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do you call yourself a beliver/christian yet you sometimes find yourself questioning faith?why?

2007-03-07 14:24:31 · 12 answers · asked by Chiko 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

I am a born again spirit filled Christian, & I talk to Jesus every day.

If I doubted God in the past, I feel awful. Then I repent and remember the verse. Without faith it is impossible to please God. For those who come to God, must believe that God Is, and is a rewarder to those who diligently seek Him.

2007-03-07 14:51:55 · answer #1 · answered by t a m i l 6 · 0 0

First of, I know Jesus. Him and his brother Juan take care of the lawn.

But seriously. I do not question faith. I do however question the basis for for beliefs in all religions, including my own, Christianity. I don't believe any religion has the whole picture right. It can't, because humans can never understand it all. We were never meant to. I also think many thing an over thought. More often than not, it is the simple interpretation that makes the most sense.

I think it is our duty to question religious interpretations. It allows us to explore, question, and through the process, LEARN!

2007-03-07 22:38:26 · answer #2 · answered by B H 3 · 0 0

Yes we know Jesus as the son of Mary.Mary is the daughter of Imran prophet.Mary is the sister of Aaron/Harun and Moses.Jesus has no father.Therre are many religion followers and unbelievers who questioning faith.They do not believe in God.This situation is the same with the people in the era of Abraham,Moses,Jesus and Muhammad pbuh prophet.The people in that era wanted to know the evidence or proof that Allah the only one God exist.We can not see the God but the strong faith people will know the God's existence by seeing His creation that is this universe,this earth,skies,
,sun.moon,stars,wind,clouds,animal,humans,trees etc..These could not be existed without God'creation and without God's regulation.In the old era Moses asked the apperance of God but Moses could not see God because he was unconsious after he saw a very bright light.

2007-03-07 22:57:33 · answer #3 · answered by ? 7 · 0 1

Most of the time, people are born in religion, and they did not receive his religion it due to faith. Usually, Jesus is told as human being to make the little heads to understand about GOD.
Now u take him as u r because , u do not understand big things as u must be spoon fed. Once u r grown up having developed understanding, look at his ways carefully and meaningfully. It is almighty, the Lord of Lords,when wanted to spread some message among mankind, who r brutes(we) always.
He chooses his way into the mankind.. Mankind always live by instincts, (animal inside ) and they have least respect for good qualities.(God knows it closely)
For, people can live without good qualities. Hence, they never bother to develop good qualities..Now, entry of God into this world, disturbs heavily, the people of instincts.They found themselves, at inconvinience, hence, they ususally eliminated every good man. for he did not fit into the community,causing too much waves in minds of brutes..
Now, people starts asking whey jesus was killed, and why did not he resist when he is God?, where were his powers etc. Jesus came in the shape of swan, hence he died in the hands of eagles. Similary, God created invincible warriors, in whose hands, every body died, and trembled to take even a breathe.. It is another message ,God sent.
His messages must be looked at meaningfully.
when. God sent a swan, it will never eat meat. That is rule position. These r all questions of childlren. Asking whether 2 plus 2 is four or not etc. The question has to be understood with its depth and comprehension.
Why u r grownup what is the purpose of it, if u still think like child.?. Lord, ...... look at Sun. The water in Niagara, if flown for 20000 yrs , and collected in one place. ;when it is turned into petrol and lit with fire. What an amount of flame it creates ? That much energy is released from sun with in one hour.The almighty, who created such millions of suns in the galaxy. Do u question him how he operates and why did not act as u wished etc.His langauge is best seen when he distroyed cities in US ( new orleans /sin city), in earth quakes, and tyfoons. etc It is also seen, when he gives abundance of crops and greenery etc..
These questions r silly. close ur physical eyes, and open ur mental eye, his powers are visible.Physical eye reading must be stopped, if u want to understand JESUS
Follow him, as per his advice, fruits(effects) will fall. Milllions times farmer asked him rain in the past, and millions times he rained and he never disappointed their prayers.Were u not the witness. and Mankind lived that includes u. . Do not ask questions befit for a 5" x5 " square inches volume skull to take the limits of galaxies into it. God will answer to prayer ie rule position. If u want him sincerely , pray sincerely and then ask questions. Prayer is not paying a visit to church. Involve ur heart and pray him Answers are ready made. I took time in the service of Lord. Nextly I am a cop(very tough cop that too) not preacher.

2007-03-07 23:22:53 · answer #4 · answered by Infant H 2 · 0 0

I know him.

Do I question my faith. No, But there have been times in my life where humanity would have expected me to. Those are the times I have drawn on his strength because I am weak and he is strong. (Music plays)

2007-03-07 22:40:12 · answer #5 · answered by coffeegod 2 · 1 1

i was raised a christain, but i have reached the age of reasoning. I do not believe in god. i think its a big scam, and i believe that a church is just a business. if you look into it really hard, you will come to relieze that god does not exist. it has not been proven, and it never will, evolution on the other hand is a theory that has been basically been proven, do not waste your time believing in god, trust me, theres nothing going on up there!

2007-03-07 22:34:50 · answer #6 · answered by high swell 2 · 1 2

No I don't question my faith. Not only I know Jesus but he lives in my heart. Once Jesus begin to live in your heart you want have no need to question your faith.

2007-03-07 22:30:05 · answer #7 · answered by blesshisname2005 3 · 3 2

I never question my born again relationship with GOD through Jesus the only Begotten Son and the Holy Spirit who counsels me.

2007-03-07 22:28:30 · answer #8 · answered by Tribble Macher 6 · 4 2

I know Jesus.I`m so glad I do.There was a time that I had doubts but not any more.God is real and he`s still on his throne.God Bless.

2007-03-07 22:28:59 · answer #9 · answered by greenstateresearcher 5 · 3 1

Because we are human. Satan causes doubt in our minds, but he can never shake the truth from our hearts.

2007-03-07 22:31:48 · answer #10 · answered by Miranda 3 · 1 2

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