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2007-03-07 13:19:18 · 9 answers · asked by iluvunda559 1 in Sports Martial Arts

9 answers

I grew up in a rough neighborhood back in the '60s & '70s and was a small kid as the time, and I got into my fare share of fights or should I say beat up allot.
So at one point I had to learn how to defend myself and at first I was still scared to try my karate techniques on someone.

Today I am not that little kid any more, I stand about 6' tall and weigh some 220lbs. No I did not turn into some sort of bully but if you put your hands on me, I grauantee, you'll need to seek medical treatment.

2007-03-08 01:35:58 · answer #1 · answered by gretsch16pc 6 · 0 0

Years ago when my daughter was 14 and testing for her green belt, her trainer believed in having someone else come in and do the judging because he felt it fair and unbiased. So he hired a well known Karate instructor from out of town that had been a US Marine and trained combat troups hand to hand combat and he came to test our class of kids. This guy was awsome. He had been shot 4 different times, had many broken bones in actual warfare, multiple knife wounds in battle and all sorts of stuff. He watched as they all tested really well then stated he had one last question. He, one at a time, ask each person why they were taking Karate classes (starting from the youngest going up the rank) and my daughter being the next to oldest was at the end of the line. We heard some 10 yr olds say they trained for the agility, some said strength training, one older boy said it helped him to prepare mentally. After about 15 kids answered all sorts of really good things, then it was my daughter's turn. She looked at that instructor and clearly ask him "you do want the truth, don't you?" and he of course nodded. Then my beautiful teenage daughter grinned real big and said "I love kicking people in the head"
This hardened combat expert exploded out of the stance he was in and jumped in the air. He clapped and turned to me and said, at least there is one honest and spirited person in the room.
I was mortified (being a non competitive type mom) but seems like a lot of real competitors go into different sports for different reasons. I watched her train for several months and if you have a very good person teaching karate, the student will learn all sorts of strength, compassion, timing, precision, character... the list is endless. And you can have a lot of fun too...

2007-03-07 21:49:29 · answer #2 · answered by chattanooga chip 3 · 1 0

I did karate to get good cardio. Keep my muscles built up. Learn self discipline. It even relaxed me. Plus i got in great shape.

2007-03-07 21:23:36 · answer #3 · answered by Danika D 2 · 0 0

My nephew takes Karate, but he takes it so he can protect himself should he have to in the future. People take it for different reasons.

2007-03-07 21:27:50 · answer #4 · answered by hev_1985 4 · 0 0

Just for fun/curiosity.
I have taken couple of martial arts class with different styles.
I'm trying to see which one is harder to go up against.
So far I've done Muay Thai, Boxing, Kick Boxing, Brazilian Jujitsu, Judo, and Karate.
The hardest ones to go up against for me is Brazilian Jujitsu and Muay Thai.

2007-03-07 22:13:46 · answer #5 · answered by Reaper 6 · 0 0

Balance, Cooridination, Timing, Eye hand skills, and last
A understanding that I know nothing
A Long drawn out reply
To better myself and try to better others!!

2007-03-08 00:03:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

self defence,fitness,health,lifestyle,discipline,attitude,
flex ability,coordination,self confidence,fun.socialising,
there's a few more but i think you get the picture.

2007-03-08 02:22:34 · answer #7 · answered by BUSHIDO 7 · 0 0

1.1 What's with all of the off-topic posts? (RMA)
1.2 How do I post? (RMAM)
1.3 How do I contact the moderators? (RMAM)
1.4 What is the procedure for approval or rejection? (RMAM)
1.5 Why was my post rejected? (RMAM)
1.6 Why aren't I receiving acknowledgement messages? (RMAM)
1.7 Why don't I see my posts right away? (RMAM)

2) What is a Martial Art?

3) What kind of Martial Arts are there? (the descriptions of
various arts are in section 16, which is in parts 2 and 3.)

4) Which Martial Art should I study?

5) How do I choose a School?

6) (a) This guy says that his style will make a Full Certified
Warrior & Killer out of me in 3 months- is it serious?

(b) What do I do to become the deadliest person in the world ?

7) Should children study Martial Arts?

8) I believe/don't believe in X. Should I train Y?

9) Rankings/Color Belt Systems

10) What is Greenoch?

11) What is Ki/Qi/Chi?

12) Martial Arts Glossary

13) Bibliography

14) Sources of information

14.1) Martial arts schools in North America
14.2) FAQ ftp site
14.3) Aikido Dojo Directory
14.4) Classical Japanese Martial Arts Electronic Magazine
14.5) Traditional Karate Mailing List
14.6) Aikido Mailing List and FTP Site
14.7) Tuite/Acupuncture Discussion Group
14.8) The Martial Arts Digest
14.9) Jujutsu and Kokikai Aikido Mailing Lists
14.10) Japanese Sword Arts Mailing List and FTP site
14.11) Chinese Shao-lin Center Mail List
14.12) Martial Arts and Sword/TV and Film Mailing List
14.13) Tai-Chi Mailing List
14.14) Neijia (Internal Chinese Martial Arts) Mailing List
14.15) Kyudo (Japanese Archery) Mailing List
14.16) Korean Martial Arts Mailing List
14.17) Eskrima/Kali/Arnis Mailing List
14.18) Miscellaneous Martial Arts WWW pages
14.19) Kung Fu Mailing List
14.20) Taekwondo Net Forum Mailing List
14.21) Kempo Mailing List
14.22) Tuite-Ki Mailing List
14.23) Policedo Mailing List

15) Sources of equipment and material.

Part 2 of 4

16) What are the different Arts, Schools, Styles?

16.1) Aikido 16.2) Baguazhang 16.3) Brazilian JiuJitsu
16.4) Bushidokan 16.5) Capoeira 16.6) Cha Yon Ryu
16.7) Cuong Nhu 16.8) Daito Ryu Aiki-Jujustu
16.9) Gatka 16.10) Hapkido 16.11) Hwa Rang Do
16.12) Iaido 16.13) Judo 16.14) Jujutsu
16.15) Kajukenbo 16.16) Kali/Escrima/Arnis
16.17) Karate 16.18) Kendo 16.19) Kenjutsu
16.20) Kenpo (Amer.) 16.21) Kempo (Kosho Ryu)
16.22) Kempo (Ryukyu) 16.23) Kobudo 16.24) Krav Maga
16.25) Kyudo

Part 3 of 4:

16.26) Lua 16.27) MMA/NHB 16.28) Moo Do
16.29) Muay Thai 16.30) Ninjutsu 16.31) Praying Mantis
16.32) ROSS 16.33) SAMBO 16.34) Sanshou
16.35) Savate 16.36) Shogerijutsu 16.37) Shuaijiao
16.38) Silat 16.39) Tae Kwon Do 16.40) Taijiquan
16.41) Western MA 16.42) Wing Chun 16.43) Wushu/Gongfu
16.44) Xingyiquan 16.45) Yoseikan Budo

Part 4 of 4 - "Groaner" FAQ


1) Introduction

This FAQ is not intended to be a Martial Arts Bible, but to give some
help to those that are looking for a place to start, or those more
experienced that would like to know more about some different style,
have a particular doubt, etc.

