well, because when sin enters the world God give us grace, and with his grace comes mercy. If he just decide not to give us grace then all of us will be burning in the lake of fire now.
With that grace He gave His beloved son Jesus to saved us from all our sins. Jesus is interceding/extending the time for us in heaven right now to give us more time to repent all our sins and to accept Him as the only way to heaven.
2007-03-07 13:31:56
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Moses, Joshua and others lifted their hands in the shape of the cross to allow Israel to defeat her enemies.
Once a year, the High Priest of Israel went into the Holy of Holies and sacrificed the spotless lamb for the forgiveness of sins.
Combine the above two - the Son of God was sent to Earth such that He would be sacrificed for not only the sins of Israel but of the whole world. Once Jesus died, the gates of Paradise were opened to the repentant thief and the flaming sword was extinguished. Once Jesus was placed into the tomb, he preached the Gospel to those in Hades. On the 3rd day, Jesus rose from the dead.
Therefore, Jesus, as the new Adam, forgave the old Adam and Eve for disobeying God by being tempted by Satan. Being tempted is not a sin but falling to the temptation is a recoverable sin as long as the person recognizes the sin, repents from the sin and does not sin.
2007-03-07 13:36:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
When Christ died on the cross, he not only suffered physical death but eternal death. He was the perfect substitute for my sins which means that if Jesus died for me he paid the price for my sins by spending an eternity under God's wrath for all the sins I would commit from birth to death. Not only did he do that for me but he did that for everyone else he came to save by being punished eternally for their sins as well. How he did this in such a limited time is a mystery we cannot understand. God is perfectly just and righteous. There is no sin ever committed in the history of this universe that goes unpunished. All sins *must* be accounted for and so either Jesus paid for my sins or I must eventually pay for them after Judgment Day comes.
2007-03-07 13:35:42
answer #3
answered by Archangel 4
Like it was said above, it's a mystery of faith. But perhaps a little light can be shed on the subject.
Christ was the only perfect being to ever live on Earth. He is also God. Because of these two facts, He was therefore the only one who could pay the price for sin.
Because there are two principles, that of justice and mercy, there was a dilemma for mankind. God gave us laws and those laws must be obeyed. No unclean thing can return to the presence of God. Because we all sin, we are all unclean. Yet God loves us and we are his children. And being a perfect being, He also is filled with mercy. But how to satisfy the demands of both justice and mercy? Justice demands that a price be paid for a broken law, while mercy pleads for the weak and the sinner.
The answer is Christ. He paid the price of justice, by suffering the sins of all mankind. (By the way, His suffering in the Garden may have been even more important in saving us from sin...but His death and resurrection makes our salvation possible). And as the one who gave the law but also suffered our sins, He is the perfect judge. He will give mercy to those who confess and believe in Him, while those who don't will have to pay the price for their own sins.
Again, it is a mystery and I don't think anyone fully understands it. But millions have experienced the wonderful joy that comes from repenting of their sins and accepting Christ as their Savior. Talk to somebody you know about it and find out more.
2007-03-07 13:41:25
answer #4
answered by Ivan 3
(I am going to write this based on you believing that Jesus Christ died.)
From the beginning God had a perfect plan for mankind. Satan wanted to be equal to God and got kicked out of Heaven and 1/3 of the angels choose to go with him. When the serpent approached Eve in the Garden of Eden his plan was to disrupt God's plan and it worked. An animal had to die to cover their sin (Gen 3:21) and throughout the old testament...a blood sacrifice was required to atone for our sins. The High Priest would then take the blood of the sacrifice into the Most Holy Place and offer it to God. When Jesus came He was called the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and He lived a perfect life here on earth. After He was raised from the dead and saw Mary in the garden she wanted to touch Him but He told her no because He had not been to the Father.(John 20:17) He (our High Priest) had to take the blood (His perfect blood) to the Father to be the perfect sacrifice for all. But later that day He appeared to the disciples and told Thomas to touch Him (because He had been to the Father) And the veil that divided the holy place from The Most Holy Place (where God dwelt) was torn from top to bottom (Matt.27:51) Now that we have Jesus as our High Priest we no longer have to have an imperfect animal sacrifice and we can go directly to God the Father through Jesus as our priest.
Kind of deep but I hope that helps some =)
2007-03-07 14:17:13
answer #5
answered by cbmultiplechoice 5
you know how pagan's use a sacrifice as an offering to their god's for atonement and appeasment? well Jesus was the last sacrifice that God would accept. yes in the Christian faith Jesus was the sacrifice to save humanity from its sin. The savior whom is Jesus in the Christian faith was predicted by the Jews. The difference between the Jews and Christians is the fact of Jesus as being the Savior. How is it possible to save humanity from its sin I don't know. It seems as though we sin as much as we did. There are several ways you can see it though it us up to each his own to decide what he believes.
2007-03-07 13:43:19
answer #6
answered by joethemetaldude 4
This is one way of belief, thanks to Thomas Aquinas who lived hundreds of years ago. At that time, the world did not know what we know about Science and dinosaurs. They thought the earth was flat. They understood the bible literally.
Another belief by Don Scotus was that Christ, by His birth and whole life, saved us by showing us that God is with us in everything. Christ came, not because of some myth of the sin of Adam and Eve that never happened, but because God loves us and wanted to show us how to live and forgive. That even if we killed God on the Cross, we would be forgiven if we are sorry. This way of belief saves us from our need for revenge and unforgiveness.
2007-03-07 13:35:00
answer #7
answered by Mary W 5
In the days before Christ, a blood sacrifice was required to get forgiveness for sins that were commited. Read your Bible, for pity sakes. When Jesus came, He was the perfect and the last sacrifice that would ever be needed for the sins of mankind. His sacrifice on the cross paid the price for every sin that was ever commited, and every sin that ever will be commited. He did this out of love. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) It's all in the Bible. Read it.
2007-03-07 13:36:40
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
we were saved from our sin nature by receiving the Holy Spirit and becoming new creatures. we were not elegible for the Holy Spirit except by Jesus' death. The Holy Spirit could not come into an unholy being but the cross event made us elegible. he saved us from sin by making us holy. this is a process even though the reception is a one time event. Not by law(speaks to the old man), but by grace(a new creation).
2007-03-07 14:03:29
answer #9
answered by expertless 5
The old testiment talks of a blood sacrifice needed for the forgiveness of sin yet each time one sinned another sacrifice was needed because the sacrifice, well, died. Jesus dealt with this need in that while He did die, He also rose from the dead. His sacrifice dealt with the need for forgiveness forever.
Hope that answers you Q
2007-03-07 13:32:51
answer #10
answered by firechap20 6