What ever you can afford to pay in cash. Do NOT go into debt for this, do not take out a loan, and do not put this on credit. Whatever you can reasonably afford is what is best. If you can afford a lot and wish to spend that sort of cash then do so. If you can't afford a lot then buy something small.
Either way she will love it. You picked it out special for her, and are giving it with all the love in you body. That is what is important.
I didn't have an engagement ring for years, we just couldn't afford it. Now, this April will be our 7 yr anniversary and I just got an engagement ring. It's not the biggest or the best, but it is just right for me.
2007-03-07 17:03:16
answer #1
answered by Poppet 7
The average price is around $800. Don't believe the hype about spending two or three months' salary. Spend what you can afford comfortably, without going into debt. A mature woman will realize the symbolism of the ring, and the price of it won't matter a whit. She will appreciate that it came from you, and that you chose it.
2007-03-07 21:49:38
answer #2
answered by Lydia 7
My husband got me a custom made engagement ring for 200 dollars. He thought really hard about it, and even got our birthstones set into the side of the ring. I thought it was very romantic.
2007-03-07 18:00:00
answer #3
answered by insomniacprincess2002 2
usually engagement rings cost about $2000 but if you are looking to buy a set which includes the wedding band can cost close to $8000. Make sure you research and understand clearly the 3C's of diamond buying; cut, clarity, and color. The tradeoff for a larger diamond would be that it is more yellow in color or has more noticeable flaws.
While you are shopping around, don't be afraid to ask the stores when they will have their next sale-most salespeople would not mind telling you if you are interested in their products.
Most people would tell you not to go in debt for an engagement ring but there are certain circumstances that I think are okay. Some jewelery stores have their own credit card which for the 1st year after signing up, there is 0% interest rate; meaning if you buy a ring for $5000 and is charged on their credit card- you have approx. 365 days to pay it off....without interest...you should only consider this if you know you can do it. If it passes a year and you still have an amount owed, the credit company starts adding interest not on the amount owed but the ENTIRE amount the purchase was...which is where usual people get confused and fall in debt. Otherwise, spend what you can afford!!!! That is the most logical way to do it.
Sometimes it doesn't matter how much you spend, but the thought of you buying and planning something for her will be special enough!!!
2007-03-07 20:31:07
answer #4
answered by *purplelicious* 3
I just got mine, me and my now fiance, had been shopping for quite some time. He ended up spending 6K, and the ring is amazing. I ve seen people get 10-15 K rings, which I think is overboard. It doesn't matter what u pay, as long as u get a nice diamond, research the 4C's before you go out there, go to google.... and stay away from chain stores (Kays, Zales, etc) try to go to a jewelry exchange, but make sure you know ur stuff before u get there... cause believe me its dangerous out there...
2007-03-07 17:16:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Usually over a grand is the norm unless you get a great deal or hit a super sale the main thing is that you get something that shows it is from you and you have thought of what she would like. Some guys will go looking with the GF I believe to
make it a surprise if you go looking she is expecting it. Find it yourself and make a romantic night of it one thing you must do the down on one knee it is a must it basically is the crowing glory to a women when she is getting proposed to.
2007-03-07 17:01:14
answer #6
answered by Livinrawguy 7
if the girl really loves you, it won't matter if your ring costs $50 or $5000. Don't be cheap, but don't drown in debt because of it. Marriages do not last any longer if the ring costs more or less. A ring is not a marriage.. a marriage is what's inside the hearts of those two people who choose to uphold their partnership.
2007-03-07 17:13:24
answer #7
answered by green sky means run 4
Its however much you can afford without going into debt.
2007-03-08 02:55:38
answer #8
answered by Terri 7
Back in the 'old days' the future husband, would spend a months wage on the engagement ring
2007-03-07 17:02:03
answer #9
answered by MissMads 1
my fiance got my ring for $500, and it looks beautiful. i couldn't ask for a more perfect ring.
this is the site he got it from. good luck!
2007-03-07 17:09:27
answer #10
answered by one70six 1