Please note that this is not the Absolute Truth(TM) but rather an
attempt to give clear and basic information about this group and the
martial arts. Your suggestions, opinions, and additions are welcome;
send e-mail to mcweigel@cs.cmu.edu. For an idea of what plans there
are to correct and update the FAQ, there is a by-no-means-exhaustive
tentative list of round tuits at

Here are the items in the original rec.ma "charter" as they appeared
in the request for discussion before the group was formed:

1) A new group proposal for the discussion of all aspects of the
martial arts, both by martial arts practitioners and the general
public interested in knowing more about the martial arts

2) Increasing public awareness of the commitment of martial artists
to public service, for example the D.A.R.E. program, its use in
rehabilitation of prisoners, recovering substance abuse users,
rape prevention, and increased quality of life for the

3) Personal experiences, anecdotes, myths, and folklore pertaining to
the martial arts and information on the existance or location of a
specific item, style, form, system.

4) Postings of events, competitions, demonstrations, and seminars.

5) ANY/ALL bigotry, grudge challenges must be E-mailed!

Rank does not mean authority in rec.m-a, for rank without wisdom means
nothing. There may be wisdom in the words of a child, and even a 5th
dan can be a fool.

Please do not post binaries (pictures, etc.) in the group. A better
way is to post the binaries in a binaries group, and post a message in
rec.m-a calling attention to the binaries post.

One more thing. Please don't post the question "What is the best
martial art [for self-defense]?" (or similar) in rec.martial-arts.
That question has become a chronic irritant in this group, and there
is no simple answer to it; some would say it has no answer at all.
There are reasonable procedures for how one should go about choosing
an art/school here in the FAQ, and in another rec.martial-arts
periodic post, the Newbie Guide. Read them first, then consult the
group if you have more specific questions.

1.1) What's with all of the off-topic posts? (rec.martial-arts)

The Usenet is famous for topic drift, when people make small asides in
their responses, and other people make full-blown responses just to the

Further, it's as much a newsgroup "where martial artists meet to talk"
as "where people meet to talk about martial arts." If someone is
looking for a (verbal) fight, they feel confident that someone on
rec.martial-arts will oblige them.

In other words, it's a fact of life everywhere. It even happens on
newsgroups devoted to topics ostensibly more deeply involved in seeking
'spiritualy perfection' than martial arts.

1.2) How do I post? (rec.martial-arts.moderated)

Simply post to the group as you would any other. The difference is
that your post in routed by e-mail to the moderation team for approval.
You can submit posts directly by e-mail by sending them to

1.3) How do I contact the moderators? (rec.martial-arts.moderated)

Send technical complaints to rmam-admin@news.cirr.com.

Send policy complaints to rmam-board@news.cirr.com.

1.4) What is the procedure for approval or rejection?

Shortly after you submit your post you should receive an e-mail message
acknowledging receipt. The post is then examined by the robomoderator
and possibly a human moderator.

If your post is rejected you will receive a note explaining why. If
your post is approved you will receive a note indicating that it was

1.5) Why was my post rejected? (rec.martial-arts.moderated)

Your post will be rejected if it does not conform to the charter.
To view the charter point your web browser at:

Here is a short list of reasons why your post may be rejected:

o commercial content,
o insufficient martial arts content,
o use of an anonymous remailer,
o excessively belligerent content,
o engaging in a style war,
o off-topic discussion of competition,
o discussion of fictitious matches,
o bigotry,
o trolling or flamebaiting,
o inclusion of large binary files,
o improper text format,
o insufficient new content,
o incorrect cross-posting,
o long line length,
o large signature,
o general charter violations.

1.6) Why aren't I receiving acknowledgement messages?

You are probably using an invalid reply address in your posts. If you
have intentionally modified your reply address in order to block spam,
you can still post to RMAM. The only requirement is that the
moderators can determine your actual address.

1.7) Why don't I see my posts right away? (rec.martial-arts.moderated)

When you post to RMAM through your news reader/browser, your news
server automatically e-mails the post to the RMAM moderation
facilities. There may be a delay depending on how busy the moderators
are. When it is approved it gets posted through the moderation news
server, which is On-ramp. So you may then experience a delay due to
the propogation from On-ramp to your own news service. Your post may
also get to many other news servers more quickly than if you posted to
an unmoderated newsgroup on your own news server. This is a particular
distinction of moderated newsgroups. If you are impatient, you can
check www.zippo.com, which is a free web-based news service that seems
to have very little lag for RMAM.


2) What is a Martial Art?

A Martial Art can be defined as a system of techniques, physical and
mental exercises developed as an effective means for self-defense and
offense, both unarmed and with the use of weapons.

The origin and history of Martial Arts is a controversial issue. We
can see signs of Martial Arts in Greek, Egyptian, African, Japanese,
Chinese, Thai, as well as other cultures. There is a clear trail
leading from the Southern China-regions up to Korea, Okinawa and
Japan. The details before that, and the exact details of that
transfer, are greatly debated by historians and Martial Artists.

Some people think that martial arts are, to quote "Stonwulfe,"

... supposed to be a physically, mentally, and spiritually
beneficial activity; a source of enlightenment and a path for
healthy living and longevity.

The real binding part of all the different martial arts described, and
not described, in this document is that they try to teach students how
to fight. Some do that better than others, some incorporate other
things such as spirituality or meditation, but there is no common
thread beyond fighting. So while it might be appropriate to claim that
your martial art, or even maybe the family of martial arts your martial
art hails from, is expected to provide something beyond fighting skill,
it probably doesn't apply to all martial arts.


3) What kind of Martial Arts are there?

There are many ways in which martial arts can be divided. Here are a
few of them that might be useful to use in defining Martial Arts and
discussing them. These are not necessarily consensus definitions but
they are commonly held.

It is also useful to remember that very few of these martial arts are
just one way or another...they are all mixtures of these elements in
various degrees. When we say a style is "hard" what we mean is that
the predominant expression of that style is hard. If we say Shotokan
is linear, it does not mean Shotokan has no circular techniques.

"Sport" vs "Fighting Art" vs. "Exercise" vs. "Philosophy"

These are usually NON-useful comparisons because people tend to be
very strongly opinionated on this matter. Most people want to think
their art is an ancient "fighting art" and can be applied thus on the
street. Some styles truly are all four, and to some degree all styles
contain all four elements.

In discussions of a style it is most useful when people highlight
which area or areas their style emphasizes.

