if the government in the land of the free
deems it neccessary to censor it, it has to be good.
Weird Al Frankenstein
the fires burning due to lying
liars' lies can only be extinguished
by the proliferation of lie detection
in every communication device.
every citizen should have a hat with
4 lights - red, yellow, and green and white
connected by wires to a battery pack attached
to the back of their pants if they have some on.
the red light would come on when the citizen
is lying, and the yellow, when they are telling the
truth in a way intended to mislead their audience.
the green light would shine when they are telling the
truth. and the white light would be like a halo circling
their hat and would light up only when they have had
the green light on for a considerable length of time.
what will jesus do?
waroc seizer
john allan tate iii
dr red rod order 33o
4 president no`,`,`
what will jesus do do do do do do do dooooooooo?
do do do do doooo
----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Feb 29, 2007 9:11 AM
I have deleted and blocked you a million come back with the same pic, different name...posting bullshit all over my wanna make fun of rich people? Does it escape you that I was poor as **** only 4 years ago? I worked ******* HARD to getb where I am, so **** YOU! Get a life, and stay they **** off my page, you ignorant asshole! Get your own ******* following to read your 80 mile long posts! You hate me so much, yet you try to use MY page as a place to have your ignorant voice heard....Make your own fan base and following, you ******* LEECH!
the fires burning due to lying
liars' lies can only be extinguished
by the proliferation of lie detection
in every communication device.
every citizen should have a hat with
4 lights - red, yellow, and green and white
connected by wires to a battery pack attached
to the back of their pants if they have some on.
the red light would come on when the citizen
is lying, and the yellow, when they are telling the
truth in a way intended to mislead their audience.
the green light would shine when they are telling the
truth. and the white light would be like a halo circling
their hat and would light up only when they have had
the green light on for a considerable length of time.
wwj wwj wwj wwj wwjjj
what will jesus do do do do doooo? do do do do do...
waroc seizer
john allan tate iii
dr red rod order 33o
4 president no`,`,`
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: seizer's pal
Date: Jan 30, 2007 11:44 AM
Voting ends at midnight central time Tuesday night(Wednesday morning). If you have not already voted for me, please help me win. It just takes minute. just go to the page and vote!!!!
If I win, I get a bunch of prizes.
It is only one vote per IP address.
Jenny Tate
Please repost this for me!!!
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: vousa jed zeus
Date: Jan 30, 2007 10:22 AM
oust gw!
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Our Missing Children
Date: Jan 30, 2007 10:06 AM
The mother reportedly yelled to a witness that she was being taken to California.
To Repost click reply at the bottom of the bulletin then copy and paste the codes into your own bulletin. If you do not click reply before you copy the bulletin, the pictures wg tsuo 't show and the links wont work. So just go to the bottom and click reply and then copy & paste the codes into your own bulletin.
Mother and baby missing
Officials say the suspects are unknown to the mother.
Arizona Amber Alert Issued
Date: 01/29/07
Time: 9:00 P.M.
Location : Mesa, AZ
Child Name: Isidro Rameriz
Please visit for more details by clicking on photo or link below

VICTIM 1 Name: Isidro Ramirez
Sex: Male
Height: 2'0"
Hair Color: Black
Race: Hispanic
Age: 2
Weight: 40 Lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Other: He was last wearing a diaper and a white tee-shirt.

Victim Name: Noemi Ramirez Ramirez
Age: 20
Height: 5'
Weight: 170
Hair Length: Long
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Last Wearing: Victims mother-WhiteTank Top, Black Spandex Pants W/ White Rose on Left Leg
Gender: Female
Race: Hispanic

Vehicle Representation:
Extended Cab Chevrolet Truck - Blue
Arizona License 709 SCM Police Agency:
Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
Phone:(602) 876-1011
Submitted Date/Time: 01/29/07 9:00 P.M.Details of Abduction:
The Maricopa County Sheriff's Department and The State of Arizona has issued an Amber Alert for Isidro Rameriz.
A witness has reported the two were reportedly forced into a vehicle outside of the mother's home at 16 North Crismon Road in Mesa.
The mother, Naomi Ramirez, is described as a Hispanic female, five-feet tall and 170 pounds. She has long black hair with brown eyes. She was last wearing a white tank-top and black spandex pants.
The suspect is an Hispanic male six foot 180 pounds between 22-24 years old. He has a muscular build with light brown pants and black tennis shoes. There was a second man in the truck but witnesses say they didn't get a good look at him.
