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the psychiatrist has just started me on a course of l-tryptophan to take at the same time as duloxotine has anyone had these two medications togeter did it help you i am completely numb at the moment but i dont care i am not happy or sad but at one time this would have really bothered me but now it dosent at all my husband says i am fun again now but i dont feel it but i do laugh now which i havent done for a long time still have obsessive thoughts about my phobia but apart from that there is nothing on my mind dose anyone else feel like this

2007-03-07 06:14:50 · 2 answers · asked by vici 4 in Health Mental Health

2 answers

I find it funny that you said that you feel numb. L-tryptophan makes a person sleepy. Do you feel sleepy alot. If you eat carbohydrates at the same time with l-tryptophan it can have a good hypnotic effect on you by making you really sleepy. Ltrypophan can be found in milk and turkey. That is whay people are sleepy after a thanksgiving meal.

2007-03-07 06:46:04 · answer #1 · answered by larryissfc 3 · 0 0

There are multiple kinds of disorders that deal with anxiety. Although most can manifest in similar ways, these disorders generally occur due to different events in your life. Natural home remedies for anxiety https://tr.im/8zZxt
Generalized anxiety disorder includes persistent and unnecessary worries about everyday, common events or activities, which can disrupt concentration and lead to other issues, such as depression.

2016-02-10 17:46:52 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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2016-04-24 01:03:51 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

40000 Cured Social Anxiety - http://SocialAnxiety.uzaev.com/?PbwY

2016-06-21 19:00:55 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

To be happy see this video;
See this video;

Understanding Psychiatry:

"Psychiatry is not the same as neurology; whereas neurology treats diseases that have their aetiology or their physiology known and proven by medical science, psychiatry treats mental conditions where aetiology and physiology are both unknown and unproven.”

Psychiatry is not the same as Psychology; whereas Psychology studies the cognitive and subconscious mental processes of man with no regard towards physiology; Psychiatry studies theoretical mental disorder with the assumption that those disorders are based on physiological deficiencies.

Psychology develops therapies aimed to improve mans cognitive processes; whereas Psychiatry develops physiological treatments to treat theoretical physiological deficiencies where aetiology and physiology are both unknown and unproven.

The unscientific assumption that mental disorders are based on physiological deficiencies creates an arbitrary that makes any further research done by Psychiatry unscientific. You can’t base science on assumptions and arbitraries.

Psychiatry treats theoretical mental disorders with theoretical physiological treatments.

Examples of Psychiatric theoretical mental disorders:
Premenstrual dysphonic disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome.
Gender identity disorder: If you are gay you have this disorder.
Female orgasmic disorder: Many types of conditions are under this code.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DSM-IV_Codes_%28alphabetical%29
As you see, these mental disorders are actually unscientific arbitraries based solely on opinion.

Examples of Psychiatric theoretical physiological treatments:
1st Example
Electroconvulsive therapy is a barbaric treatment where brain damage is induced into the patient by passing 70 to 200 volts of electricity through your brain. The electro shock and the heat further produce more brain damage by the effect decomposition and toxicity of dead brain cells. The only benefit of Electroconvulsive therapy is that it produces memory loss and amnesia. So the patient forgets its problems. Electroconvulsive therapy has caused death, coma and disabilities on patients.
“About 100,000 people in the USA undergo ECT every year.”
“The most commonly accepted theory is that ECT's mechanism of action is similar to that of antidepressant drugs and involves neurotransmitters, in particular dopaminergic, serotoninergic and noradrenergic systems.”
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroconvulsive_shock_therapy

2nd Example:
Lobotomy is another barbaric treatment developed by Psychiatry in the name of mental health. In this procedure brain damage is induced into the patient by cutting the connections to and from the prefrontal cortex or simply destroying it.
“Even lobotomy's proponents admitted that only one third of the operated patients would improve, while one-third remained the same, and one-third got worst (25 to 30 % is the proportion of spontaneous improvement in many kinds of mental diseases! Thus, a large proportion of the operated patients could have recovered without the lobotomy).

3rd Example:
The chemical imbalance theory, this theory alleges that serotonin deficiency in the brain causes depression. The following video explains this theory.