"Linear" vs. "Circular"

This distinction refers to lines of movement, attack and defense.
"Circular" styles use circular movements to block, attack, or move.
Around and aside... "Linear" styles use direct, straight-on movements,
attacks, or head-on blocks. In and out...

Styles can, and sometimes do, mix circular blocks with linear attacks.
This is a subtle distinction and not absolute, but it gives some

"Soft" vs. Hard"

"Soft" styles tend to redirect energy, channeling and diverting
momentum to unbalance an opponent, or to move them into striking
range. They tend to be lower commitment and use less force. Thus,
they are less likely to be unbalanced and can recover from redirection
easier. Examples are Taiji, Aikido, Ninjutsu, or many Gongfu
styles and sub-styles.

"Hard" styles tend to direct energy outward and meet energy with
energy. They will tend to strike more, and deliver more force with
each strike. Hard stylists will often damage with their blocks,
turning them into attacks. They deliver more power, and thus are
harder to turn aside, but they are higher commitment, and thus don't
recover as well from mistakes. Examples are Karate, Tae-Kwon-Do, Muay
Thai, and some Gongfu styles and sub-styles.

"Internal" vs. "External"

"Internal" styles are styles that emphasize the more non-tangible
elements of the arts. They utilize chi/ki/qi flow, rooting, and those
elements which some people consider "mystical". They tend to
emphasize meditation, body control, perception, mind control (self,
not others!), and pressure points. `Typically' internal styles are
soft. Taiji is an internal style.

"External" styles tend to emphasize body mechanics, leverage, and
applied force. They tend to use weight, strength, positioning, and
anatomy to optimal advantage. `Typically' external styles are hard.
Tae-Kwon-Do is an external style.

"Complete Art" or not

The term "complete art" is sometimes applied to arts that include
strikes, kicks, throws, pressure points, and joint locks. The arts
most often mentioned in this regard are some Gongfu styles, Jujutsu,
and Hapkido. Although some arts contain more techniques than others,
no art is "complete" in the sense that it includes all the important
techniques from other arts. In general, every art has its strong and
weak points, and each has something to offer to the lexicon of martial
arts techniques.


4) Which Martial Art should I study?

That's a question that only you can answer, maybe with a little help
of your physician (in determining whether you should practice martial
arts at all).

While some people advocate that "my style fits any individual", it is
very debatable if any single individual would adapt to *any* style.

It depends heavily on your objectives, but remember, these may change
with time. Many people who begin martial arts training strictly to
learn self-defense become quite interested in other aspects as their
training progresses.

(a) What are you looking for?

For instance, if you are looking for "on the street" self-defense
training Taiji or Kendo might not be your first choice.
Some choices: Jujutsu, Hapkido, some Gongfus, Karate, Ken(m)po,
Baguazhang, Tang Soo Do, Muay Thai, Tae Kwon Do,
Ninjutsu, Kali/Escrima/Arnis, Silat, or Xingyiquan.

If you are looking for meditation and philosophy Western Boxing is
probably a poor choice as well.
Some choices: most Gongfus, Aikido, Taiji, Kendo, Kenjutsu,
or Iaido.

If you are looking for a sport and competition, Shaolin Long Fist
would probably be a bad choice.
Some choices: Fencing, some Karates/Gongfus, Judo, Boxing, Kendo,
Tae Kwon Do, Savate, or Shuaijiao.

If you are looking for intense body conditioning and muscle
development, Aikido is probably not the style for you.
Some choices: some Okinawan Karates, Judo, some Gongfus, Muay Thai,
Tae Kwon Do, Capoeira.

Now these are general guides - in truth any art can be taught in a
manner which promotes any of these things - Taiji masters have
competed, some Aikido schools have rigorous workouts associated with
the class, etc. The way to find out is to look at three things, only
one of which is directly linked to the style.

- -The basics of the style (what does it teach, what is it used for)
- -The skill and the teaching style of the teacher
- -The purpose and the logistics of the school.

See Section (5) "How do I choose a school" for the answers to the last
two questions.

Also remember that more "complete" arts (ones with more techniques)
naturally require longer periods of time for a practitioner to achieve
a given level of proficiency. This is neither good nor bad; there are
good points on both sides of the debate. This is simply another facet
to account for in your decision.

(b) Advice of many experienced Martial Artists here on NetLand
coincide in the point of "go, read, look around, ask---then

As above the teacher and the school have as much to do with what you
will learn as the style. Check out the styles in your area. Go see
some classes of the different styles and see what interests you and
what you think you would stick with.

(c) Many people change from one style to another. While this is a
common practice, accepted as a means of development, it is known that
the first style is normally the one that leaves the base, the more
profound "marks". Try to choose a style that suits your needs and at
the same time offers you a kind of "challenge" to go on learning.


5) How do I choose a School?

This question is integrally linked with Question 4 "Which Martial Art
should I study?".

A couple of things that are important parts to look at in the process
of choosing a school:

-The environment where you'll learn and train
-The peoplem that will be your partners
-The instructor
-The logistics of the school

(a) The environment where you will learn and train

Don't get impressed by the size of the place - just be sure that you
feel "ok" in there.

Also don't necessarily be impressed by huge number of trophies. They
may indicate a very successful competitive school (if that is an
aspect you are interested in) or they could be all show. Check

If you are not allowed to watch any classes, you may not want to
invest your time and money. Without seeing a class you will not be
able to get a good feel for the school.

Ask questions - don't worry about looking stupid or asking the "wrong"
question. They are going to be teaching and training you- you want
to get any concerns or considerations you have out before you commit
to anything.

If you feel bullied or threatened in any manner, look somewhere else.

(b) The people that will be your partners

Go, watch some classes (without participating), then ask to
participate- see if the behavior of the students changes by the fact
that there is a new person in their class.

What follows is a quick and dirty check list, to which you can add
your own points, based on what you consider important. Remember:
these questions and suggestions are just guidelines, not hard and fast
rules. There will always be exceptions. But if you look in these
domains you will have a solid ground to choose from.

- How good are the students?

This is more of a measure of the quality of the students as students
than their skill at martial arts. See if you can picture yourself
with these people. Are they attentive, respectful, interested in
being there? Those are all good signs...

- Is there a mix of upper and lower ranks?

This is not always obvious in the styles without belt rankings, etc.
It is generally a good sign if advanced, intermediate and beginning
students are practicing together. Check the approach the higher
ranked students take to you- their help will probably be very
important in your advancement in the Art you choose.

Some schools have classes separated by rank though. Ask.

-Is there a mix in the type of people in the class?

Although this doesn't necessarily mean anything if it is not present,
it is a good sign if there is a mixture of males and females, older
and younger people in the class. It is a pointer to the efficiency
of the Art if it can teach a wide variety of people together.

- Do they move the way you would like to?

This will give you some sense of what you can achieve. Look to the
senior students and see if they move the way you want to move.

- Do they help one another?