10:15 PM Mountain Standard Time on Monday, January 29, 2007
The Maricopa County sheriff's department has announced an Amber Alert for a missing mother and child.
A witness has reported that the two were forced into a vehicle outside of the mother's home at 160 East Crismon Road in East Mesa.
The child, Isidro Ramirez, is described as a 13-month-old Hispanic male, 2 feet tall and 40 pounds. He has short black hair and brown eyes and has a scar on his forhead and back. He was last wearing a diaper and a white tee-shirt.
The mother, 19-year-old Noemi Ramirez, is described as a Hispanic female, 5 feet tall and 170 pounds. She has long black hair with brown eyes. She was last wearing a white tank-top and black spandex pants.
The two were reportedly forced into a blue 1990 Chevy extended-cab truck with Arizona license, 709-SCM. The vehicle is lowered with wide wheels.
The first suspect is described as a Hispanic male, 6 feet tall, 180 pounds and about 22 to 24 years old with a muscular build. He was reportedly wearing light-brown pants, an unknown colored tee-shirt and black shoes.
The second suspect is described as a Hispanic male with no further description.
Missing From: MALAKOFF, Texas
Missing: Jan 29, 2007
Click on photo or links for more info

Endangered Missing
DOB: Jan 24, 2005
Height: 1'6" (46 cm)
Eyes: Blue
Race: White
Age Now: 2
Sex: Male
Weight: 22 lbs (10 kg)
Hair: Blonde
Joseph was last seen on January 29, 2007. He may be in the company of an adult male. They may be traveling in a red 1983 Ford F-150 truck with Texas license plates 48GHR4. They may still be in the local area.
Henderson County Sheriff's Office (Texas) 1-903-675-5128
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
1-800-843-5678 (1-800-THE-LOST)
Police: Mother Of Missing Toddler Gave False Story
A follow up to a story we brought you Monday: Police now say 21-year-old Joseph Kyle Butler, accused of taking his 2-year-old child from his mother, did not kidnap him.
And while he's still wanted on another charge, police say the child's mother lied to them.
Sheriff's investigators tell us Butler and girlfriend Jessica Marsh instead have a custody dispute over little Kyle Butler. Both the elder Butler and the boy are still missing.
An investigator says Kyle's mother, Jessica Marsh, will be arrested and charged with giving a false statement to police
Missing From: WEST CHESTERFIELD, New Hampshire
Missing: Feb 3, 2001
Click photo for additional details
Endangered Missing
DOB: Oct 15, 1985
Age Now: 21
Sex: Female
Race: White
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'2" (157 cm)
Weight: 120 lbs

Bethany's photo is shown age-progressed to 17 years. Bethany and her mother, Tina M. Sinclair, have not been seen since February 4, 2001. Bethany has a U-shaped scar on her head and may be wearing a crucifix pendant around her neck. She may also wear glasses. Tina has a tattoo on her ankle.

DOB: Nov 29, 1966
Sex: Female
Race: White
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'2" (157 cm)
Weight: 120 lbs (54 kg)
New Hampshire State Police - 1-603-271-3636 or 1-603-358-3333
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
1-800-843-5678 (1-800-THE-LOST)
Missing From: EXETER, New Hampshire
Missing: Nov 13, 1984
Click photo for additional details
Non-Family Abduction
DOB: Feb 24, 1976
Age Now: 30
Sex: Female
Race: White
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 4'6" (137 cm)
Weight: 70 lbs

Tammy's photo is shown age-progressed to 30 years. She was last seen at approximately 8:00 a.m. on Court Street in Exeter, New Hampshire as she was walking to school. Tammy has a slender build, a fair complexion and she is cross-eyed.
Exeter Police Department (New Hampshire) - Missing Persons Unit 1-603-772-1212
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
1-800-843-5678 (1-800-THE-LOST)
Missing From: DERRY, Pennsylvania
Missing: Jan 5, 2007
Click on photo or links for more info

Endangered Missing
DOB: Nov 10, 1990
Height: 5'6" (168 cm)
Eyes: Green
Race: White
Age Now: 16
Sex: Female
Weight: 120 lbs (54 kg)
Hair: Blonde
Arley was last seen on January 5, 2007. She may still be in the local area. Arley's ears and navel are pierced. She has a small scar between her eyebrows. Arley may wear glasses.
