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Is iran realy makin nuke bombs, or is just a lie 2 justify a nthr war 4 oil and contrl over the middle east.
i personly believe Iran has every rite to peacful nuke power, plus they have singd the N.P.T. which isreal hasnt and has admited 2 having a large nuke arsenal

2007-03-08 01:55:02 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

20 answers

Firstly, contrary to popular Western propaganda Iran has never stated that it wants to wipe Israel off the map. That was a mistranslation. I have spoken with several iranians who I work with about this and they confirm this even though they are against the regime in Iran.

The US will attack Iran because they have have to stop Iran selling its oil in Euros much like the US had to stop Saddam doing the same and will probably try to stop Chavez before he tries to do it too.

2007-03-08 02:20:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I would prefer to see a diplomatic solution to the question of Iran. I doubt it will happen, though.
I suspect that the US will not invade Iran. I don't think it will be necessary. The Iranian people in general are not in step with much of the govenerment is doing there.
I was present in Iran when the threat against Israel was made. I heard it and know it to be a fact in spite of what others may claim.
Iran is a signatory of the NPT. As such they should not make attempts to obtain nuclear weaponry. If they do make the attempt then they are in violation of that treaty and therefore can not be trusted with such technology,
Israel, on the other hand has displayed restraint and a level of responsibility with nuclear weaponry and as such (especially in light of the afore mentioned threats) has every right to nuclear weaponry. At least Israel did not sigh the NTP and then violate it.
I personally do not see any problem with a responsible country obtaining nuclear weaponry. It is the countries that have unstable or radical governments that concern me.
If I were to speculate, I would say that if Iran is found to be developing nuclear weaponry, they will be attacked by surgical conventional strikes from Israel, or the US or possibly both.
Just last week Quatar stated that they would grant Israeli aircraft safe passge through their airspace if it became necessary to attack nuclear weapon sites in Iran. This from an Arabic country? Don't tell me they don't perceive a threat from Iran.
If Iran succeeds in developing a nuclear weapon, they would be well advised not to use it. Because if they do, they will be totally wiped off the face of the planet (figuratively speaking). I would not be surprised if the Russians joined the party, and then moved in afterwards to take over. They might even welcome the chance. I travel to Yekaterinburg and Moscow regularly. Russia and the US are a lot more alike than most people can imagine or would like to admit.

2007-03-08 23:54:17 · answer #2 · answered by sparc77 7 · 0 1

Not without resonable cause and no... simple. (Or is it)

Israel has a nuclear capability as a deterrant (same as the uk/usa), and as a soverign nation designated by the United Nations is has an inherant right of self defence. Should any rogue state, Iran or any other want to 'wipe it off the map' Israel would (and should) retaliate.
Iran too has the same right of self defence, however if it is found that Iran are secretly helping insurgents in Iraq & Afghanistan then the option to strike on Iran should be there.

Im guessing the plans have been on the table for some time now, and with high tempo operations in both Iraq and Afghanistan both the UK and the USA have the assets in place to mount small scale ops against Iran.

Iran must be made aware that they should and will have to comply with UN resolutions with regard to Nuclear technology, and if they disregard these resolutions then they will have to pay the price through sanctions and military might.

2007-03-08 05:11:58 · answer #3 · answered by Ian P 2 · 1 1

sure i could feel free I supported Israel no count number what. what's sweet is sweet no count number if it extremely is on your selfish activity or no longer. it extremely is that variety of cowardliness that allowed the Holocaust interior the first position. besides I infrequently ever imagine of that the Russians are going to flow out on a limb for Iran on an ideological starting place. Russia helps Iran because of the very truth Iran is a good looking good client and it makes low-funds journey for Russia to help Iran. Russia also likes that Iran is an trouble to the u . s . a .. If Russia the position to nuke the u . s . a . it does no longer help them economically, it may damage them as a lot as each body else. besides Russia also supported Iraq contained in the previous the conflict and we ain't been nuked yet.