In a small class this may not apply, but in larger classes it is a
good sign if the senior students support and assist the junior
students. This kind of personal attention will aid you greatly in your

- Do the senior students seem fit and relaxed?

This will give you a sense of the atmosphere of the school. If the
senior students are uptight, nervous, unfit, out of shape, or unhappy,
it may be a sign to move on. However, do not be put off by a single
occurrence, i.e. because on THAT day the senior student was in a poor
mood. It should at least prompt you to look carefully though...

- How common are injuries?

As most martial arts involve vigorous physical activity and contact,
injuries will occasionally occur. However, if injuries are common
and/or serious, there is likely a problem in how training is
supervised, and you will probably want to look elsewhere. It will be
difficult to tell what the frequency/severity of injuries in the class
is in one or two visits. Ask the instructor.

(c) The Instructor

- -You'll need some basic trust in the individual, as a beginning.

The instructor is the person who is going to be guiding your
development as a martial artist. You need to feel comfortable with
him or her, and feel secure in receiving instruction from them. If you
have some unease or personality conflict with the instructor(s) you
might want to look elsewhere.

- Do the students get personalized attention?

This will be a good judge of how valuable your time will be. If there
is a good amount of instructor to student attention there will be more
value for you.

- Does the instructor differentiate between forms and

Another good indication is to find out if the instructor(s)
differentiates between form and function. In other words do they do
it "because it looks good" or "because it works." This may not apply
if you are looking for a martial art as a performance art or as an
exercise (though then you want to look at the efficacy of their

- Does the instructor(s) differentiate between tournament and

As above, your reaction to this question's answer will depend on what
your goals are. However, there is general agreement that tournament
training and self-defense training, while highly related, are
different. If the instructor does not differentiate the two - that may
be a danger sign!

- Violence in the class

If you see an instructor hitting students, or a senior student hitting
students, be very clear that it was appropriate before you consider
that school. Though be aware - if you are unfamiliar with the art,
medium or full contact sparring may seem overly violent to you.
Violence as discipline is to be avoided.

- Are adjustments made for students of differing body types
and limitations?

Another good sign is if the instructor adjusts the training of his or
her student's physical realities: telling a slow person to work
contact, a fast person to work ranges, a heavy person to work
leverage, a light person to work speed, or, conversely, concentrating
on their weak areas to compensate.

(d) The logistics of the School


This is an important element to be clear about. You don't want to
commit to a school if you can't afford it. It is impossible to address
what a reasonable price would be here, because the benefits offered,
the local economy, the quality of instruction, and the amount of
instructor time are all variables in the equation. The best way to
determine if a school is being reasonable is to compare what they offer
for their prices.

Find out if there are extra charges for going up in rank, find out if
there are organizational dues, tournament fees, mat fees, etc.

But do not be upset when a Martial Arts instructor charges money- they
need to eat and have a place to stay. In our culture money is the way
that happens. We do not feed and house wise old men, and unfortunately
the costs of a school, equipment, and insurance are frighteningly high.

[From Kirk Lawson:]

There are several options for those short on cash who still want to
learn a martial art.

First, many school's will work with a student who truly wants to learn
but is tight on cash. Talk to the head instructor. Frequently a deal
can be struck that involves cleaning the school or some such.

Second is the option to find what I call "Garage Schools." These are
instructors that teach out of their garages and basements. They almost
always have a "day" job and teach simply for the love of the art at a
vastly reduced price; Sometimes $20 a month or less. Sometimes these
Garage Schools teach through your local Park and Rec. program at
similar cost savings.

Third, for High school and college students, check with your Student
Association or similar body. Schools and universities frequently have
Martial Arts Clubs opperating through the school. You can usually join
these clubs at no or minimal cost if you are a student. Sometimes
these clubs are open to non-students as well. Further, some
progressive universities offer a Martial Arts class for credit as part
of the physical fitness curriculum.

Naturally, there are sacrifices in each approach. To cut a deal with
an instructor, you may have to eat humble pie by admitting that you're
in a tight spot right now. It's something that many are loath to do.
Finding a Garage School has it's own challenges as well. They usually
don't advertise and so you only hear about them by word of mouth. You
have to expend some effort looking for them to find them. Sometimes
they are upper rank black belts in another school that they themselves
travel some distance to train in. The advantage of a Garage School is
that the instructor is interested in passing on the art, not making
money, and the classes tend to be rather small. Thus, you typically get
a very high level of instruction. Finding a Park and Rec. program is a
bit easier, but you still have to contact the Park and Rec. program or
admin. to find out. You can usually do this by contacting your local
Civic Center or, for people entering a new area, check the contents of
your Welcome Wagon basket. With both Garage Schools and Park and Rec.
schools, you typically have a more limited selection and may not be able
to find exactly the school you want. In the university and school
programs, as with the Garage Schools, your selection is frequently more


If you are intending to spend a lot of time at the school you want it
to be accessible, and convenient enough for you to get their after
work, on weekends, etc.


Another thing you want to be clear on is when you can go to the school
and when classes are. Some schools are open almost all the time and
have lots of classes. In some schools you can only come when an
official class is being held. An open school is usually better for
obvious reasons- convenience, practice time, access to mats, etc.

-Commitments and Promises

This is an important thing to know about any school you will be
joining. Be very clear on what they will expect of you and what you
expect of them. Some teachers want to teach only people who are
willing to commit to them and their style, some are willing to
introduce you to their style and let you dabble, some will teach you
as long as you show up. None of these are intrinsically better or
worse, but you want to know where they are coming from so you and they
are not surprised.

Find out if you are required to attend classes, find out about being
late, find out what the policy is on school rules of behavior and
etiquette. Find out how you are supposed to interact with the teacher
and other students. There are many styles for all these things so
make sure you find out. The easiest way is to ask these questions.

There may be other questions you want to look at and specific
questions you have about an instructor, school, organization, or
style you are looking at. Know the questions you want answered and
you will find the perfect school for you!



(a) This guy says that his style will make a Full Certified
Warrior & Killer out of me in 3 months---is it serious?

In short: NO.

First off, while many people enter the Way of the Martial Arts trying
to be the deadliest people in the world, it is not true that the final
objective of most, if any, Arts is this. Many Masters say that the
best battle someone can win is one that he doesn't fight. Most
martial arts are not designed to make you an instant killer.

Secondly, don't expect any miracle to come down on you, any light to
come through your window in the night and make you the most skilled
fighter- it all depends on your dedication, on your objectives, and on
the amount of training you get. Any school that promises to teach you
to be an "expert" in less than two years (at the lowest minimum) is
probably a scam. General net consensus seems to be that results can
be seen within a few months but the elusive "MASTERY" is the product
of YEARS and YEARS of dedicated work. Don't be fooled by false

(b) What do I do to become the deadliest person in the world ?

In brief: You can't. While a Martial Artist does learn combat skills,
the final objective of a Martial Art is not to become the deadliest
person alive.