Latrobe Police Department 1-724-836-1551
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
1-800-843-5678 (1-800-THE-LOST)
Please visit this important myspace page by clicking on one of the banners below or just click on the direct add button if you are ready to join in this cause. Feel free to put a banner on your page too. The codes for them can be found on my page in the top of the interests section.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: noitartenepla
Date: Jan 29, 2007 6:22 AM
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: `,`,`al qaeda
Date: Jan 22, 2707 5:55 AM
hi! my name is `,`,`aroc
john tate iii
you're adorable.
if the evil ones get their way,
you'll need to have the nat id
card (hr 418)
by may 08 and sooner in order
to buy, sell, travel or be a citizen,
if they succeed in causing another attack
on us. it's the real mark of the beast.
`,`,`ord to gw:
gw, phuck!!!
ive had 22 email accounts deleted
raise the age of consent to 18
and abolish the sex trade in israel
and pedophilia in philadelphia, the us
and israel,
you coward.
let my people go!
labia pope onto
kokk owed a
eye moan oh so
slow the issue oh ah who
harm a li'l kid and destroy
innocence get damned bad,
even if you succeeded in silencing me,
do you think god will be so forgiving?
how can there be a national sex offender registry
and no national age of sexual consent?
overturn roe vs wade.
`,`,`aroc, john
allan tate, iii, 33rd degree in
red rod order
for president '08
in 2042 and now.
let my people go!
ylabia pope onto
ckokk owed a
eye moan oh so
slow the issue oh ah who
harm a li'l kid and destroy
innocence get damned bad,
please , declare the nat id card
and imminent microchip necessary
only for violent criminals, pedophiles,
larsons, grande, grand theives, rapists
and conspirators pursuant to causing all
to have it, phaggot, bytch!!!
eat shyt....
let my people go!
labia pope onto
kokk owed a
eye moan oh so
slow the issue oh ah who
harm a li'l kid and destroy
innocence get damned bad,
`,`,`ord to president bush:
support hillary clinton
or ron paul
let's ban the words wet and back
when they're used together in a sentence
in a derogatory way towards abusive aids
havin **** crackdealer pimps on the dl with aids.
ive survived 50+ assassination attempts,
you pathetic treasonous bytch!!!
give me my phvcking money!
raise the age of consent to 18
and abolish the sex trade in israel
and pedophilia in philadelphia, the us
and uganda,
you coward.
even if you succeeded in silencing me,
do you think god will be so forgiving?
how can there be a national sex offender registry
and no national age of sexual consent?
overturn roe vs wade.
`,`,`aroc, john
allan tate, iii, 33rd degree in
red rod order
for president '08
in 2042 and now.
let my people go!
labia pope onto
ckokk owed a
eye moan oh so
slow the issue oh ah who
harm a li'l kid and destroy
innocence get damned bad.
ea mcintyre riley, vice president.
please , declare the nat id card
and imminent microchip necessary
only for violent criminals, pedophiles,
larsons, grande, grand theives, rapists
and conspirators pursuant to causing all
to have it, phaggot, bytch!!!
eat shyt.
plus, pedophiles and rapists should have no
part in determining how people live.
i've had 50+ death threats, so far.
i think the holy spirit is
manifested in innocence
and free will. abortion, rape
child molestation and the subjection of
children to images of porn and terror are
serious blasphemies against the holy spirit,
which will not be forgiven in this life or the next.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Elizabeth
Date: Jan 5 2007 4:57 PM
god yes i would love to, but i can't leave michael here alone w/ the
business. if my circumstances were a little different, i would take
u up on that though.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: vousa jed zeus
Date: Jan 5 2007 12:33 PM
would you like to be vice president, e?
you'd get to meet hilary clinton;).
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Elizabeth
Date: Jan 4 2007 1:11 PM
ru going to dc
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: vousa jed zeus
Date: Jan 4 2007 10:11 AM
pat robertson never told you
about the legal anal intercourse,
with chidren, sex slavery, or
70% poverty in israel. and he probably has stock in the real id
microchip of the beast and assures his baffled sheep that they'll be
raptured up if they just believe
when he knows they'll be required to receive the real id microchip
of the us beast
in 2042 if the evil chertoff nazi *********** pedophile master gets
his way.
the govt is burying evidence and plotting to kill me, as we speak.
spread the word, quickly please.
ron paul for president in 2014
jehovah's witnesses believe satan gained
most of his power in 1913, when ford was born, too.
he is a follower of the bahai faith,
like my friend from ann arbor AA, toothless keith
thompson, a professed ex straight gingger on the down low, with
aids, and he also had "consentual" sex with a
cute li'l 15yo cracker girl named melissa, and went to prison for
four yrs for it, if i recall correctly.