2016-12-05 10:03:37 · answer #4 · answered by kuebler 4 · 0 0

PEACEFUL nuclear weapon??? Yeah I would think that the Iranians are making nuclear weapons because that is the only reason why they would have a breeder nuclear reactor. As for signing the NPT, it is merely a signature. I dont trust Iran enough to honor their word on a piece of paper. They have sold weapons to terriorist groups like the Hezbollah. What is stopping them from shipping a nuclear weapon under the table to time. Should Israel be disarmed of it's nuclear arsenal. No I dont think so. They have never wanted to destroy the Arab nations around them, and they just want their right to exist. You have to believe if given a chance, all the Arab nations would unit and wipe Israel off the face of the Earth in an instant. Also, I dont care if Israel hasnt signed the NPT. They are a firm ally of the West, and they need US weaponary. They have no reason to ship their nukes to people that will attack Americans. Should the US go to wa with Iran. I think they absolutely should if Iran continues to refuse to disarm. Get out of Iraq, which is a pointless war, and attack a country who has publicly stated to hate the west and wants Israel off the face of the Earth. Attack them before they have full nuclear capability and actually have a meaningful war instead of the pointless one in Iraq.

2007-03-08 03:30:29 · answer #5 · answered by PackLover 2 · 1 1

I think Iran, is making Nukes,

It was broadcast all over the world that Iran wanted to wipe Israel and the West off the map. Then a few weeks later, they are suddenly developing Enriched Uranium for 'peaceful processes'

It is only a matter of time before we are at war with Iran. I

The difference being between Iran and Iraq, is that the UN has placed in Iran under sanctions and are set to increase.

If we leave Iraq, it leaves the door wide open for Iran, because atm Iraq is weak and not able to defend itself fully.
and while we are there we have a stronghold incase something does happen.

2007-03-08 02:03:53 · answer #6 · answered by falconson5000 3 · 1 2

No we should do every thing we can not to go to war. Look at what is happening in North Korea right now. Developing nuclear weapons is costly and does nothing for the economy of the nation. Iran and Korea only need reasonable incentives and assurances to get them to rededicate the money they currently put into weapon research, into fostering a strong peaceful economy.

2007-03-08 02:07:12 · answer #7 · answered by Ernie 4 · 1 0

If we play our diplomatic cards right, we might can bankrupt them before they complete their nuclear program. I doubt it however when everything we do is undercut by either China or Russia. Nuclear power would be a valuable asset in the middle east to take away some of the heavy reliance on oil exports that most of these countries need. However, not at the cost of a nuke going off in downtown Tel-Aviv, Washington, London, and really any country. We should not go to war with Iran unless they progress to producing nuclear arms. Israel shouldn't be disarmed either, as they are a minority in a region were everyone hates them and wants to kill them.

2007-03-08 02:05:39 · answer #8 · answered by Nicholas P 3 · 1 2

So the US can lose another war because there not doing so fuking good in Iraq. They are getting rightfully wooped yet again (just like in vietnam). And not only should Isreal get rid of there nukes, so should the rest of the world including the UK ( they give it all about Irans primative capabilities, but we're upgrading our tridents. I guess bombs with a 15 mile destructive radius isin't good enough for us). What a sorry state this worlds in.

2007-03-08 02:18:21 · answer #9 · answered by Killthrust 2 · 1 2

No , yes...
There is absolutely no reason for a war with Iran.Iran has signed the NNPT and as there is no proof that Iran is building nukes, they are not doing anything illegal...
As for Israel ,well they didn't admitted that they have nukes...Sure Olmert said last year that "Iranians were aspiring to have nuclear weapons as America, France, ISRAEL, Russia"...but as everyone said ,he was misunderstood...

2007-03-08 18:41:40 · answer #10 · answered by Tinkerbell05 6 · 1 1

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