The Martial Arts recognize there will always be someone who is bigger,
stronger, faster, has a bigger knife, a more powerful gun, a longer
range missile, and so on. The objective, then, is to become the best
that you can be, regardless of how good anyone else is.


7) Should children study Martial Arts?

In general, yes. Some of the possible positives would be control of
agressiveness, instilling self-respect and self-control, as well as

The style that a child should take is a totally different question,
and is directly influenced by the style, if any, of the parents. It
will of course be convenient if the child can practice with, or at
least in the same school as, the parents. The major issue with
children in the martial arts is the integrity and trustworthiness of
the teacher and the school.

The joints and connective tissues of children are more vulnerable to
injury than those of adults. Keep this in mind when selecting a style
and school for a child, and discuss it with the instructor. Schools
which allow agressive joint locks to be applied to children or don't
train them to refrain from snapping/hyper-extending elbows on strikes
and knees on kicks should be avoided. (It is for this same reason
that good baseball coaches will not allow young pitchers to throw
pitches which require hard snapping of the arm - like curve balls).
Throws, however, are quite different; the small size of children makes
them naturals for arts which require falling down.


8) I believe/don't believe in X. Should I train in Y?

Some martial arts have philosophical and/or religious roots or
associations, e.g. with Buddhism, Taoism, or Omotokyo. Thus, it is
natural for people who are considering a particular art to wonder if
it is compatible with their own philosophy or religion.

Normally it is not considered ethical for a Sensei/Sifu/Master/Teacher
to try to *impose* his own views on his students. However, the
philosophical aspects of some arts may still be present in the
required training to the extent that some potential students would be
offended by it. As with so many other aspects of martial arts, it
depends on the art and even more heavily on the instructor. So, be
sure to watch for this aspect when you visit a school that you are
interested in. Have a conversation with the instructor about it, and
watch how he/she interacts with his/her students.


9) Rankings/Color Belt Systems

Many arts have a ranking system. A typical ranking from beginner to
most experienced master is: 10th kyu, 9th kyu, ..., 2nd kyu, 1st kyu,
1st dan, 2nd dan, ..., 10th dan. "kyu" and "dan" are Japanese words;
Korean systems use the word "gup" instead of "kyu". 1st dan and above
frequently wear black belts.

That being said, do not put too much stock in rankings, and put even
less in belt color. Belt colors are HIGHLY dependent on the art,
school, and instructor. Some arts don't have any belts. Some have
only white and black. Some have white, brown, and black. Some have a
rainbow. Some instructors hand out rank/belts like candy, others are
very stingy. A given color will frequently signify different ranks in
different arts.

Rather than rank or belt color, what will determine an individual's
skill are how long and how intensely they have studied, the quality of
instruction they have received, and (to a lesser extent) their
"natural" ability.

A brief history of kyu/dan ranking systems and belts, contributed by
Steve Gombosi (sog@rainbow.rmii.com), is given below:

Before Jigoro Kano invented Judo, there was no kyu/dan ranking system.
Kano invented it when he awarded "shodan" to two of his senior
students (Saito and Tomita) in 1883. Even then, there was no external
differentiation between yudansha (dan ranks) and mudansha (those who
hadn't yet attained dan ranking). Kano apparently began the custom of
having his yudansha wear black obis in 1886. These obis weren't the
belts karateka and judoka wear today - Kano hadn't invented the judogi
(uniform) yet, and his students were still practicing in kimono. They
were the wide obi still worn with formal kimono. In 1907, Kano
introduced the modern gi and its modern obi, but he still only used
white and black.

Karateka in Okinawa didn't use any sort of special uniform at all in
the old days. The kyu/dan ranking system, and the modern karategi
(modified judogi) were first adopted by Funakoshi in an effort to
encourage karate's acceptance by the Japanese. He awarded the first
"shodan" ranks given in karate to Tokuda, Otsuka, Akiba, Shimizu,
Hirose, Gima, and Kasuya on April 10, 1924. The adoption of the
kyu/dan system and the adoption of a standard uniform based on the
judogi were 2 of the 4 conditions which the Dai-Nippon Butokukai
required before recognizing karate as a "real" martial art. If you
look at ph otographs of Okinawan karateka training in the early part of
this century, you'll see that they were training in their everyday
clothes, or (!) in their underwear.

Most other arts that have ranking/belt color systems adopted them from
the Japanese.


10) What is Greenoch?

The truth is: Greenoch doesn't exist. It first appeared in a post by
someone satirizing the "my School is better than your School", "my
Sensei/Sifu/Master is better than yours" syndrome that sometimes comes
up in this group.


11) What is Ki/Qi/Chi?

There are no absolute right answers to this question. Instead of
giving the one true answer to this, below are several different

(a) Ki doesn't exist. Everything the ki model tries to explain can be
explained with body mechanics, biophysics, and psychology. There
is no need to postulate some mysterious force. Science can
explain it.

(b) Ki exists absolutely. Ki is an energy, a living force, a spirit
that can be used to increase your strength, throw people around,
etc. Subjective experience shows that ki is real. It may either
be a bio-kinetic phenomena science doesn't understand yet or the
power of the mind in union with the body.

(c) Ki may or may not "really" exist. It is a useful model. The
ki model allows you to visualize how to increase your strength,
throw people around, etc.--it doesn't matter if it exists or not.
If someone invents a better model (i.e. one that is easier to
visualize), then maybe we'll switch to it.

Of the styles that stress ki, some work on developing the flow of ki
within their bodies. An example of this approach is Taijiquan.
Other styles work on letting the ki of the universe flow through them.


12) Martial Arts Glossary


sparring -- training with another person using actual blows

atemi -- a punch
do -- way
dojo -- training hall
gi -- uniform worn when training
kata -- prearranged series of movements
ki -- energy, living power, spirit
kumite -- sparring
jutsu -- art
randori -- multiple-person attacks
sensei -- teacher

Ichi (ee-chee) -- one
Ni (nee) -- two
San (sahn) -- three
Shi (shee) -- four
Go (go) -- five
Roku (row-koo) -- six
Shichi (shee-chee) -- seven
Hachi (hah-chee) -- eight
Kyu (cue) -- nine
Ju (joo) -- ten

dobak -- uniform worn when training
dojang -- training hall
poomse -- prearranged series of movements
qi -- energy, living power, spirit (same as chi)
sohgi -- stance
chagi -- kick
chirugi -- punch
makki -- block
kyuroogi -- free sparring
gup -- grade
kihap -- yell
sah-bum-nim -- master

Hah Nah -- one
Dool -- two
Set -- three (don't aspirate
Net -- four the "t"s)
Dah Suyht -- five
Yuh Suyht -- six
Il Gop -- seven
Yah Duhl -- eight
Ah Hope -- nine
Yuhl -- ten

qi -- energy, living power, spirit (same as ch'i)
shifu -- teacher (also "sifu")

Mandarin Cantonese

yi yut -- one
er yee -- two
san som -- three
si say -- four
wu ng -- five
liu look -- six
qi chut -- seven
ba bot -- eight
jiu gau -- nine
shi sup -- ten


13) A small bibliography:

_The Original Martial Arts Encyclopedia: Tradition, History,
Pioneers_. Corcorn/Farkas. Pro-Action Publishing.
ISBN Number: 0-9615126-3-6

_Go Rin No Sho---The Book of the Five Rings_.
Miyamoto Musashi

_The Essence of Ninjutsu_. Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi

_Budo Jiten_, 2nd Edition. F. J. Lovret
(72727.257@CompuServe.com). Taseki Publishing.

