I want to go on medication, preferably Zoloft. I am bingeing and purging out of control again. The last time I saw the doctor, that was what he prescribed. If I go to the doctor, and get the prescription, will there be any way my mom will find out? I'm under my mom's insurance, but I'm also 21 and in college. I do not want her to know. Will they send her a letter of any kind? Will she get any paperwork if I make an appointment to see the doctor?
Thank you very much.
14 answers
asked by
➔ Mental Health
I cannot go to the doctor on campus. Last year, I got really sick...and was forced to go on medical leave. It won't look very good if I go there this semester. I can't afford to take a semester off again. I am planning to go off campus downtown to make an appointment.
16:09:42 ·
update #1
To a person who responded. I would like counseling as well, but once again, that is not possible. I cannot afford it off campus. And I can't get it on campus because of what happened last year.
16:11:03 ·
update #2
You're over 18, so you're entitled to medical confidentiality. It would be illegal for the doctor, the medical center, or the pharmacy to tell anyone what you came in for, what you told the doctor, what you were diagnosed with, or what medication you prescribed, unless they have written permission from you or a court order.
But that doesn't necessarily mean your insurance information can't be available to the person paying the insurance bill. I don't know for sure how your insurance works, but my guess is that she'll get a bill from the insurance company for a doctor's visit and a prescription, but it won't say what the prescription was for. She definitely can't find out why you went to the doctor, and I would be very surprised if she can find out what medication you were prescribed.
I suggest you go ahead and go to the doctor, and if your mom does get an insurance bill for a doctor's visit and a prescription, just tell her you had strep throat or something, and the doctor gave you antibiotics.
Do you know what company your insurance is through? Persumably you have some information on it to give to the pharmacy when you pick up the prescription. So if you're worried about it, you can always call the insurance company and ask exactly what they send to the policy holder when a dependent on their policy visits a doctor or fills a prescription.
You absolutely can go to the medical center on campus. They're not goint to force you to take another medical leave just because you've been sicker than this in the past. If they were going to send away anyone came into the health center, there would be no reason for it to exist in the first place. You're definitely allowed to stay in school even if you have some problems that aren't 100% under control, and need counseling and/or meds to deal with them. They won't kick you out of school for that, even if you've had a forced medical leave in the past. You shouldn't ever be afraid to go to the campus medical center for help, and any school that gives you the impression you need to be, well, the profanity filters won't let me say what I think of places like that, but that's really crap, and they shouldn't be doing that.
2007-03-07 16:17:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
2016-05-28 15:20:26
answer #2
answered by ? 3
2016-12-25 22:39:07
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
i'm 13, my mom handed 2 years in the past. all of us omit her oh plenty, and mothers day nonetheless isn't in all probability an identical. Your mom jogs my memory of my mom, too. I omit her plenty and that i'm the oldest of four little ones. I undertaking approximately my 7 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous brother (replaced into 5 on the time) will overlook her. My dad reemarried final 3 hundred and sixty 5 days, yet my mom is with me continuously. by no potential permit her slip from memory, and remmber, you in many situations have human beings praying for you. Bye S.
2016-10-17 13:12:03
answer #4
answered by ? 4
I suggest you start to do some intelligent thinking here. First, to hide it is making your problem worse. You need to get some counseling, pills aren't the answer, do you understand that? You need to get to the root of the problem by talking to a counselor and working out your problems, not medicating yourself. And yes, if you are on her insurance, it will show in the paperwork. So be honest and be a mature adult, you are 21 and need to face your problems not run from them like a child.
2007-03-07 16:08:35
answer #5
answered by MadforMAC 7
Forget anything you have ever been told about Diabetes.
And get this - it has nothing to do with insulin, exercise, diet or anything else you've heard in the past. It's all based on latest breakthrough research that Big Pharma is going Stir Crazy to hide from you.
Visit here : https://tr.im/ANr6l to find out what all the fuss is about.
2016-05-01 04:16:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
2017-03-01 05:31:41
answer #7
answered by ? 3
2017-02-09 02:18:59
answer #8
answered by gearheart 4
2017-02-09 01:43:09
answer #9
answered by ? 3
She won't unless you tell her. She may know you're on something, but it's against the law for the doctor or pharmacy to tell her since you are an adult.
2007-03-07 20:27:50
answer #10
answered by fiVe 6