Wow! Lots of questions but i'm just gonna try to sum everything up! ok...i truly believe that deep down, everyone knows God is there, everyone does! The proof is in His word that has existed since time began. The proof is in nature that He created so perfectly that we continue to destroy. The proof is in our hearts when we confess our sins and the Holy Spirit enters our bodies. The proof is there, people just over antalize everything! When you die, I think u go to a "waiting place" then once the rapture comes and Jesus returns he takes everyone and everyone is judged at one time. Some enter into Heaven, many enter into Hell. If u confess ur sins, ask Jesus into ur heart, have faith in God, and live ur life for him, u will someday meet God in Heaven! I hope that answered everything! Good luck on ur spiritual quest! :]]
2007-03-07 14:30:40
answer #1
answered by beachxchicaxmg 2
Faith is a quality that does not need or have a need for being proved. In fact, the power of faith relies on knowing that you do not know.
Part of this begins with an understanding of Belief.
Belief is used like it is synonymous with Faith, but Belief is not the same as Faith. Part of belief is an act of will power. However when something really difficult happens, belief is dropped and the person feels naked, unprotected or accepted.
Combat Veterans showed me the way to this understanding. The trauma of combat is so disturbing that all belief and assumptions fall away.
What is left is an exposed human being in the company of other exposed human being. What you care about then, is to maintain your sanity.
This is when the search of real faith begins.
How do you know that there is a God? There is no proof except maybe inference (Look it up) or a new way altogether.
Faith is a form of knowing. It is not based on proof, it is based on intuition or spiritual imagination. You come to understand that it is there, but you find it and know it in a different way.
You will know in time, just begin by looking at your relationship to spirit. Get to know and respect your own spirit.
Show your spirit what it is that you wish others would show you. Your spirit will love it.
Good question!
2007-03-07 14:49:14
answer #2
answered by zclifton2 6
hahaha, of course he's real, lok around you, and thikn about this. if I see a painting, how do i knwo thier was a painter? I know there was a painter because the painting would exist without a painter. paintings dont grow on Trees or grow out of the grass. same with a Building, the Building is 100% scientific proof there is a builder. I dont need faith or an imagination to know there is a builder, all I kneed is to use the big peace of meant God put between my ears, its called a brain. if you looked at an intimately made buiding, with perfectly rowed bricks and strategicall placed pillars, you would reason that the Buidling appeared by accidnet, know, because accidents have no apperabce of purpose and desing. Imagine, How in the heck would birds, the sunsets, Love and caring and humans intinamtely made and plants , possibly appear by accident? it couldnt. I look around and I see the intimately made creation and say, "duh!" there was a creator. How silly is your asseriton we would need to find a corpse to Know God exist. God is spirirt, hae is not flesh as we are, therefore there is no Body and thus no "corps". What Happens after we die? the Bible makes it clear, it is appointed a man once to die and then face judgement. when you die you will face a Holy God, he will open up the Commandments and examine you in there rigteous standard. lets fast forward for a Moment. Your drivivng Home and all of the sudden a Dump truck plows into your car. your killed instanlty nad you awake standing beofre God in judgement. lets look at a few of the Commandments to see how you wil do.
Have you ever lied? Stolen? ever looked with Lust? eveer used Gods name in vain? Thank God our not facing God today, because if you have said yes to these four questions, then by your own admission, your a lying theiving blapshemous adulterer at heart. Thast How God will see, you, you have broken His Holy law and as he thunders out the comandments you cringe, you Know your guilty, because God has given us all a conscience. He thunders out the words "GUILTY AS CHARGED" and you find yourself in hell. this is the scenario that plays out with so many people, we live our life thinking were good people, bt by Gods standard our hearts are deceitfully wicked and the epanlty for sin is hell. The Good news is that Christ died for you, you broke gods law, but God unleashed His Just wrath upon jesus instead of you. Now, he Commands you to repent (turn from sin) and trust in Christ, so that your sins may be forgiven. please, examine My motives for talking to you like this, I dont want your money,I dont want you to Join my church, Im begging you to simply examine your heart in Light of gods Law and repent (turn from sin) and trust in Christ while there is still time.