_Comprehensive Asian Fighting Arts_. Draeger & Smith
Publisher: Kodansha International ISBN Number: 0-87011-436-0
ISBN Number in Japan: 4-7700-0913-5

_The Art Of War_. Sun Tzu

_Zen in the Art of Archery_. Eugen Herrigel

_The Bible of Karate: Bubishi_, translated with commentary
by Patrick McCarthy.

_Okinawan Karate_. Mark Bishop

_Karate-Do, My Way of Life_. Gichin Funakoshi

_Karate-Do Nyumon_. Gichin Funakoshi

_Karate-Do Kyohan_. Gichin Funakoshi

_The Student's Handbook_. Frederick Lovret

_The Filipino Martial Arts_. Dan Inosanto

_Absorb What is Useful_. Dan Inosanto

_Budo_. Morihei Ueshiba

_Zen in the Martial Arts_. Joe Hyams

_The Martial Artist's Book of Five Rings_, Translation by Hanshi
Steve Kaufman, Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc., 1994.

In general, books from the Kodansha Editors carry a reputation
of being serious and at the same time direct and objective.


Pro-Action Publishing
A Division of Pro-Action Sports, Inc.
1717 N. Glendale Bl.
Los Angeles, CA 90026

Kodansha America, Inc.
114 Fifth Ave.
New York, NY 10011
Tel. Orders: 800-631-8571 [Visa, American Express,
Mastercard only]

Taseki Publishing Co.
3579 Ruffin Road #205
San Diego, CA 92123


14) Sources of information

14.1) Martial arts schools in North America

(This section has been removed and is awaiting new information).

14.2) FAQ ftp site

The rec.martial-arts FAQ and Newbie Guide are available on
rtfm.mit.edu in the directory
pub/usenet-by-hierarchy/rec/martial-arts, with the filenames
rec.martial-arts_FAQ_part_1_of_3, rec.martial-arts_FAQ_part_2_of_3,
rec.martial-arts_FAQ_part_3_of_3, and rec.martial-arts_Newbie_Guide.

HTML versions of the FAQ are available at
http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mcweigel/rmafaq/rmafaq1.html, rmafaq2.html, and

14.3) Aikido Dojo Directory

The Aikido Dojo Directory Listings is FTP'able in ASCII format from:


There is also an online Aikido Dojo Search Engine at:


... which will allow you to interactively search through the above ASCII

14.4) Classical Japanese Martial Arts Electronic Magazine

_Budo Shinbun_ is an entirely electronic magazine devoted to the
classical Japanese martial arts. It runs under Windows 3.1 and
higher, and is complete with pictures. It is entirely automatic, and
requires only that the subscriber tell it to "get new" and it will
obtain the latest articles (mail too) for reading off-line. It is NOT
a BBS. Available from Taseki Publishing (address & phone number

14.5) Traditional Karate Mailing List

Another discussion forum, this time a bit more specialized, is the
Traditional Karate Mailing List, maintained by Howard S. High, of
which we include some of the Charter:

Charter for the Traditional Japanese/Okinawan Karate Group List Name:


The purpose of this group is to provide a forum for individuals who
practice one or more of the traditional Japanese/Okinawan Karate
styles to share information and discuss issues. This is the first
"CYBER-Dojo" as a training supplement to Karate. The list is
un-moderated, with restricted membership.


Application for membership is open to any individual who practices
traditional Japanese/Okinawan Karate (teachers and students). An
exception to this rule will be for those individuals who follow the
traditional values but does not belong to a traditional school due to
reasons beyond the individual's control. Another exception is for
individuals who have not yet selected a martial art to follow. This
list can help such individuals choose their path.


A prospective member will send a subscription command to the LISTSERV

command: subscribe karate

The Host will forward an automatic reply which includes the
questionaire and the Principles of Conduct. After completing the
application, the prospective member will forward the application to:


use Subject: Membership Request

The questionaire will be reviewed by the listowner. After review, the
list owner will either request more information from the applicant,
send a Welcome Letter to the new member, or advise the applicant why
the membership was not approved.

To find out more information about the Karate CyberDojo, link to the
following pages:

The Official Karate CyberDojo Web Page: http://www.ryu.com/CyberDojo

The Karate CyberDojo Journal: http://www.jkr.com/cyberdojo/journal

14.6) Aikido-L Mailing List

For those of you interested in an open Internet e-mail discussion list on
the Japanese martial art of Aikido, there exists the Aikido-L mailing

The purpose of this group is open, public discussion of Aikido. Sharing,
understanding and and mutual respect are encouraged. Flaming and
arguments (such as 'my style is better than your style') are discouraged.

To join the list, send an e-mail to:


... with the message:

subscribe Aikido-L Firstname Lastname

... in the body of the message.

To participate in the list once subscribed, simply send e-mail to

The above instructions as well as options, FAQs, and information on
the Aikido-L Seminars are all available on the Aikido-L website:


14.7) Tuite/Acupuncture Discussion Group


The purpose of this group is to provide a forum in which the theories
of traditional Chinese medicine can discussed mainly in relation to
the martial arts.

The list is un-moderated, with restricted membership.

How to apply for membership:

All memberships are approved by the group administrator. Membership
is open to any open-minded martial artist, acupuncturist, alternative
healer, or anyone _actively_ interested in any of the above.


A prospective member will send a subscription command to:


In the body of the message will only be one line of the form -

The subject of the subscription request mail should be SUBSCRIBE to
provide quicker response. For example, if Joe Blow at
jb@somewhere.com wishes to subscribe, he would send:

subscribe jb@somewhere.com

The list owner will receive the subscription request forward an
application to you. Further instructions will be provided with this
application. Subscription will NOT be granted without having completed
the application process.

Serious applicants only! Participation is the key to our group. If
your intention is to sign up, receive lots of in-depth knowledge from
others, and contribute nothing, do not apply. If everyone contributes
- - the whole will be greater than the sum of the parts!