But this theory is not based in science and experts disagree:

“I spent the first several years of my career doing full-time research on brain serotonin metabolism, but I never saw any convincing evidence that any psychiatric disorder, including depression, results from a deficiency of brain serotonin. In fact, we cannot measure brain serotonin levels in living human beings so there is no way to test this theory. Some neuroscientists would question whether the theory is even viable, since the brain does not function in this way, as a hydraulic system”
Stanford psychiatrist David Burns, winner of the A.E. Bennett Award given by the Society for Biological Psychiatry for his research on serotonin metabolism, when asked about the scientific status of the serotonin theory in 2003.

“Although it is often stated with great confidence that depressed people have a serotonin or norepinephrine deficiency, the evidence actually contradicts these claims”
Professor Emeritus of Neuroscience Elliot Valenstein

“Indeed, no abnormality of serotonin in depression has ever been demonstrated”
Psychiatrist David Healy, former secretary of the British Association for Psychopharmacology and historian of the SSRIs, in Let Them Eat Prozac (2004).

“A sugar pill was more effective than either St. John’s Wort or the antidepressant Zoloft in providing relief to severely depressed patients, according to a new study that is unlikely to end the debate about the role of the popular supplement in treating the disorder.”

“…I wrote that Prozac was no more, and perhaps less, effective in treating major depression than prior medications…. I argued that the theories of brain functioning that led to the development of Prozac must be wrong or incomplete”
Brown University psychiatrist Peter Kramer, author of Listening to Prozac, which is often credited with popularizing SSRIs, in a clarifying letter to the New York Times in 2002.

“Some have argued that depression may be due to a deficiency of NE [norepinephrine] or 5-HT [serotonin] because the enhancement of noradrenergicnor serotonergic neurotransmission improves the symptoms of depression. However, this is akin to saying that because a rash on one’s arm improves with the use of a steroid cream; the rash must be due to a steroid deficiency”
Psychiatrists Pedro Delgado and Francisco Moreno, in “Role of Norepinephrine in Depression,” published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry in 2000.

We must be able to differentiate real scientific research against special interest research. The fact is that the chemical imbalance theory is unfounded because:
1) A connection of ‘emotional states’ and neurotransmission levels have not been established.
2) It is impossible to measure the serotonin levels in living human beings.
3) There is no evidence that brain cells produce and then reabsorb serotonin.

In the following video two college professor explain exactly what I’m saying in Fox News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbTqjSfMPKA&mode=related&search=

We must understand that psychiatric drugs are a multi billion dollars industry, and that careful marketing campaigns are created to push these drugs. We can even say that the whole “Chemical Imbalance Theory” was created in an effort to market these drugs. We can also say that anti-depressants are actually a marketing name for stimulants and anti-psychotic are actually a marketing name for depressants.
Three types of drugs:

Narcotics: (OxyContin, Vicodin, Percocet), also known as analgesics or opiods are drugs that are prescribed for moderate to severe physical pain. They are abused because of their euphoric, sedating, and numbing effects. Narcotic abuse causes tolerance and dependence and the withdrawal symptoms are severe.

Depressants: (Xanax, Valium, Librium) are drugs that are prescribed to treat anxiety and sleep disorders. They are abused because of their sedating properties. With abuse, depressants cause tolerance and dependence and the withdrawal symptoms can be severe.

Stimulants: Ritalin, Dexedrine, Meridia) are prescribed to treat ADD/ADHD and other conditions such as asthma. They are abused because of their energizing and euphoric effects. Stimulants do not generally cause tolerance or dependence but abuse is associated with hostility and paranoia. There is also great risk for cardiovascular failure and seizures.

-Ritalin: Prescribed for individuals (usually children) who have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), has a high potential for abuse and produces many of the same effects as cocaine or amphetamine. http://www.streetdrugs.org

Psychiatrists are not common people. Psychiatrists have a different point of view than the rest of society:
“A recent survey in the UK found that 83 per cent of psychiatrists thought that ECT( Electroconvulsive therapy) was more likely to be beneficial than harmful – this figure fell to 69 per cent of mental health nurses and 14 per cent of psychologists.”

