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Last night my 9 yr old woke up at 2 am screaming 4 me. I went to her she told me there were ghosts and demons in her room She said one of them told her if she looked under her sheets she would see Jesus. She looked but saw a woman screeming instead. She told me at school kids talked about "bloody mary". I tried to calm her down but couldn't had her sleep w/me but she kept screaming & her heart was beating fast. She said snakes were on her and bugs in her bed. She wouldn't close her eyes. Of course she started to scare me 6 yr old and I was getting a bit scared. She was acting like she was on drugs. This went on all night long nobody went back to sleep. Nothing would calm her down. Soon everything she saw turned scary to her. I had all the lights on in the house but she could still see these things. She showed me a scratch on her arm (fresh) she said one of them tried to bit her.

Please, i beg someone help us!

she goes 2 catholic school & watches no scary movies.

2007-03-08 01:34:07 · 26 answers · asked by 2shay 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

26 answers

I have a 10 year old daughter who is terrified to sleep alone.
I took her to a psychiatrist and we learned alto of tricks to help her nighttime anxiety. I keep a CD player on for her with the sounds of water and streams. We have also played classical music. My daughter keeps a small photo album beside her bed, that she helped make with her favorite pics. When she gets scared she can look at them. She made a feeling box that is on her nightstand with a tablet and a pencil. When she gets scared she can write her fear on the paper and lock it in the box. Obviously she sleeps with a strong nightlight. You need to talk to her about your fears and encourage her to open up about her fears. Talking about it and knowing someone understands will help. My daughter also goes to catholic school and I do believe sometimes religion can be very scary for children. The realization of death and consequences. A lot of kids at my daughters school talk about ghosts as kids will do, and some children are just overly sensitive to that. I wish you the best of luck with her.

2007-03-08 03:39:31 · answer #1 · answered by cris b 1 · 1 0

Since, you send you child to a Catholic school I assume you are a believer. So, I say PRAY really hard and then listen for an answer. In the mean time get to a psychatrist or other type of specialist for children's mental health, maybe at counselor her school. Do this ASAP. Take off work if you need to. There are a number of situations that traumatize people, children just have a harder time understanding and/or explaining what is troubling them. So, a specialist will find this out for you. Until then just comfort her as much as possible. I'm sorry to hear this is happening and disrupting your family's sleep. I hope things improve.
God Bless You

2007-03-08 11:20:12 · answer #2 · answered by xtraluvly03 3 · 3 0

First, let me say that 9 year olds have vivid imaginations. She could be 'sensitive' to ghosts and doesn't understand why she is seeing and hearing things.

Has she been taking Tamiflu prescribed by the doctor within the last month? This medicine can cause hallucinations in children. I had a friend whose little boy experienced hallucinations from taking this medicine. They did last for a while even after the medication was stopped.

Is there a history of mental illness in the family? She could be showing signs of this.

Is she sick and running fever? This can cause hallucinations.

Does she get enough attention from you?

Just a few possibilities....

2007-03-08 09:47:17 · answer #3 · answered by Soul Shaper 5 · 2 0

Oh christ!! Whats wrong you people!! (answers people) everything is solved with drugs or doctors....shezz!

Ignor them.
Scary movies MAY have something to do with it, but at her age...seems unlikely... Open your mind for a minute here...Have you yourself had any "Ghost" type things happen in your house since you moved in there?
I can't say for sure what is happening, but I DO know that your daughter does not have a mental problem. It could be the movies she saw, OR it could be an actuall ghost.
Keep your mind open, and investagate it. Start by getting her off the Scary movie trend, and see if the nightmares continue. Also (important point) When your daughter has these night mares, have her discribe them to you and see if they compare to any movie she might have seen lately.
If nothng she discribes is movie related, you might just have a ghost in your house. It;s not uncommin.
I would like to follow up on this, So please keep me posted.

2007-03-08 10:00:21 · answer #4 · answered by Mike E 3 · 1 0

I watch a lot of horror movies and yeah that is freaky, but I have cousin that said little people were coming out of the walls and trying to kill her, her parents actually thought that she was possessed, but now as an adult she has been diagnosed as schizophrenic, but I would bring my daughter into my bedroom. another thing about my cousin they put her in a clinic in Southern Indiana, a real old place, when she walked in she said this place is evil and she said demons were after her. she was medicated and released but still swore the place was messed up. she had another relapse because she didn't take her medication and when she was being put back in a place she begged not to go to the same place, look at that one movie I forget the title it had Hallie Berry in it about the pshyc. hospital that was haunted and people thought she just needed more meds. look at the people that see dead people, I don't know but you can't just ignore it, you didn't say if you live in an old house that could be haunted. About the drugs have her tested maybe someone slipped her something. I wish you luck with this.

2007-03-08 09:46:39 · answer #5 · answered by kissybertha 6 · 2 0

Time for the talk about scary things.....whats real and whats not....especially scary movies and stories......I had a talk with my Grand daughter when she used to almost do the same and would not sleep unless the light is on....we watched some shows that showed how they made scary movies...and read goose bump books and explained to her that stories were how some people entertained themselves.
There's nothing that can hurt her...it's all fantasy....you may try to watch a funny cartoon before bed time so that will the last thing she remembers before bed time...and talk about it and laugh about it as she is getting ready for bed.

2007-03-08 09:45:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Have a conference with either her teacher and/or the father in charge. See if they have someone who can talk to her to find out whats troubling her. Or maybe you can set up an appointment for counseling, it will be private and confidential. Maybe she is just having a vivid imagination or scary dreams. Or maybe she just wants the lights on. Try to see if you can get the specialized nightlights for kids her age. Good luck. I hope you and your family get rest soon and that your daughter will be okay

2007-03-08 10:41:04 · answer #7 · answered by Support Breast Cancer Research 4 · 1 0

1) she had a very bad dream and probably scratched herself without realizing it. From the sounds of it, she was experiencing "night terrors" and probably wasn't truly awake even though you thought she was. Contact her pediatrician if this continues.
2) catholic school doesn't mean she's sheltered - especially if her friends were telling her stories about "bloody mary". Chances are, that's not the only story she's hearing....but she needs to realize they are just STORIES.
3) You need to assure her that Jesus is her protector and there is NOTHING to be afraid of as long as she keeps her eyes on Him.

2007-03-08 09:53:26 · answer #8 · answered by Romans 8:28 5 · 1 0

If this is not the first time this has happened then I beg YOU to get her some help. It could be nothing, however, it could be something very serious. You won't know unless you take her to a professional.

Also inform the school of this. They should have counselors on site.

2007-03-08 10:57:04 · answer #9 · answered by Goober W 4 · 1 0

I would definitely seek some professional help for your daughter. Try Boys Town National Hotline, they are very helpful and can put you in contact with people who can help. She may just be reacting to what the kids at school are talking about, but it could be something more serious. Good luck, I hope she is o.k.

2007-03-08 09:42:03 · answer #10 · answered by missweber1 1 · 1 0

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