- - Traditional Chinese Medicine - 5 Element Theory - Yin/Yang Theory -
Kata or Forms bunkai as it relates to TCM - Book/Video reviews -
Pressure point locations - Pressure point Knock Outs - Revival

14.8) The Martial Arts Digest

To subscribe to Martial-Arts-Digest, send the command: subscribe

in the body of a message to "Majordomo@majordomo.cso.uiuc.edu". If
you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is
coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that
address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe

subscribe martial-arts-digest local-martial-arts@your.domain.net

(NOTE: As of 5/97 this list seems not to be active. If you have
information on where it has moved, please contact the FAQ maintainer.)

14.9) Jujutsu and Kokikai Aikido Mailing Lists

To join one of the following lists, send an interactive message (if
you are on bitnet) or email (if you are on Internet) to either:

LISTSERV@PSUVM (bitnet) LISTSERV@PSUVM.PSU.EDU (Internet) with the

SUBSCRIBE Listname 'your full name'


JUJUTSU Jujutsu List KOKIKAI Kokikai Aikido List (The AIKIDO-L
list is discussed separately in section 14.6)

14.10) Japanese Sword Arts Mailing List and FTP site

iaido-l Japanese Sword Arts Mailing List

To join the Iaido list, send email to 'listserv@uoguelph.ca' with the

subscribe iaido-l

The iaido-l FTP site is at foxsun.nscl.msu.edu, where people can log
in anonymously and find all sorts of information in pub/iaido,
including the Japanese Sword Arts FAQ and dojo lists for North America
and Europe.

14.11) Chinese Shao-lin Center Electronic Mail List (CSC-List)

PURPOSE: To provide information, class and training schedules for
instructors and students (both active and non active) of Grand Master
Sin Kwang The' 's Shao-lin System.

SUBSCRIBING: send a message to majordomo@shao-lin.com with the words
"subscribe shaolin" in the body of the message.

Please send questions to the list owner: dtheroff@ix.netcom.com.

14.12) Martial Arts and Sword/TV and Film Mailing List

To sign up, send a message to listserv@psuvm.psu.edu, and write in the
body of the message:

Subscribe mastvf-l Your name

Please note that the list name is entirely alpha (that's an L, not a
1), and that you write your own name in where it says Your Name.

To send messages to the list, send to mastvf-l@psuvm.psu.edu. Personal
messages to the listowner go to MaryAnnMc@aol.com.

Please note that this list is unmoderated, but that no flaming will be
allowed! Anyone violating this rule will be suspended from the list,
and if the problem persists, they will be unsubscribed. This is a
friendly list, and we want everyone to be comfortable and feel free to
express themselves without fear of having someone jump down their
throat. Also, please note that this list is not echoed to or from
usenet; there is no direct newsgroup access.

Digest format is available if you want all the day's messages
collected in one large post. After you are subscribed, send a message
to listserv@psuvm.psu.edu, and put in the body of the message:

Set mastvf-l digest

The purpose of this list is to discuss martial arts and sword work on
tv and in the movies, or conversely, to discuss any aspects of one's
favorite tv shows and movies that are oriented toward the martial arts
and sword.. Discussions of individual episodes of other programs that
are heavy on the martial arts or sword are welcomed as well.

14.13) Taichichuan Mailing List

A talk/discussion group of individuals interested in the art, history,
development and preservation of Tai Chi Chuan, Chi Kung, and related
arts. The Taichichuan mailing list can be subscribed to by sending
"subscribe taichichuan" in the body of a message to

14.14) Neijia (Internal Chinese Martial Arts) Mailing List

Neijia (internal chinese martial arts) mailing list can be subscribed
to by sending "subscribe neijia" in the body of a message to

14.15) Kyudo (Japanese Archery) Mailing List

Kyudo, or Japanese archery, mailing list. This list is a general discussion
list about the topic of kyudo.

(un)subscribe requests:
address: listmgr@moltensky.com
subject: none needed
body: (un)subscribe

actual distribution list:
address: kyudo-l@moltensky.com

General questions queries comments and flames to:tom@moltensky.com
(Tom Utiger)

14.16) Korean Martial Arts Mailing List

Do you practice Korean martial arts? e.g. Tang Soo Do, HwaRang Do, Kuk
Sool Won, Taekwondo, TaekKyon, Hapkido, Soo Bahk Do, Gumdo, Yudo, Ship
Pal Ki, Yu Sool, Kong Soo Do, Kung Jung Moo Sool, etc. Our readers
range from 9th gup (white belt) to 9th Dan.

Come practice with us at the The_Dojang, 9 years of continuous

the_dojang is a ~900 member e-mail distribution list for the RESPECTFUL
discussion of all Korean martial arts. We remain the oldest, largest
and the premier internet discussion forum devoted to the Korean martial
arts. All are welcome!

The list is managed by "Mailman". To subscribe to The_Dojang go to:


Brought to you by http://MartialArtsResource.com

Pil Seung!

14.17) Eskrima/Kali/Arnis Mailing List

Do you practice Eskrima, Escrima, Kali, Arnis, Dumog or some other
Filipino martial art? If so, why not join the Filipino martial arts
e-mail distribution list, the premier internet discussion forum devoted
to the FMAs.

The Eskrima list is a ~1100 member e-mail distribution forum for the
respectful discussion of the Filipino martial arts, for those
wheresoever dispersed around the globe. 9 years of continuous

The list is managed by "Mailman". To subscribe to the Eskrima list go


Brought to you by http://MartialArtsResource.com

Mabuhay ang eskrima!

14.18) Martial Arts WWW pages

GroundAndPound: http://www.groundandpound.com covers news,
commentaries, techniques and tape reviews from all of the martial

Isshin-Ryu Karate:

World-Wide Martial Arts Supply:

Judo Information Site: http://www.JudoInfo.com

West Los Angeles Karate School:

The Official Karate CyberDojo Web Page: http://www.ryu.com/CyberDojo

The Karate CyberDojo Journal: http://www.jkr.com/cyberdojo/journal

Japan Karate-Do Ryobu-Kai: http://www.jkr.com

Qigong/Eastern Philosophies: http://vitamins.net/forums/eastern

Uechi-Ryu and Traditional Okinawan Karate:

Brazilian Association of Krav Maga: http://www.kravmaga.com.br

Latosa Escrima: http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~keller/renel/renel.html

The Korean and Filipino Martial Arts web site:

The World Martial Arts Academy WTF style KoreanTaekwondo site:

The Virtual Library: Martial Arts: http://microbiol.org/vl.martial.arts

Martial Arts DataBase http://www.madb.de/index.en.html

Ready-made sticks:

Raw Rattan:

Training Knives/Live Blades:

International Shao Lin Kung Fu Institute & Triad Kung Fu and Arnis Academy
4825-B Country Club Rd., Winston-Salem, NC 27104; www.dokungfu.com
Phone: 336-774-1943 Email: tkaa@dokungfu.com

Hontai Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu in the United States (and worldwide):

American Martial Arts Supply:

14.19) Kung Fu Mailing List

The Kung Fu Mailing List is for the discussion of all traditional
chinese martial arts. To join, all one has to do is send a message to
listserv@leper.tamu.edu with either
subscribe kungfu
subscribe kungfu-digest

in the body of the message. The first is for a non-digest version
while the second is for people who just want to receive one daily
digest of the discussions.