Sexual relationships are permitted only between a husband and wife,
and thus homosexual acts are not permitted. See Homosexuality and
Bahá'à Faith.
glenn beck's sizzlin wife tanya shaves her beaver, i'll wage...
and she gets sopping wet when my name he says
in his nightmares at night on sean hannity's sleep number bed...
`,`,`ell even if you're not a believer,
in ysh`,`,`a, do you believe ebophiles,
pedophiles and rapists should be exiled,
and given the option to receive the id/passport
card/microchip gw bush and congress are going
to require every man, woman, child and pet to have
by 2008 and probably sooner if you don't do something
about it.. christians, which gw bush professes to be, know
that the id chip is the mark of the beast, which will condemn
you to hell. dec 15 was nero's birthday,
and the bill of rights became law, on dec 15 in 1791
even if religion is just a scheme to get christians to kill
thinking that they'll be raptured up, even if they work for or own
in companies that produce the chips, the tyranny and greed is
in a free country. if you want to keep your money and travel, you
will need
the national id card, no matter who you are, but i say oust him
right now and
name me president or try to convince the pres to expose the scheme
and require
the id chip only for violent felons, domestic abusers, abusive
pimps, child molesters rapists and grand thieves.
peace and `,`,`ar
spread the `,`,`ord, please.
please sign these petitions to ban pedophiles from marrying their
victims' moms and each other, and to save dog the bounty hunter...
and have your friends do it to;)
urge president bush to threaten mexican president calderon with
military action if dog is prosecuted. and raise the age of sexual
consent to 18.
raid dc day.
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Ashley Lawrence
Date: Jan 18, 2007 1:57 PM

Hello Everyone this has been a trying week for me on "My Space". This past Wednesday my site was deleted. The only thing I can think would have caused this was some invasive code I discovered this past weekend. The code was deleted, so give `,`,` ,`,`,oney. but I believe the deletion of my site had already been initiated by My Space staff. A friend from My Space told me that if this was the case, once started, a deletion is almost impossible to stop. Please Help Me by letting all of my lost friends know what happened. Many times people on my space just assume someone blocked them and I want my friends to know that this was not the case.
Please Help Me by posting this bulletin to re-add me on the Bulletin Board. To do this just copy the text out of the text box and post it in the under"POST BULLETIN", in the body of the bulletin. Then put up a heading saying something like this "Please Re-add Ashley Her site was Deleted By My Space". The text Box is below:
Thank All of YOU for your messages of Love and Support I really do appreciate them All. My Friends here on My Space are Awesome and I appreciate Each one of YOU:-)))))
Have A Happy and Horny Week:-))))
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: vousa jed zeus
Date: Jan 19, 2007 10:20 AM
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: waroc
Date: Jan 13, 4002 3:33 AM
hi! my name is `,`,`aroc
john tate iii
you're adorable.
if the evil ones get their way,
you'll need to have the nat id
card (hr 418) by may 08 sooner in order
to buy, sell, travel or be a citizen,
if they succeed in causing another attack
on us. it's the real mark of the beast.
`,`,`ord to gw:
gw, phuck!!!
ive had 22 attempts on my life
by the gmen and cowardly kibbutzim
pedophile rapist pimps and kidnappers
and the federal reserve sex slave driving
give me $11 million and
raise the age of consent to 18
and abolish the sex trade in israel
and pedophilia in philadelphia, the us
and india, and viet nam.
they tried to kill my dad.
you coward.
let my people go!
labia pope onto
kokk owed a
eye moan oh so
slow the issue oh ah who
harm a li'l kid and destroy
innocence get damned bad,
even if you succeeded in silencing me,
do you think god will be so forgiving?
how can there be a national sex offender registry
and no national age of sexual consent?
overturn roe vs wade.
