It's called tolerance. You should try it. Why do you want to force God on everyone? You're entitled to your beliefs, but so is everyone else. Why is that so hard to understand?
2007-03-07 09:51:26
answer #1
answered by Justsyd 7
Is your faith threatened because this isn't a Christian nation? The majority of Americans may claim to be a Christian, but what kind of Christian? Evangelical? Liberal? Conservative? Church going or non-church going? It's all different things. Because you cannot pray outloud in school, it doesn't mean you cannot pray silently. This country wasn't formed on the godly beliefs that many conservative Christians believe that it was. Most of the founding fathers were either pagans or deists.
Thomas Jefferson said that the greatest thing that he did was add the freedom of religion to the bill of rights. We are a country of freedom. We do not believe in mixing the government and the church. It is a secular government. I worship God. I don't worship my government. I don't have to have a pledge with "under God" in it to know that God exists or to worship him. I don't think you do either. God isn't being "taken out of everything." That is a gross overstatement.
Don't you think that if you want YOUR beliefs protected, then you also have to make it fair for every religion -- agnostic, wiccan, pagan, muslim, hindu, and Christian? That 14% of other people in this country matter too.
2007-03-07 10:03:54
answer #2
answered by One Odd Duck 6
They don't want the God taken out of anything, but they do feel that the government has no right to enforce any particular religious viewpoint. Let the schools, or courts, or legislation bring faith directly into the process, and you open a HUGE can of worms, such as Catholic vs. Protestant, government sanctioned anti-Semitism, etc.
Do you want the government teaching your kids a version of Christianity that you disagree with? By keeping the two seperate, both private life AND religion are equally protected. Plus, not everyone believes in God, and they have that right. Ironically, God gave that right to them. They have as much right to disbelieve as you have to try and convince them.
Religion in government will become corrupe as a matter of course. Look how poorly the government runs everything else! Do you want that to happen to faith, as well?
2007-03-07 09:55:14
answer #3
answered by Year of the Monkey 5
Because they learned United States is a melting pot full of different faiths and beliefs. That's pretty bias to think Christians should rule and other religions must stay quiet. Christians, I hope are becoming more aware and understanding that the U.S is not only a Christian nation but an intermediate for all peoples. ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL and should be applied accordingly!
2007-03-07 09:55:55
answer #4
answered by Maikeru 4
Jesus said there is a day coming when no man can work.., referencing the ministry of the Gospel.
The Bible said the days of evil would spread, that in the end of time men would call evil, good and good, evil. Prophecy must take place, and in that is a bitter sweetness. We know that our redemption from this world is just a breath away - when we receive a call home.
Even so, I understand your frustration. Its a frustration that must be met by realization so that we can deal with it appropriately. We were not called to establish God's government on Earth. Jesus will do that. Develop patience, watch and pray, be ready because he comes without warning - and we cant afford to get caught up in the seculars attacks. It draws our minds away from where they need to be.
2007-03-07 10:03:38
answer #5
answered by Victor ious 6
because the people running the country and the government are bought and paid for. and they do not care that our kids are not allowed to pray in school and not even allowed to speak the word god.. it only took one atheist women to take god out of school... how week we are...and that woman found out later there really is a god..
2015-02-13 06:44:57
answer #6
answered by Sandy 2
They're not trying to take God out of EVERYTHING. Just out of things that their tax dollars go to support, and what the constitution of the United States says shouldn't favor one religion. (Public schools, government, laws.) I assume you're referring to the new dollar coin, which DOES have "In God We Trust" on it, by the way. How would you feel if every time you looked at a coin, it said "Praise Allah" on it? You wouldn't like it, would you? And don't use "we're the majority" as an excuse to put your religious beliefs all over public property. You can have your religious beliefs, but don't demand that EVERYONE be forced to be subjected to them.
2007-03-07 10:01:44
answer #7
answered by Jess H 7
Should God be in everything? If you read the Old Testament, you'll see that God didn't want there to be pictures or statues of Him, and that there shouldn't be coins with His likeness on them.
So -- if you extend that principle, what are the things that we've put God into, that God Himself would not want to be associated with?
2007-03-07 10:29:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I'd like to know why the Christians are so insecure that they need so many materialistic reminders of their faith. Is their faith in God so weak that they need it emblazoned on everything? It's not as though we are trying to get pentacles put on our money, or references to the Goddess in the Pledge... The atheists are working to make this country truly a place of equality and freedom of religion, any religion, as it was created to be, by Deists, mind you, not your precious Christians. Why not change all references to God to refer to the Constitution? One Nation, Under One Constitution....... In Our Constitution We Trust.... I like the sound of that.
2007-03-07 11:08:24
answer #9
answered by Cosmic I 6
We want to take religion out! (the True children of God)
the % of christians that are Spiritual Losers: 100% !
Here's the Solution:
"religion is Spiritual fraud"; "religion is the Worse invention of humanity" - Jesus Christ
Create a private, personal, direct, divine relationship with Our Creator and save your Soul from religion.
Only with Our Creator's Love and Peace will we be Truely Free!
Without God, there is No Love; Without religion, there are No Wars!
2007-03-07 09:53:44
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
The US constitution says the the government is not allowed to promote religion. Citizens have a freedom of religion. That means that government sponsored prayer or endorsement of religion is a violation of civil rights. Like it or not, that is how the rules are.
Can anyone give me a link to where a church was forced to remove its cross because someone across the street could see it and was offended?
2007-03-07 09:55:12
answer #11
answered by A.Mercer 7