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One of your representatives visited me and told me that you write your time down that you spend talking to non Witnesses and send it to the Watchtower monthly.If you think that is part of the Salvation process,please show me where this is in the King James Bible.Scripture and verse please.

2007-03-08 01:52:58 · 13 answers · asked by JR 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

To dsf s:Scripture and verse,please.

2007-03-08 02:01:19 · update #1

To CHRISTINA:That is not an answer to my question.Try again.

2007-03-08 02:07:20 · update #2

To Abdijah:Here is your quote:"This is not a Scriptural Requirement".So,are you doing things that are not scriptural?Accept Jesus as your Saviour.

2007-03-08 02:09:26 · update #3

To tina;We are not discussing that here.Reread my question.

2007-03-08 03:16:18 · update #4

13 answers

JW's believe that they achieve the "heaven on earth" if they have good works. It's totally against the Bible. Faith through works is in the Bible but they take it totally out of context. Study that religion out and you find huge holes that cant be answered!

2007-03-08 02:02:20 · answer #1 · answered by DSQ 2 · 3 5

Why did the King James Bible translators,who were imperfect men, only put in the name of Jehovah a few times and everywhere else, they put LORD?
Why did they add words to scriptures in the King James Version, (which is only an imperfect King's version by the way) in order to support their false trinity doctrine, such as 1 John 5:7? The latter portion of this verse does not appear in the earliest known manuscripts. It was added to suit the beliefs of those translating it.

2007-03-08 13:18:35 · answer #2 · answered by Micah 6 · 0 1

Its been over twenty years I was in the witnesses, but you might want to ask why so many other churches agree with them? Perhaps not about the second "presence" (or "coming" as it is changed to say in many Bibles) of Christ, but they do agree that the signs of the last days did begin with WWI. The question to ask is, if the president cannot be found in the Bible, how did the JWs know nearly twenty years before that this would take place beginning in 1914. I remember arguing this point with some Pentecostals at work. They acknowledge that WWI was the beginning of the signs of the last days, but that it only symbolize that Christ was on the way, or coming, and not present.

So, did the signs begin in 1914 or not. If not, than every religion that believes that is wrong, which included every major religion.

Sunday, on the Discovery Channel, on a program about last day beliefs, Ted Haggard, the head of the national evangelists group preached that WWI was the start of the signs of the last days. So, play with the number all you want, but the fact is that nearly every Christian religion, if not all of them also says the same thing. The only difference is they reject the part that these are also the signs of the second presence of Christ. In the King James, the word translated as "COMING" is translated as presence in every instance except where it refers to the second PRESENCE. There it is changed to COMING.

So, if the witnesses didn't have a scripture to back them up in calculating the start of WWI, than how did they know it would take place in 1914, 20 years before? And, are you willing to say all religions are wrong on this matter, that we are not in the last days, and may be decades, and even hundreds of years from the time of the end?

Owning an Interlinear Greek Translation of the New Testament, bought at any Bible Book Store, comes in handy.

2007-03-08 11:48:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Of course, requiring them to show you in the King James version of the bible would be like me asking you where in the King James version of the bible does it say that the King James version of the bible is the only version that is reliable. That is the whole problem with all these different Christian denominations, fellowships, churches, sects, and variations. They all teach something a little different from the next one. Get enough differences and you have wide schisms of belief. The difference between an American Evangelical Christian and an Ethiopian Coptic Christian is so wide that it is hard to say they are even related to each other with the name Christian. There are Christian sects around the world that look more like Judaism than anything else. It is the narrow minded view of a few people that call themselves Christian that affect the rest of the worlds general view, and dislike of the Christian religion.

2007-03-08 10:06:08 · answer #4 · answered by ? 6 · 3 1

Good question. Nowhere in the Bible or the New World Translation will you find information on counting time in field service. And yes, to much of their denial, Jehovah's Witnesses do believe that these "works" are the basis for their salvation. Check out the following video....

2007-03-08 10:52:34 · answer #5 · answered by softfuzzyrabbit 2 · 2 1

This is not a Scriptural Requirement, although there are Scriptural precedents; rather, it is an organizational tool.

These reports serve several beneficial purposes. They help us see where more help is needed, and they help our spiritual shepherds see where the different members of the congregation need help. (Acts 20:28; Proverbs 27:23)

Notice what the book Organized to Do Jehovah’s Will says: “Early followers of Jesus Christ took an interest in reports of progress in the preaching work. (Mark 6:30) The Bible book of Acts tells us that there were about 120 persons present when holy spirit was poured out on the disciples at Pentecost. Soon the number of disciples grew to 3,000 and then to 5,000. . . . (Acts 1:15; 2:5-11, 41, 47; 4:4; 6:7) What fine encouragement the news of these increases must have brought to the disciples!” For the same reason, Jehovah’s Witnesses today endeavor to keep accurate records of what is accomplished worldwide in fulfillment of Jesus’ words: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14) Such reports provide a realistic picture of what is done in the world field. They show where help is needed and which kind of literature and how much of it is required to advance the preaching work.

Thus, reporting our preaching activity enables us to carry out our commission to preach the Kingdom good news more effectively. Besides, are we not encouraged when we hear about the work that our brothers are doing in other parts of the world? News of growth and expansion earth wide fills us with joy, moves us to greater activity, and assures us of Jehovah’s blessing. And how gratifying to know that our personal report is included in that worldwide report! Ours is small in comparison with the grand total, but it does not go unnoticed by Jehovah. (Mark 12:42, 43) Remember, without your report, the overall report would be incomplete.

ADDED: It is not a Scriptural REQUIREMENT, as stated, but your partial quote of what I said is misleading. I went on to say that "there are Scriptural precedents" and then presented Scriptural backing for it.

