Christian theology, the deeper you dive into it the murkier it gets.
In the Bible God is the origin of evil. Evil would not exist if God had not created it.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
—Isaiah 45:7
Evil existed before Satan rebelled. In fact, poor Satan was the angel god sent to do his evil works. I think I might have rebelled as well. There are no passages within the older parts of the Hebrew Scriptures where Satan is portrayed as an evil devil - the arch enemy of God and of humanity. At most, he is described as a henchman who carries out God's evil instructions. There is no dualism here between two powerful supernatural entities: an all-good God and an all-evil Satan. God is portrayed as performing, directly and indirectly, both kind and evil deeds.
Some theologians get around the evil that God does in the Bible by saying all that God does is by definition not evil. God is perfect and without sin. Therefore, the acts God does that would be evil if humans did them are not for us to judge since God works in ways that are beyond our understanding.
To me its all malarky. Either religion is a made up mess, which is what I believe, or God is just a petty, mean spirited, flawed Deity not to be trusted or worshiped by anyone with sense. I know thumbs down me.
2007-03-07 06:50:25
answer #1
answered by Zen Pirate 6
i would answer that with another question. if you had a child, would you deny him/her's request to have roller-skates, or some other toy that they would have fun on, that had a small possibility of getting a scrape? if no... would you at least tell the child to be careful if they did get it? our world is about the same way. God gave us this world to live in, and he did basically tell us to be careful, but he let us go and do what we wished, even if he knew we would get hurt. that's the beauty of our freedom. we can do what we wish, because God doesn't control us to the point of being puppets. he lets us choose, and we have to live with that choice, whether we like it or not. the real evil is in ourselves, yes. God still loves us even though he hates that evil. i'm sorry if this doesnt help much, but it might help with the God and evil part a little
2007-03-07 06:48:40
answer #2
answered by feuercatza 2
Creation forms when energy explodes and
interfaces with invisible forces known as
Laws Of Physics.
Time and space are merely by-products of
this reaction.
The energy is not the forces. The Force is
not the energy. (despite the fact that today's
scientists are still in quest of the Higgs Boson)
Thus, it might be fair to assume that God writes
the genetic code up to the point where water
shows up. After that, each species is on it's
As people, we're given a conscience rather than
a policeman. Which leads me to believe that
good and evil only exist in the minds of men.
For what it's worth.
2007-03-07 06:49:03
answer #3
answered by kyle.keyes 6
It is funny to me how people want to categorize things as good and evil. Why don't we term them in negative and positive. And "yes" God is in charge of all things good and evil, positive or negative, light or dark. Christians quote the bible saying that God says he is the "alpha and the omega" - he is the beginning and the end. He is the creator of all things, even Satan if you believe in Satan.
If there were not positive or negative things in the world how would you ever grow and evolve as a person? How would you learn? How would you value things? If you never experinced negative things in your life, you would never grow and evolve into a better person hopefully.
How would you know what darkness was if you didn't know light? How would you know what joy was if you didn't also know pain? How would know love if you didn't know fear? Life is about balance. And God has created alll these things good-evil, positive-negative, light-darkness, so you can grow and evolve and know the difference between the two.
2007-03-07 07:31:06
answer #4
answered by amykins89 2
Evil is not something created by God. No evil is the absence of God. Just as darkness is the absence of light and cold is the absence of heat.
Evil is what we chose when we choose a path the we know in our conscience that is wrong. The Conscience is the impartial jury of the mind knowing right from wrong.
2007-03-07 06:46:12
answer #5
answered by Dead Man Walking 4
When you say God is part of all things, Do you mean he is present everywhere or do you mean God is everything? Anyways, I know people who believe God trancends, or exists apart from and outside the material universe. There are those who believe God and the world are one in the same. It depends on your personal beliefs.
2007-03-07 06:51:09
answer #6
answered by Maikeru 4
It would seems all evil comes down to either Satan or us. God is totally blameless even when he kills babies, sets regulations for slavery, says to kill gays, or inspires a book that tells women to not teach.
God is also blameless when Herod kills babies for God putting Jesus in Bethelem at that specific point in time. He is also blameless, for a man sacrificing his daughter to God, despite he only did it because God helped him win a war in which thousands more were killed for simply living in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Also god is blameless for all the attrocities done by people in His name, from the Isrealities, to Salem, to the Spanish inquistion, to Hitler.
So no matter on what level, none of it is ever God's fault because He knows no evil.
Hope that clears it up, cause it sure doesn't for me.
2007-03-07 06:46:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
God is part of all things. However, being a evil is a matter of an individual's choice. God still love all of matter what!
2007-03-07 06:42:19
answer #8
answered by Brewmaster 4
God is part of all things. Evil is a creation of humanity, not of God
2007-03-07 06:44:00
answer #9
answered by Allie400 2
Don't worry, Christians are used to rude and offensive. No, God is not the author of evil...and for once, that comes from the Bible.
2007-03-07 06:40:46
answer #10
answered by Wiggles 2