a different answer for this. That is mine. Thanks for the question and good luck!

2007-03-08 02:54:15 · answer #2 · answered by poetryprincess 3 · 0 0

The word 'cheating' has to imply rules, like in a game. Playing outside the rules to your advantage is 'cheating'. Thing is, the 'rules' here are different in every relationship. Swingers who enjoy seeing their partner engaged in full sex with strangers don't see their partner as 'cheating'; others who expect complete chastity towards others from their partner might be enraged at their boyfriend's single sideways glance at a girl in a short skirt. (No, of course he wasn't checking her out, he thought he saw someone he recognised. Obviously.)

So cheating isn't any specific kind of act - 'cheating' only means anything relative to your specific personal understanding with your partner. As others here have said, a good rule of thumb is, "Don't do anything with another person that you think your partner wouldn't be happy about". If you partner's important to you, you wouldn't want to hurt them by the possibility of them finding out about something they wouldn't like about you and another. (And if they're not important to you, why are you still together?)

nb. While I'm thinking about it, all this raises the question: 'what if you could cheat with the certainty that your partner would never find out?'
I hope this isn't a lecture of morality, but I guess this is kind of a question of principle, and in some ways it doesn't seem so bad - kinda like a wet dream, if there's no evidence it happened in the real world, and nothing that could hurt your partner, it can't be cheating, right? However, the risks of STDs etc aside, there's the matter of your own conscience (can you forget about it completely?), and whether 'getting a bit on the side' might undermine the functioning of your relationship in some ways. Perhaps couples need that sexual drive and 'fidelity' to each other to keep them wanting to be together, and overlooking the little niggles that being in a relationship gives rise to....

2007-03-08 03:11:51 · answer #3 · answered by Superhero Man 1 · 0 0

In my eyes, any sort of physical contact minus hugging or maybe a kiss on the cheek is cheating. I would even consider holding another's hand cheating. But only if there are feelings attached. Feelings can be controlled. When you start to feel something for another and slowly become physically attached to them as well, i think that is cheating. But that's just me of course.


2007-03-08 02:56:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I had to ask me the same question when my (now ex-) girlfriend was kissing another guy. This was no easy decision, but in the end this was the reason I left her. After a few years now, I'm still unsure if it was the right decision, maybe there were other reasons which pushed me into this direction... maybe if those reasons would have not been there, I would have decided the other way. Anyway, I think kissing is the borderline!

2007-03-08 02:57:09 · answer #5 · answered by Chris 2 · 0 0

The thought is enough ( if not told to your b/f, he doesn't hurt)
Telling him the thought (he starts thinking what's wrong with him that you would prefer another guy on him - He is hurt here)
You invite the person you thought about to an innocent cup of coffee or to have a chat...etc (you are hurting your b/f and you don't care because it's innocent and you told him so)

Then, comes the cheating (kiss, hug, sex of all types.......etc)
(you don't have a relationship anymore and a cheater, and you gained a hateful ex b/f.

2007-03-08 02:58:32 · answer #6 · answered by peachy 4 · 0 0

to me cheating starts with the mind. anything u do with the intension of getting more s cheating. for example going to lunch. if is a work thing thats ok but if u have some kind of attraction towards the person and u go to lunch, that to me is cheating. kissing is definately cheating, i mean honestly cheating starts by a desire for another person jsut cuz there is no penetration doesnt mean is not cheating.

2007-03-08 02:55:37 · answer #7 · answered by Blondie 2 · 0 0

I think cheating isn't cheating until penetration.As a woman who was in an unfullfilling relationship but never cheated a kiss is just a kiss, a date is just a date, and most of the time I dated while in my relationship it was cause my boyfriend was screwing the city.I say enjoy yourself but if you don't wanna be a cheater don't let him inside your world.

2007-03-08 02:53:15 · answer #8 · answered by ladydream67 2 · 0 0

To me cheating is cheating, plain and simple. But as always, everyone's opinion differs. My definition of cheating is anything past kissing....groping, sex, oral, etc. But flirting is harmless....unless you are very religious-then it's a sin.

2007-03-08 02:52:35 · answer #9 · answered by srjmhottie17 2 · 0 0

You wont be cheating if you tell the (loosely) bf! If he isn't a real boyfriend then what's the problem in letting him know the rules. If he meant anything to you then you wouldnt be seeing or doing anything with anyone else.

2007-03-08 02:50:46 · answer #10 · answered by Biff 2 · 0 0

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