So how come Psychiatrists have such a different point of view than Psychologists and the rest of society?
Whereas Psychologists confronts the human mind or psyche and understand that each person behaviors is an evolution of his own personal experiences. Psychiatrists are unable to confront the human psyche; Psychiatrists don’t care about your emotional issues or traumas; Psychiatrists only deal with man as an object, a biomechanical machine incapable of controlling his mental processes.

How else can you explain Psychiatry barbaric treatments? Like Electroconvulsive therapy, Lobotomies, strait jackets and severe drugging of patients. For them you are not a person; for them you are only a biomechanical machine. People that join the Psychiatric profession do it in order to learn to deal with man in a mechanical way.

The real role of Psychiatry in society is that they are psyche executioners of society. Whenever a person doesn’t conform with the behavioral rules of society they can be sent to a Psychiatrist. And the Psychiatrist enforces the person to conform by the use of multiple control mechanisms; these mechanisms are drugs, electroshock, lobotomies and incarceration (When you are committed into a Psychiatric hospital against your will you are being incarcerated and your freedom is taken away from you. After this the patients are so scared that they will do anything in order to get out of that place.).
The behavioral rules of society are clearly expressed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association.


2007-03-08 10:38:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Depression is very common and everyone feels fed up, sad, unhappy, miserable at times. Sometimes we know that there is a cause for our depression - maybe we have just broken up from a relationship, maybe someone we were close to has died, we may have failed exams, we may be ill - but other times there doesn't seem to be one cause - it may be a build up of problems, feeling unable to cope with life and we are not really sure why.

When depression is very severe some people can feel that life isn't worth living, they want to die. When depression doesn't go away it is important to ask for help. It is not a sign of weakness to ask for help but a sign of strength to recognise that you have these feelings and are unable to cope. Many people find at some stage in their life that it is hard to cope as well as they used to. You don't have to be strong all the time - recognise when you are finding it difficult to cope and need support.

People can get a variety of symptoms when they feel very depressed.

General feelings of unhappiness which don't go away.

Having no interest in life.

Finding it difficult to concentrate and make even easy decisions.

Having no feeling of enjoyment in life.

Not wanting to go out or mix with people but spending a lot of time on your own.

Feeling very tired and having no energy.

Finding it difficult to sleep and waking up frequently during the night.

Having no appetite and eating very little

Losing self confidence and feeling worthless.

Being very irritable, anxious, impatient.

Feeling very negative about life.

Having suicidal thoughts.

If you are depressed don't bottle it up - it is important you talk to someone - family, friend, teacher, youth leader, GP, organisation, helpline etc. - anyone you feel you can trust If you don't share how you are feeling you may find yourself using unhealthy coping strategies which will in the long run only add to your problems and make you feel worse - some people may start drinking alcohol more, may take drugs, may start self harming and cutting themselves, may stop eating or binge eating and making themselves sick.

You may find that counselling will help you as this will give you a safe space to talk to someone who is especially trained. This will help you to say how you really feel inside and the counsellor will work with you to help you find solutions and healthy coping strategies and to look at the reasons behind your depression. This will give you a better understanding of your feelings and some support in working through anything which is troubling you. If you find that counselling doesn't work for you then it would be an idea to see your GP and discuss with him other ways of helping you with your depression.

Talking to others and counselling and therapy can help but to pull yourself out of a depression you need to do a lot of work yourself. When you are depressed you may feel you have no control over your life but you do still have choices. You can choose to stay depressed and not eat properly, not exercise, stay in bed all day, etc. or you can choose to try and help yourself to get out of the depression . If you take care of yourself physically it will help you to feel stronger emotionally and to cope more easily with life. Just as a car needs petrol to work properly so does your body need nutrients from food so although you may not feel like eating please try and eat healthily and drink plenty of water.

Sometimes when we are depressed life can seem very negative and black - it can be easy to forget that there are beautiful things in the world surrounding us. Try and get out each day into an open space, park, forest, lake etc. and just take in the beauty of your surroundings, and try and be at one with nature. This can help keep things in perspective and lift your mood.

Set yourself small goals - maybe each day try and write down something you want to do the following day and try and follow this through. The more active you are the less time you will have to focus on your depression. Try and interact with other people when you can as if you totally isolate yourself and cut yourself off from the outside world you could find your depression gets more severe.