God Bless
2007-03-07 14:39:52
answer #3
answered by Rated J for Jesus 2
God created man perfect. When Satan tempted Adam and Eve, He challenged Gods right to Sovereignty. He could have destroyed Adam, Eve and Satan and started over. (or not) But there was no justice there. By God being just, He put in place a period of time that would PROVE that man cannot rule man. We are living in that time now and judging by the hatred in the world today, nearing the time when everyone will know.
Don't you wish that you could open the Bible and in one sentence know what God wants? Try John 17:3
2007-03-07 14:36:36
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
When we die, our bodies are left to nourish and take part in the great chain of being, and as for our spirit, it passes beyond the scope of time and space to embrace again with its source of unity in the cosmic womb. Therein, the one meditates on the past actions of that life, and works out the necessary actions to allow the soul a chance at a new and more fruitful blessing of life. When the time comes, the Lord lets go of your hand and you are free once again to experience the joy and sorrow of human existence. These lifetimes occur continuously until you realize the unity you possess with the creator, which bestows unlimited bliss and transcendence over all mortal affairs. But fear not, for the Lord will guide you every step of the way, until coherency of mind, and strength of will are unbreakable. At this point you are fully alive with the Creator, and death shall touch you no more.
2007-03-07 14:37:26
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
How does anybody end up with negative points during the week? There are so many different beliefs and each has something different happening to their bodies after death but since you asked about this Jesus I recommend reading the new testament of the King James Bible will answer some of your ?
2007-03-07 14:29:14
answer #6
answered by S.O.S. 5
God is the author no longer the creation. it truly is contained in the theory of God that he's Ever residing, eternal, the first, The very last (meaning no longer something can exist before or after Him ability He continuously became and could be there). so that you won't be able to ask invalid questions, who created God or who's Wiser than God etc. only as you've faith in God you ought to even count number on different attributes of God or you've disbelieved.
2016-12-05 09:42:35
answer #7
answered by butlin 4
Psalm 146:4 - "His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish."
Some are taught in church that Hell is a place of suffering where evil souls go and Heaven is where good people go.
This is not a bible teaching:
Did Abraham die and went to a ever-burning hell? Surely idol worshippers would not be in heaven. Yet, Abraham was with his forefathers, Scripture says.
Joshua 24:2 - "Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor; and they served other deities," Genesis 15:15. "And you shall go to your fathers".
King David was a righteous king he must of gone to heaven? NO?
Acts 2:34 - For David did not ascend into the heavens.
When Lazarus died Jesus spoke to Martha that he was in Heaven? NO?
John 11:11 - Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.
Besides Jesus there must of been some one righteous enough to go to heaven? NO?
John 3:13 - No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.
When Jesus kingdom arrives he promised the good will go to heaven. NO?
Matthew 5:5 - Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Surely people who are holy as saints and priests will rule with Jesus in heaven? NO?
Revelation 5:10 - You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth."
finally, the second death (from Rev 21:8) is a location for bad people to suffer in a fiery place. NO?
Rev 20:14 - And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
-The Second death is a judgment not a location. Jesus is promising that those who are not wicked will be resurrected and never die again. (Rev 20:15)
Verdict: Death is Hell. It's the grave where we are like in a sleep like state but have no conscience thought. Waiting to be brought back to life if we have followed Jesus teachings.
2007-03-07 14:34:05
answer #8
answered by keiichi 6
when you die, you black out and then cross over to the otherside. once on the otherside you see the side you came from and notice that you no longer have a body. you try to speak to everyone living but they ignore you and keep crying about your being dead. after a while you get fed up tellin them you're alright. so you start taking notice of where you are
once you have this realization, thats when the fun begins.
2007-03-07 14:29:53
answer #9
answered by LENA 3
listen up dont think Hes real. HE is real. When people die they either go to heaven or hell depending on their sin record and there love for Jesus Christ. there is no body because Jesus took it wit him. read the Holy Bible it is proof.
GOD always existed. plz read it.
2007-03-07 14:29:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous