I have this same problem. Here are some things that seem to help me.
~Working out; this increases the endorphens (spelling?) in your brain making you feel happier. Also if you feel better about your body that may help you feel more confident.
~Learn a new type of dance; this is fun and as Dr. Suess says "Fun is good"
~ Have a day just for you. Take a long bath. Spend time on your hair and makeup. Take pictures of yourself looking pretty. Pretend you are a model!
~ Try to find a trusted friend to confide in.
~ Keep a diary/journal of your emotions and how you feel. Sometimes writting things out helps the make sense.
~ Get a plant and take care of it. For some reason this is supposed to help.
~ If the problem has been there for awhile you might want to see a counselor. They can help alot!
2007-03-07 12:59:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
That is really sad. I hope you get some. Most people have some confidence in themselves. Try finding something you do best and do it often. Don't dwell on what makes you lose your confidence. Keep up doing something that makes you happy and that will help. Good luck to you.
2007-03-07 21:21:03
answer #2
answered by Mary 5
Do things that you are great at! When you have success with these things, your confidence levels will rise. Try to do new things you would normally shy away from.
2007-03-07 20:56:33
answer #3
answered by fuji 1
Are you sure your not confusing what you describe as "lack of confidence' with another issue such as shyness?
Some people suffer from a Beautiful but crippling condition known as extreme shyness and sensitivity ?symptoms can somtimes be shown as ;
withdrawl from large group conversations ,
Not being able to speak up with a lions roar when you know you have something wonderful or important to contribute as an opinion during conversations around you or with those you are aquinted with,
having a sense about your appearence that its not as spectacular as you view others to be ,
Thinking that no one would want to be with someone like you,
fear of speaking to a person your attracted to in fear of rejection which would be a long term pain for you that you just couldnt bear,
Never applying for the job that you know you be great at because of fear that they wouldn't accept your application
pherhaps youv'e been rejected again and again in so many different ways that yuo are feeling this way as you described as a result?
Most people are like little blue corn flowers in a giant corn feild the same as each other blowing in the wind together in unison but what can sometimes happen is the winds can sweep up the seedling of a beautiful red rose much greater in size than the little blue corn flowers much difrerent in height and shape and design .but still God descides to plant
The seedling of the rose amongst the little blue corn flowers and as the season passes it grows and grows ,much taller, much greater in height much more beautful than the little blue corn flowers ,but yet it stands out feeling odd amongst the others and having to pull on all its strength alone to stand on its fragile stem against the wind unlike the the little blue corn flowers who are clusterd together protecting one another.
The rose begins to wilt and the beautiful petals that crowned it in glory begin to fall away and it dies not ever knowing that it was the most beautiful of all the flowers around it .
Let me tell you something if you have any of the above symptoms that I have described ?
You must be gorgeous ok ! truely open your eyes!
get a mirror look at yourself try to look behind the veil of fear and doubt you've thrown over yourself stop hiding behind it
Stop your being your own judge your insulting yourself and projecting your self in a manner unflattering to only you .
Have you seen Movies such as Bridget Jones Diary ?
or Pherhaps Pride and predjidece with Keira knightly?
what about Hanz Christan Andersons the ugly duckling ?
All these people sufferd from the affliction you yourself feel inside
and all became winners !
If you have not watched these movies ?,then I sugest you pop on down to the Video store ,do yourself and others around you a favour ok!
when I say "do others" a favour, I say that because you are depriving others of all that is great about you and all that is wonderful by not being your own number one fan and letting others see you shine like a Star it sounds to me like you are a STAR! you just need to get yourself out from behind that storm cloud you hide behind and shine already!!
Rent the movies I've suggested see how these girls behave , recognise yourself while watching them and see in the end of each movie how they end up with the prince charming ! and successful in other ways too !
You wouldnt be here on this planet if you wern't important and needed! and BEAUTIFUL !
2007-03-07 21:52:13
answer #4
answered by Trieste 1
Affirmations helped me a lot , you just have to appreciated yourself a little more . Taking care of your health plays a big part in gaining confidence in yourself .
2007-03-07 20:57:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
look at pictures of Britney Spears. Recent pictures. That would make me feel better about myself if I were a chick.
2007-03-07 20:55:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
go 2 peekvid and watch the movie the secret
2007-03-07 21:32:23
answer #7
answered by ? 5
look at youre self in pictures you like of your self and remember
2007-03-07 20:55:39
answer #8
answered by chef 2