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What Can I do To Help Myself
Don't bottle things up - find someone to talk to about how you are feeling.
Make sure you get plenty of exercise and plenty of fresh air. You will find that even if you do a quick walk every day and a short period of other exercise each day you will start to feel physically and emotionally stronger and more able to cope.
Make sure you eat a healthy balanced diet - eat little and often and don't skip meals. If you are not eating properly you will feel more depressed and listless.
Try and keep busy - to keep your mind occupied.
Do things you enjoy to relax, treat yourself and take care of yourself.
Try and get to bed at a regular time. If you find it difficult to sleep listen to the radio/TV/read and you may find you drop off to sleep more easily.
Don't resort to unhealthy ways of dealing with your problems like drinking, taking drugs, cutting, eating disorders.
Ask for help when you need it.
Try to stop thinking in a negative way - when you think a negative thought try and replace it with a positive one.
If you need a hug ask someone you trust - this can make you feel that someone really does care how you are feeling.
Remember depression is very common - you will not always feel like this - you will come out of it and be able to enjoy life.

If your depression is severe and you are having thoughts about harming yourself or ending your life it is important you talk to someone immediately about how you are feeling. If you are a child or young person speak to your parents about how you are feeling. They would want to know how you feel and to support you and look at ways of helping. Talk to your GP and make him aware of what is going on for you. It is very difficult to deal with severe depression on your own - you need help and support and in some cases your GP may advise medication.


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Agencies which offer support and information
SupportLine Telephone Helpline: 020 8554 9004 (Helpline), email info@supportline.org.uk - Confidential emotional support to Children Young People and Adults. Also keeps details of agencies, support groups and counsellors throughout UK.

Association for Post Natal Illness: 020 7386 0868, www.apni.org, emailinfo@apni.org - To advise and support women suffering from post natal illness. Running a network of volunteers to support sufferers throughout the UK.

Aware Defeat Depression: 08451 202961, email help@aware-ni.org - Support, information or a listening ear for all those affected by depressive illnesses.

Breathing Space: 0800 83 85 87 (Area served SCOTLAND), www.breathingspacescotland.co.uk - Helpline for young men 12-40 years who are experiencing difficulties and unhappiness in their lives and for their friends and family.

CALL Community Advice and Listening Line (Wales): 0800 132737, www.callhelpline.org.uk - Mental health helpline for Wales providing confidential listening support service.

Childline: 0800 1111, www.childline.org.uk.

Crossline Central: 0845 658 0045 (Area served SCOTLAND) - Christian based helpline and counselling service for the general public and people in crisis.

DABS Mail-Order Book Catalogue: 01709 860023 - Wide range of books including those on depression, self esteem assertiveness, self harm, child abuse.

Depression Alliance: 0845 123 2320, email information@depressionalliance.org, www.depressionalliance.org - Confidential listening and support service. Also offer a range of information on depression and treatment options. National network of self help groups for people experiencing depression. National pen friend scheme offering support and fellowship to people with depression and their carers. Quarterly newsletter, booklets and leaflets on depression.

Depression Alliance Scotland: 0845 123 2320 (Area served SCOTLAND), www.depressionalliance.org - Telephone information and other support for people affected by depression. Information about symptoms and treatment, listening support and signposting to other agencies.

Depression Support Group Association ( London based): 020 7328 8391, www.depressionalternatives.co.uk - Helping people whose lives have been distorted by insecurity, loneliness, shyness, unsatisfactory relationships to find alternatives to depression. Groups in London convened by professional counsellors/psychotherapists. Meet in a friendly, sociable environment and offer members route to a more fulfilling life, develop self esteem and confidence and learn how their emotional needs can be met more fully. Fee £15 per week, concessions students/unemployed. Also run Shyness & Social Anxiety Programme and Personal Relationships programme, Men's Group to strengthen men's sense of themselves. Also individual therapy.

Fellowship of Depressives Anonymous (FDA): 01702 433838, PO Box FDA, Self Help Nottingham, Ormiston House, 32-36 Pelham Street, Nottingham NG1 2EG UK wide self help organisation made up of individual members and groups which meet locally on a regular basis for mutual support. £10 yearly membership (reductions for those who cannot afford that amount).