`,`,`aroc, john
allan tate, iii, 33rd degree in
red rod order
for president '08
in 2088 and now.
let my people go!
ylabia pope onto
ckokk owed a
eye moan oh so
slow the issue oh ah who
harm a li'l kid and destroy
innocence get damned bad,
please , declare the nat id card
and imminent microchip necessary
only for violent criminals, pedophiles,
larsons, grande, grand theives, rapists
and conspirators pursuant to causing all
to have it, phaggot, bytch!!!
eat shyt....
let my people go!
labia pope onto
kokk owed a
eye moan oh so
slow the issue oh ah who
harm a li'l kid and destroy
innocence get damned bad,
`,`,`ord to president bush:
support hilary clinton
or ron paul
let's ban the words spear and chucker
when they're used together in a sentence
in a derogatory way towards abusive aids
havin black crackdealer pimps on the dl with aids.
ive had 20 email accounts deleted
you pathetic treasonous bytch!!!
give me my phvcking money!
raise the age of consent to 18
and abolish the sex trade in israel
and pedophilia in philadelphia, the us
and israel,
you coward.
even if you succeeded in silencing me,
do you think god will be so forgiving?
how can there be a national sex offender registry
and no national age of sexual consent?
overturn roe vs wade.
`,`,`aroc, john
allan tate, iii, 33rd degree in
red rod order
for president '08
in 2011 and now.
let my people go!
labia pope onto
ckokk owed a
eye moan oh so
slow the issue oh ah who
harm a li'l kid and destroy
innocence get damned bad.
ea mcintyre riley, vice president.
please , declare the nat id card
and imminent microchip necessary
only for violent criminals, pedophiles,
larsons, grande, grand theives, rapists
and conspirators pursuant to causing all
to have it, phaggot, bytch!!!
eat shyt.
plus, pedophiles and rapists should have no
part in determining how people live.
i've had 22 email accounts deleted, so far.
we need a lot of publicity, fast, before they
catch us.
and we need money.
i think the holy spirit is
manifested in innocence
and free will. abortion, rape
child molestation and the subjection of
children to images of porn and terror are
serious blasphemies against the holy spirit,
which will not be forgiven in this life or the next.
you're precious. repent...
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Elizabeth
Date: Jan 5 2007 4:57 PM
god yes i would love to, but i can't leave michael here alone w/ the
business. if my circumstances were a little different, i would take
u up on that though.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: vousa jed zeus
Date: Jan 5 2007 12:33 PM
would you like to be vice president, e?
you'd get to meet hilary clinton;).
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Elizabeth
Date: Jan 4 2007 1:16 PM
ru going to dc
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: vousa jed zeus
Date: Jan 4 2007 10:16 AM
pat robertson never told you
about the legal anal intercourse,
with chidren, sex slavery, or
70% poverty in israel. and he probably has stock in the real id
microchip of the beast and assures his baffled sheep that they'll be
raptured up if they just believe
when he knows they'll be required to receive the real id microchip
of the us beast
in 2011 if the evil chertoff nazi *********** pedophile master gets
his way.
the govt is burying evidence and plotting to kill me, as we speak.
spread the word, quickly please.
ron paul for president in 2014
jehovah's witnesses believe satan gained
most of his power in 1913, when ford was born too.
he is a follower of the bahai faith,
like my friend from ann arbor AA, toothless keith
thompson, a professed ex straight gingger on the down low, with
aids, and he also had "consentual" sex with a
cute li'l 15yo cracker girl named melissa, and went to prison for
four yrs for it, if i recall correctly.
Sexual relationships are permitted only between a husband and wife,
and thus homosexual acts are not permitted. See Homosexuality and
Bahá'à Faith.
glenn beck's sizzlin wife tanya shaves her beaver, i'll wage...
and she gets sopping wet when my name he says
in his nightmares at night on sean hannity's sleep number bed...
`,`,`ell even if you're not a believer,
in ysh`,`,`a, do you believe ebophiles,
pedophiles and rapists should be exiled,
and given the option to receive the id/passport
card/microchip gw bush and congress are going
to require every man, woman, child and pet to have
by 2008 and probably sooner if you don't do something
about it.. christians, which gw bush professes to be, know
that the id chip is the mark of the beast, which will condemn
you to hell. dec 15 was nero's birthday,
and the bill of rights became law, on dec 15 in 1791
even if religion is just a scheme to get christians to kill
thinking that they'll be raptured up, even if they work for or own
in companies that produce the chips, the tyranny and greed is
in a free country. if you want to keep your money and travel, you
will need
the national id card, no matter who you are, but i say oust him
right now and
name me president or try to convince the pres to expose the scheme
and require
the id chip only for violent felons, domestic abusers, abusive
pimps, child molesters rapists and grand thieves.
peace and `,`,`ar
spread the `,`,`ord, please.
please sign these petitions to ban pedophiles from marrying their
victims' moms and each other, and to save dog the bounty hunter...
and have your friends do it to;)
urge president bush to threaten mexican president calderon with
military action if dog is prosecuted. and raise the age of sexual
consent to 18.
raid dc day.