14.20) Taekwondo Net Forum Mailing List

The Taekwondo Net Forum is a mailing list discussion forum for
martial arts that have origins in Korea.

If you would like to be added to this mailing list, send a message to
majordomo@igc.org with these words in the body text of the message:

subscribe taekwondo-net

Though it is called "taekwondo-net", the forum is open to discussion
on all topics relating to all Korean Martial Arts.

14.21) Kempo Mailing List

The Kempo mailing list is an e-mail discussion group open to Kempo
and Kenpo practitioners to discuss Kempo/Kenpo and related manners.

To subscribe, send an empty e-mail to: kempo-subscribe@egroups.com

14.22) Tuite-Ki Mailing List

'Tuite_Ki' was founded April 5, 2000
Membership is restricted/moderated.
Members: 50 (as of 7/25/00)

For more information: mailto:Eric_Putkonen@yahoo.com

Post message: Tuite_Ki@egroups.com
Subscribe: Tuite_Ki-subscribe@egroups.com
Unsubscribe: Tuite_Ki-unsubscribe@egroups.com
List owner: Tuite_Ki-owner@egroups.com

Egroups.com Category: Top : Sports : Martial Arts
URL: http://www.egroups.com/group/Tuite_Ki

14.23) Policedo Mailing List

The Policedo discussion forum.

An e-mail distribution list for the respectful discussion of law
enforcement and martial arts matters, for all those wheresoever
dispersed around the globe. All are welcome!

How to join the Policedo email discussion group, a publication of the
PMAAI (Police Martial Arts Association International).

The list is managed by the "Mailman" listserver software. To subscribe
to the list go to:


Brought to you by:
http://Policedo.com and http://MartialArtsResource.com

ORDO IUSTE (Order Justly)


15) Sources for material & equipment

North America

Academy of Karate Martial Arts Supplies 405 Black Horse Pike Haddon
Heights, NJ 08035 609-547-5445

BLT Supplies, Inc., 77 Mulberry Street, New York, NY 10013-4438
Tel:212-732-8388 Fax:212-385-2519 Toll Free:800-322-2860
http://www.BLTSupplies.com E-mail: info@BLTSupplies.com

Bugei Trading Company http://www.bugei.com

California S and P Inc. 10545-B San Pablo Ave.; El Cerrito, CA 94530;
USA 415-527-6032

Century Martial Art Supply, Inc. 1705 National Blvd.; Midwest City, OK
73110; USA 800-626-2787

Chris Nickolas American Arts Karate Martial arts supplies
(wholesale/retail) 4858 S. Main St. Akron, Ohio 44319 216-645-0818
Internet: mark.juszczec@bellhow.com

Defense Arts, Inc. P.O. Box 1028; Smyrna, GA 30081; USA 404-434-0370

East West Markets Exchange, Inc. 5533 North Broadway; Chicago, IL
60640; USA 312-878-7711

Far East Books 2029 North Park St. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3K
4B2 902-422-8142 FAX 902-422-1998 Internet fareast@fox.nstn.ca
Chinese Martial Arts, Religions, and Healing Disciplines; catalogue

Honda Martial Arts Supply Co. 61 West 23rd St.; New York, NY 10010;
USA 800-USA-NYNY or 212-620-4050

Kathol Kreations - Martial Arts Belt Displays

Kim Pacific Martial Arts Supplies 1451 Doolittle Dr.; San Leandro, CA
94577; USA 800-227-0500

Kiyota Company 2326 North Charles St.; Baltimore, MD 21219; USA
800-783-2232 or 410-366-8275

Macho Products 10045 102nd Terrace Sebastian, FL 32978 800-327-6812
e-mail macho@bb.iu.net

Martial Arts Supplies Co., Inc. 10711 Venice Blvd.; Los Angles, CA
90034-6294; USA 213-870-9866

Master Guard Chest Protectors - specializing in women's chest protectors

Musashi Martial Arts 1842 S. Grand Ave.; Santa Ana, CA 92705; USA

PAIS Enterprises P.O. Box 518, Miliken Post Office; Milliken, Ontario,
LOH 1K0, CANADA 416-299-8168

S & P of New York Budo, Inc. P.O. Box 2; Depew, NY 14043; USA

Saghafi Enterprises 1604 Niagara Falls Blvd.; Tonawanda, NY 14150; USA

Top Brands Box 51331; New Orleans, LA 70151; USA 504-522-4540

World-Wide Martial Arts Supply P.O. Box 3132 Bethlehem, PA 18017

Scandanavian Sources (most from a MA chain store called SBI)

SBI BUDOSPORT Sodra Forstadsgatan 66 Box 17092 200 10 Malmo SWEDEN
Tel: +46 (0)40 101585 Fax +46 (0)40 301405

SBI Stockholm Torsgatan 40 (S:t Eriksplan) 113 62 Stockholm SWEDEN
Tel +46 (0)8 308808 Fax +46 (0)8 331884

SBI Leksand Insjovagen 48 790 30 Insjon SWEDEN Tel +46 (0)247 40654

SBI Umea Backenvagen 87 902 51 Umea SWEDEN Tel +46 (0)90 31285

SBI Ostergotland Nygatan 31A 582 24 Linkoping SWEDEN Tel +46 (0)13

WOLFGANGS JUDO & SPORT Box 88 820 77 Gnarp SWEDEN Tel +46 (0)625

JT BUDOSPORT Box 3022 850 03 Sundsvall SWEDEN Tel +46 (0)60 158002

SHINPRO Gullberna Park 371 06 Karlskrona SWEDEN Tel +46 (0)455 27974

Intersport Lulea Storgatan 26 951 31 Lulea SWEDEN Tel +46 (0)920

Charles Harbour Sport Gustavsborgsvagen 10 374 38 Karlshamn SWEDEN
Tel +46 (0)454 19600

Budoshopen Slakterigatan 6 721 32 Vasteras SWEDEN Tel +46 (0)21

Orebro Gym & Kraftsportcenter Drottninggatan 29 = 702 22 Orebro

Fighter Sport Storgatan 37 Postboks 4781 0506 Oslo NORWAY Tel
22114055 Fax 22208708

SBI Fighter Shop Jagtvej 70 2200 Kopenhavn N DENMARK Tel 35374700
Fax 35374702

Other Sources

Agate Impex 457 MODEL TOWN, SIALKOT, PAKISTAN; www.agateimpex.com.pk

2007-03-07 23:10:39 · answer #8 · answered by Phlow 7 · 0 2

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