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I'm just wondering, with the billions of dollars spent weekly on this "war against terror", gross goverment mispending, and the vasts amounts of capital in the treasury why cant we do it?

Is it that far fetched? How hard is it to build a 3000 mile wall, electrified fences, with sensors and cameras with patrol stations every 100-200 miles or so? Heck you might be able to throw in a moat while your at it.

The technology is available. the money certainly is not an issue.I don't understand? Why do they say illegal immigration is bad, but then allow it to happen?

2007-03-08 02:23:49 · 54 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

54 answers

Yes , I it could be stopped. Place our active duty military on the border to secure it totally. Place a 5 to 10 year moratorium on all legal immigration.Then after the borders are secured,begin the systematic identification,location and deportation of any and all illegal aliens. Repeal or clarify the 14th amendment to close the anchor baby loophole.
Make it a felony to be an illegal alien,and
pursue and punish(by our currant laws) all companies and employers of illegal aliens.
YES it can and should be stopped.

Jeff we cant stop murder should we just make it legal ?

2007-03-08 02:39:07 · answer #1 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 5 5

Why would the government fix a problem that does affect it? Let me explain: do the politicians have to deal with the effects of illegals in the this country? NO Do their children have to go the public schools whose rates keep going down? NO. Second, Republicans are very concerned with keeping their large coorporations happy ( large coorperations make money on cheap labor, and Bush get's money from Large coorperations). Democrats, while condeming Bush and the Republicans for their relationship with large coorperations, are ready to sell out this country away for the POOR vote....They are just trying to appeal to the illegals so that when they become citizens they vote for Dems. Most of the voters in US, end up voting for the same looser in congress over and over just because the letter next to their name is (R) or (D). If you ask most of the voters what they think about the illegal alliens issue, they won't know how to respond, they ahve been occupying their brains with "the Bachelor" American Idol and all the other crap... IS it expensive to get rid of all illegals? You bet it is, but it is a whole lot cheaper to do so, rather than feeding them and giving them even more ways to get free stuff by become citizens. Removing illegals has abeen done before in the 70's, it did not destroy the economy then. The funny part is that in the 86 amnesty the word was" It is too expensive to make these people go so we will give them amnesty" and peopel fell for it. A flux of illegals started running to the US from all angles and provided false paperwork that they have been living here for years and that all that stuff.... Did it help? We went from 2 mill illegals to 10-20 million illegals. Of course they will keep coming as long as there is hope for amensty. It's like the lady that complains that mice are coming through her front door when she puts cheese out. Tancredo has the perfect idea. Follow the law that we have now, bust the companies, and put heavy fines on employing illegals. Stop giving free healthcare ( only case of death), wellfare ETC. Guess how much we would be paying for these people to leave? JUst as much as the old lady would have to pay for the mice to never show up at the front door once she stops puting the cheese out....

2007-03-08 04:56:57 · answer #2 · answered by AP 2 · 2 0

Regardless of technology, fences built or whatever means you empoly to keep people out, there will always be that one border patrol agent that can be bought for a couple thousand dollars. While we may be able to curb the influx of people coming illegally it will never be totally abolished. The only true way to stop illegal immigration is to make the process smoother, shorter, and economical. Expecting someone from a third world country to be able to pay thousands of dollars and wait years on end is a main reason people come here illegally.

2007-03-08 02:50:52 · answer #3 · answered by whoareyou 3 · 5 0

But in the political world, the people that matter don't want to stop it. Politically active business owners need the illegals to work under the table at lower wages and no taxes in order for those business owners to make a score. The politicians take a cut of the profits and everyone turns a blind eye. So good luck on your wall idea but you better pass around the coffee can because Washington won't lift a finger because you don't matter because you don't pay them directly.

2007-03-08 02:29:50 · answer #4 · answered by Laughing Man Copycat 5 · 2 0

Of course the U.S. could stop illegal migrants if it wanted to. A double-fence with motion detectors, vehicle barrier ditches, a patrol road in the middle, and 6 to 8 ft high razor wire outside of that could be built economically. To see a picture of this type of fence, go to http://www.weneedafence.com

This type of fence is used around all U.S. submarine bases, and one a lot like it is used in Israel - so far it has stopped many potential terrorists.