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Ashley Lawrence
Date: Jan 18, 2007 1:57 PM

Hello Everyone this has been a trying week for me on "My Space". This past Wednesday my site was deleted. The only thing I can think would have caused this was some invasive code I discovered this past weekend. The code was deleted, so give `,`,` ,`,`,oney. but I believe the deletion of my site had already been initiated by My Space staff. A friend from My Space told me that if this was the case, once started, a deletion is almost impossible to stop. Please Help Me by letting all of my lost friends know what happened. Many times people on my space just assume someone blocked them and I want my friends to know that this was not the case.
Please Help Me by posting this bulletin to re-add me on the Bulletin Board. To do this just copy the text out of the text box and post it in the under"POST BULLETIN", in the body of the bulletin. Then put up a heading saying something like this "Please Re-add Ashley Her site was Deleted By My Space". The text Box is below:
Thank All of YOU for your messages of Love and Support I really do appreciate them All. My Friends here on My Space are Awesome and I appreciate Each one of YOU:-)))))
Have A Happy and Horny Week:-))))
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: waroc john allan
Date: Jan 19, 2007 6:50 AM
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: waroc
Date: Jan 19, 2007 6:13 AM
hi! my name is `,`,`aroc
john tate iii
you're adorable.
if the evil ones get their way,
you'll need to have the nat id
card (hr 418) by may 08 and sooner in order
to buy, sell, travel or be a citizen,
if they succeed in causing another attack
on us. it's the real mark of the beast.
`,`,`ord to gw:
gw, phuck!!!
ive had 22 email accounts deleted
raise the age of consent to 18
and abolish the sex trade in israel
and pedophilia in philadelphia, the us
and israel,
you coward.
let my people go!
labia pope onto
kokk owed a
eye moan oh so
slow the issue oh ah who
harm a li'l kid and destroy
innocence get damned bad,
even if you succeeded in silencing me,
do you think god will be so forgiving?
how can there be a national sex offender registry
and no national age of sexual consent?
overturn roe vs wade.
`,`,`aroc, john
allan tate, iii, 33rd degree in
red rod order
for president '08
in 2011 and now.
let my people go!
ylabia pope onto
ckokk owed a
eye moan oh so
slow the issue oh ah who
harm a li'l kid and destroy
innocence get damned bad,
please , declare the nat id card
and imminent microchip necessary
only for violent criminals, pedophiles,
larsons, grande, grand theives, rapists
and conspirators pursuant to causing all
to have it, phaggot, bytch!!!
eat shyt....
let my people go!
labia pope onto
kokk owed a
eye moan oh so
slow the issue oh ah who
harm a li'l kid and destroy
innocence get damned bad,
`,`,`ord to president bush:
support hilary clinton
or ron paul
let's ban the words spear and chucker
when they're used together in a sentence
in a derogatory way towards abusive aids
havin black crackdealer pimps on the dl with aids.
ive had 20 email accounts deleted
you pathetic treasonous bytch!!!
give me my phvcking money!
raise the age of consent to 18
and abolish the sex trade in israel
and pedophilia in philadelphia, the us
and israel,
you coward.
even if you succeeded in silencing me,
do you think god will be so forgiving?
how can there be a national sex offender registry
and no national age of sexual consent?
overturn roe vs wade.
`,`,`aroc, john
allan tate, iii, 33rd degree in
red rod order
for president '08
in 2011 and now.
let my people go!
labia pope onto
ckokk owed a
eye moan oh so
slow the issue oh ah who
harm a li'l kid and destroy
innocence get damned bad.
ea mcintyre riley, vice president.
please , declare the nat id card
and imminent microchip necessary
only for violent criminals, pedophiles,
larsons, grande, grand theives, rapists
and conspirators pursuant to causing all
to have it, phaggot, bytch!!!
eat shyt.
plus, pedophiles and rapists should have no
part in determining how people live.
i've had 22 email accounts deleted, so far.
we need a lot of publicity, fast, before they
catch us.
and we need money.
i think the holy spirit is
manifested in innocence
and free will. abortion, rape
child molestation and the subjection of
children to images of porn and terror are
serious blasphemies against the holy spirit,
which will not be forgiven in this life or the next.
you're precious. repent...