There is NOTHING in Scripture prohibiting this, so IT IS NOT UNSCRIPTURAL!

2007-03-08 10:04:12 · answer #6 · answered by Abdijah 7 · 4 4

I thought you were referring to the creation days of Genesis which are probably 7,000 years long. This is the re-creation time Jesus spoke of at Matthew 19:28.

However Proverbs 8:22-31 refers to the prehuman Jesus and verse 27b) when he decreed a CIRCLE upon the face of the watery deep.....which coincides with;

Genesis 1:2 Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of the WATERY DEEP,...OVER THE SURFACE OF THE WATERS.

Genesis 9:11 Yes, I do establish my covenant with you; No MORE will all flesh be cut off by waters of a deluge, and no more will ther occur a deluge to bring the earth to ruin.

Those two scriptures refer to the same time period. We can see that before this time there was productive land, and science today proves that there was vegetation before the re-creation as all our oil and gas are fossil fuels.

This leads to the GAP theory which is another subject.

When was the war of Rev.12:7-9.??

In Job Satan entered heaven; Job 1:6.

Matthew 6:9 Jesus says;'Let your will take place on earth, as it ...IS... in heaven." Jesus said this after that war, or else God's will would not be being done in heaven.

So the war was before Jesus was born. We can see in Rev. where the dragon keeps on persecuting the woman, (The Jerusalem above, our mother, Gal.4:26) which means any angel from heaven on God's side. He went off to war with the seed of the woman which is true Christians.

Isaiah 14:12-20 speaks of Satan being thrown to earth and refers to his conduct in GAP time. Also Ezekiel 28:11-16 when he was in the first Garden of Eden. By the second garden of Eden he was already corrupted.

GAP theory leads to many questions, for example, Satan turned many perfect people in the first Paradise to his side. They battled and took prisoners. No doubt the prisoners were faithful ones. What did God do with these before the deluge, since they were perfect did he give them angel bodies? Are the imperfect children of the rebels going to be resurrected at the end of the 1,000 years? And how many of these bought from the earth will be part of the 144,00 new government? Daniel 2:44. Rev.14:3. God has kept many secrets, and the key is to be faithful, and find out many answers later.

AS far as the great tribulation, no one knows the day and hour, except God, so He is counting time.

2007-03-08 10:58:43 · answer #7 · answered by tina 3 · 1 3

They count the time talking to non witnesses as service to God. Pioneers have to put 60 hrs of service in a month I think. They tend to praise people who put in a lot of hours of service, which makes busy people that can only put in 10 hours of service a month feel like dirt bags. I think it is intimidation. This is their own idea, and doesn't come from the bible. When I divorced the Jehovah's Witnesses (who have "witnessed" nothing), I requested all records of my Baptism and hours of service, be removed from thier records, as I had been taught. I am no longer counted among thier ranks. In Revelation, John saw a great crowd that no man was able to number, coming out of the great tribulation, as opposed to going into it. It will be numbered, and counted, organized religion, that will now be going into the great tribulation. (The great crowd are not part of org. rel..)

2007-03-08 10:31:31 · answer #8 · answered by Lukusmcain// 7 · 2 1

The premise of this question is incorrect.

Neither "elders" nor the Jehovah's Witness religion actually requires individual Witnesses to report their ministry each month, although they do encourage such reports. The Scriptural pattern is actually quite easy to demonstrate:

(Mark 6:7,11,12,30) [Jesus] summoned the twelve, and he initiated sending them out two by two... [Jesus said] wherever a place will not receive you nor hear you, on going out from there shake off the dirt that is beneath your feet for a witness to them.” So they set out and preached in order that people might repent... And the apostles gathered together before Jesus and reported to him all the things they had done

(Luke 9:1,2,10) [Jesus] called the twelve together... And so he sent them forth to preach the kingdom of God... And when the apostles returned they recounted to him what things they had done.

In many lands, governmental agencies grant certain privileges for full-time ministers (such as exemption from military conscription). When Jehovah's Witnesses define and publish their qualifications for full-time ministers (or "pioneers"), they do not pretend that there is some Scriptural need to do so. Jehovah's Witnesses consider each individual's personal report to be confidential, so continued appointment as a "pioneer" may be the only objective indication that a Witness is actually serving "full-time".

Incidentally, this so-called "questioner" has repeatedly demonstrated her intention to select a sycophantic reiteration of her anti-Witness innuendo, rather than an answer which actually shares insight on the "question".

2007-03-08 10:23:40 · answer #9 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 3 4

Can you show me where the word "trinity" is in ANY bible?
Or can you show me where the bible says we have to take a shower every day? Or where the bible tells you to go to high-school? Or use an umbrella when it rains?
Abdijah answered your question beautifully.
The bible has principles for us to follow. Example - in the old testament, god had rules set up for them to remain clean. Don't touch dead bodies, go to the bathroom outside of camp, etc...and we know his followers are to "clean and holy" therefor, common sense aside, we are going to try to be clean people that take showers everyday.
So, 1 Corinthians 14:40 - let all things take place decently and by arrangement. - gives us a principle to follow. Matt. 28:19,20 shows a commandment from Jesus himself. So seeing that we are to be organized and make disciples at the same time - it only makes sense that since it is a requirement to make disciples, that our organization would want to make sure everyone is doing it. Try to give encouragement and counsel to those that aren't.
So why are you picking on JW's this morning?

2007-03-08 10:05:55 · answer #10 · answered by CHRISTINA 4 · 5 4

The crisis of formulas is 'salvation from works'. The heart is irrelevant, only if you 'do' God's work. Love is the glue of success.

2007-03-08 10:14:55 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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