There are many reasons why our government doesn't want to do it. Big Business doesn't want it because they like the cheap, undocumented labor. Liberal political activists don't like it because many of the illegals are potential voters and political supporters. Lots of people make money off of the illegals, like Western Union, Wells Fargo, Citibank, etc. Billions of dollars are wire transferred from here to Mexico, and banks make a killing off of the fees. Mexico also likes it because these wire transfers actually make up a large part of Mexico's economy and income - second only to their oil revenue. So those are some of the reasons why, but not all.

2007-03-08 18:26:52 · answer #5 · answered by the phantom 6 · 0 0

Hell yeah we could. It's just too bad the people oin charge of our country don't care. There are basically no consequenses for illegal. If there were perhaps the immigration would slow down. I bet a couple hundred heads on pikes would do the trick, but we can't do that because it's inhumane. I think it's stupid to let our country fill up with rats from the sinking ship to our south called Mexico.

2007-03-08 17:54:56 · answer #6 · answered by Brock Samson 3 · 0 0

Not unless we want to place an impenitrable bubble over our nation, because no matter how much time, money and resources are spent on "keeping them out", "they" will find a way in. Where there is a will there is a way. I know, maybe we should spend the money that we waste on border patrols and illegal immigration on our children and our elderly. What a concept.

2007-03-08 12:45:44 · answer #7 · answered by sbhaddan 2 · 0 0

I don't see why not, I mean North Korea has done it look at the DMZ (demilitarised zone) on the 38th parallel. Sure their will probably be a few that get through, but no where near the volume of present. I would say the only thing missing is the will to do it. It seems to me that big businesses want them here and they're the ones who get the politicians elected therefore it's their interests that are in mind not ours. This is a very bad situation for the people in this country.

2007-03-08 02:33:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I dont know if they can stop it completely but they could slow it down if they really wanted to. Why dont they? Its the economy stupid!12 million illegals didnt all sneak in over night. The government has failed to enforce the law and who gets blamed? The immigrants. Some people would like to treat them all like felons. Illegal immigrants are called everything except people. They are frequently called invaders, bloodsuckers, criminals. They have been described as "hoards" that "roam" the country as if they were beasts and have even been likened to "the merciless indian savages " described in the Declaration of Independence. Do some people not see that their opposition to illegal immigration is based on prejudice? Katsulov, illegal entry and murder are two very different crimes, your analogy is stupid.

2007-03-08 14:03:54 · answer #9 · answered by samiam 2 · 0 0

Stopping immigration (at the border) and proving all those who enter do so legally is not practical, when you consider just how much 'border' the US has, as a country. Technically, it's feasible ... but there's a better way.

Simply require EVERYONE within the border to have proof of citizenship and proof of employment certification - both issued through a single NATIONAL registry. This paperwork must be producible immediately when demanded by the 'roaming' force whose sole job is to inspect papers - and to either deport (forcibly, if necessary) or simply kill those who fail to prove their innocence.

This happened at least once in the 20th century (see Nazi Germany) by the way ...

2007-03-08 04:59:04 · answer #10 · answered by CanTexan 6 · 2 0

YES -- the US government could close the borders in a hearbeat.

But it doesn't want to and it won't.

Case in point, the Feds have imprisoned border patrol agents for doing their job. Bush won't pardon them, but he's happy to pardon drug dealers.

The United States government is owned by international bankers and multi-national corporations. They have bought off and blackmailed US politicians. It is they who run this country. Makes no difference really, if a democrat or republican wins an election, their puppet-strings are controlled by these corporations.

CEO's are drunk on cheap labor.

Plus they want to create new market pools that they can sell products to. The thinking goes like this, "Hey, all those 50 million illegals coming in will have to buy toothpaste won't they? Why, that would translate into X millions of dollars in profit for our company!"

2007-03-08 02:40:53 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

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