washing with a good soap and water will do alot of good and keep your hands away from your face..this causes lots of oil and dirt buildup
2007-03-11 07:50:50
answer #1
answered by Sterling D W 3
There's tons you can do, depending on the severity of your acne.
No matter your skin type, you need a GOOD facial cleanser. I've tried them all and always go back to the Neutrogena facial bar soap for ance. It's inexpensive, and always does a great job. I always feel the cleanest after using this product. Wash your face two to three times a day with a washcloth to make sure you're getting rid of all the impurities on your face.
If you have light to moderate acne, use an astringent during the day if you can, and at night before bed. Or use a lotion that has an anti-acne agent in it. Salicylic acid is an example of one. Again, Neutrogena products are great and gentle on your skin.
If you have bad acne, try the AcneeFree system that's available in drug store. It's a three-step system, much like Proactiv, but cheaper and more readily available. I've heard great things about it.
If that doesn't work, try the Proactiv system. They have a money back guarantee on their products, so once you've used them and you find they don't work, you can mail them back for a full refund.
Also, there are many spot treatments in drugstores if you have one really bad pimple. Experiment with those, and only use the product when necessary.
If none of these things helps, you will probably benefit from a prescription facial treatment.
Also, if you're a teenager, don't get discouraged. Acne is common at this age, and it sucks, but just keep your face clean, take care of your skin, and it will blow over in a few years.
2007-03-07 07:01:46
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Right now my skin is perfectly clear, for the first time in 3 years. It's been about 9 weeks and all my acne is gone. It is such a great feeling to wake up with clear skin.
Holistic Acne Treatment Guide?
2016-05-16 03:24:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Ya, this is what I've been doing to my face a homemade spa >>>>>>>
reduce oily food, eat a lot of broccoli's (as they good for healing scar from the inside of you body) and fresh fruit, wash your face regularly and before you do this >>>> boil salt water, use the salt water steam for your face until your face sweating, leave it for awhile, wipe it with towel then put your acne cream only in the acne area and use skin pore firming for your scar and pore too, do this 2x/3x in a week or two.
don't pinch until it ready to pinch, don't touch it to much too cause you don't know what kind of bacterial your finger Cary and try put only one acne cream at your face that you believe it working (stop the experiment with all kind of acne medicine) change the steaming routine to 2week when your face are dry (mine do that after a week so i reduce to 2week) it slow proses so be patient.
for you diet
2007-03-07 08:05:17
answer #4
answered by Ni Jen Ku El 3
YES! I sell agreat product that is far better for your face than perscribed meds. It is inexpensive too. Avon Clear Skin. Purifying Gel Cleanser $ 4.29, Purifying Astringent $ 4.29 Correct and Fade Peel $5.29 Plus I recomend using our Anew Day Cream $ 17.00 Any help or to order just email me @ pinklipskissable@yahoo.com
2007-03-07 07:08:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Wash your face with a cleanser and then use a cotton ball moistened with a toner to clean up the residual impurities. If your hair is long, keep it in a pony tail at night. Also make sure that your pillow case is clean.
2007-03-07 07:08:12
answer #6
answered by dreamclock 2
Diet and drinking lots and lots of water.
Getting out in the sunshine.
2007-03-07 06:56:37
answer #7
answered by Jennifer M 4
you can put thoot paste on it and if that dont work wash ur face 2 times a day
2007-03-07 06:55:09
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
dont eat chocolate,i did it and my acne disepeared.
drink lots of water,eat lots of vegetables and fruits.
2007-03-07 07:18:08
answer #9
answered by aycicek 2