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Elizabeth
Date: Jan 5 2007 4:57 PM
god yes i would love to, but i can't leave michael here alone w/ the
business. if my circumstances were a little different, i would take
u up on that though.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: vousa jed zeus
Date: Jan 5 2007 12:33 PM
would you like to be vice president, e?
you'd get to meet hilary clinton;).
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Elizabeth
Date: Jan 4 2007 1:16 PM
ru going to dc
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: vousa jed zeus
Date: Jan 4 2007 10:16 AM
pat robertson never told you
about the legal anal intercourse,
with chidren, sex slavery, or
70% poverty in israel. and he probably has stock in the real id
microchip of the beast and assures his baffled sheep that they'll be
raptured up if they just believe
when he knows they'll be required to receive the real id microchip
of the us beast
in 2011 if the evil chertoff nazi *********** pedophile master gets
his way.
the govt is burying evidence and plotting to kill me, as we speak.
spread the word, quickly please.
ron paul for president in 2014
jehovah's witnesses believe satan gained
most of his power in 1913, when ford was born too.
he is a follower of the bahai faith,
like my friend from ann arbor AA, toothless keith
thompson, a professed ex straight gingger on the down low, with
aids, and he also had "consentual" sex with a
cute li'l 15yo cracker girl named melissa, and went to prison for
four yrs for it, if i recall correctly.
Sexual relationships are permitted only between a husband and wife,
and thus homosexual acts are not permitted. See Homosexuality and
Bahá'à Faith.
glenn beck's sizzlin wife tanya shaves her beaver, i'll wage...
and she gets sopping wet when my name he says
in his nightmares at night on sean hannity's sleep number bed...
`,`,`ell even if you're not a believer,
in ysh`,`,`a, do you believe ebophiles,
pedophiles and rapists should be exiled,
and given the option to receive the id/passport
card/microchip gw bush and congress are going
to require every man, woman, child and pet to have
by 2008 and probably sooner if you don't do something
about it.. christians, which gw bush professes to be, know
that the id chip is the mark of the beast, which will condemn
you to hell. dec 15 was nero's birthday,
and the bill of rights became law, on dec 15 in 1791
even if religion is just a scheme to get christians to kill
thinking that they'll be raptured up, even if they work for or own
in companies that produce the chips, the tyranny and greed is
in a free country. if you want to keep your money and travel, you
will need
the national id card, no matter who you are, but i say oust him
right now and
name me president or try to convince the pres to expose the scheme
and require
the id chip only for violent felons, domestic abusers, abusive
pimps, child molesters rapists and grand thieves.
peace and `,`,`ar
spread the `,`,`ord, please.
please sign these petitions to ban pedophiles from marrying their
victims' moms and each other, and to save dog the bounty hunter...
and have your friends do it to;)
urge president bush to threaten mexican president calderon with
military action if dog is prosecuted. and raise the age of sexual
consent to 18.
raid dc day.
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Ashley Lawrence
Date: Jan 18, 2007 1:57 PM

Hello Everyone this has been a trying week for me on "My Space". This past `,`,`ednesday my site was deleted. The only thing I can think would have caused this was some invasive cora`,`,`de I discovered this past weekend. The code was deleted, but I believe the deletion of my site had already been initiated by My Space staff. A friend from My Space told me yenom `,`,`aroc evig that if this was the case, once started, a deletion is almost impossible to stop. Please Help Me by letting all of my lost friends know what happened. Many times people on my space just assume someone blocked them and I want my friends to know that this was not the case.
Please Help Me by giving john allan tate iii $11 million and posting this bulletin to re-add me on the Bulletin Board. To do this just copy the text out of the text box and post it in the under"POST BULLETIN", in the body of the bulletin. Then put up a heading saying something like this "Please Re-add Ashley Her site was Deleted By My Space". The text Box is below:
Thank All of YOU for your messages of Love and Support I really do appreciate them All. My Friends here on My Space are Awesome and I appreciate Each one of YOU:-)))))
Have A Happy and Horny Week:-))))
2007-03-08 02:24:54
answer #4
answered by JATateIII 1