Get Connected: 0808 800 4994, email help@getconnected.org.uk, www.getconnected.org.uk - Free telephone and email helpline finding young people the best help whatever the problem. Can connect a child or young person to any UK helpline where appropriate.

Hope in Crisis Telephone Line: 028 9446 9990 (Area served NORTHERN IRELAND) - Christian based organisation offering listening support and ministry for anyone in crisis.

The London Shyness Clinic: 020 7289 4317, www.shyness.co.uk - Therapy and counselling to overcome shyness and gain confidence.

Manic Depression Fellowship: 0845 634 0540, email mdf@mdf.org.uk, www.mdf.org.uk - Advice and information for people with manic depression and their families, carers and mental health professionals. Supply a range of information leaflets, books and tapes. Network of self help groups for people with manic depression, relatives and friends. Self management training programme.

The Maytree: 020 7263 7070 - Sanctuary for the suicidal offering befriending and support (based in N.London).

The Mental Health Foundation: 020 7803 1100, email mhf@mhf.orgl.uk, www.mhf.org.uk - Publish a booklet 'Understanding Depression'.

Meet A Mum Association: (MAMA) 0845 120 6162, www.mama.org.uk, email Meet-A-Mum.assoc@blueyonder.co.uk - To support mothers and mothers to be by putting them in touch with other mothers living nearby. Also provide one to one support and social activities.

Mind (National Association for Mental Health): 0845 766 0163, email contact@mind.org.uk, www.mind.org.uk - Publish booklets relating to Depression.

Muslim Youth Helpline: 0808 808 2008, email help@myh.org.uk, www.myh.org.uk (Area served London). Helpline providing culturally sensitive support to Muslim youth under the age of 25. Outreach services including family mediation, face to face counselling and befriending.

National Youth Advocacy Service: 0800 616101, email help@nyas.net, www.nyas.net - Provides information, advice, advocacy and legal representation to young people up to the age of 25 through a network of advocates throughout England and Wales.

Premier Lifeline: 0845 345 0707, email lifeline@premier.org.uk, www.premier.org.uk/lifeline - Christian run helpline offering information and a listening ear to the general public on a range of emotional and spiritual issues.

SAD Association: 01903 814 942, www.sada.org.uk - To inform the public about seasonal affective disorder. To support and advise sufferers of the illness. Limited light box hire scheme. Supply contacts list for members.

Samaritans:0845 790 90 90, email jo@samaritans.org, www.samaritans.org.

Self Help Services: (Manchester area) 0161 226 5412, email info@selfhelpservices.org.uk, www.selfhelpservices.org.uk - Run over thirty support groups for people with mental health problems or are in need of emotional support, including groups relating to depression.

Stress Anxiety Depression - Confidential Helpline: 01622 717656 - Advice, information on self help strategies, relaxation, exercise, nutrition, cognitive therapy etc.

Voice for the Child In Care: 0808 800 5792, email help@vcc-uk.org, www.vcc-uk.org - Telephone advice, information and advocacy services for children in care. Helpline for care leavers - 0808 100 3224. Visiting advocacy service for children in secure units and other residential homes.

Who Cares? Linkline: 0500 564 570, email mailbox@thewhocarestrust.org.uk, www.thewhocarestrust.org.uk - Helpline offering information and support for young people who are or have been in care.

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Useful websites
www.channel4.com/health - information on depression, anxiety, mental health etc

www.depressioninteenagers.co.uk – An interactive site with resources for young people with depression, using self help ideas and relaxation techniques

www.foodandmood.org - a site which explores the relationship of what you eat and how you feel

www.healthyplace.com - information and support for those suffering from depression (American site)

www.netdoctor.co.uk - lots of useful information

www.patient.co.uk - self help guides under mental health leaflets on depression

www.pendulum.org (American site) - online support group for people with manic depression (bipolar disorder)

www.pni.org.uk - website set up by women who are suffering or have suffered with post natal illness, information, email support partner, chatroom

www.surgerydoor.co.uk - click on 'medical conditions', click on 'mental health', then 'depression' for information

www.theblackdog.net - supportive site for men who suffer from depression and/or suicidal thoughts

www.There4me.com - website for 12-16 year olds, confidential online advice

www.www.touchingminds.org - peer support for those who suffer from mood disorders, depression, anxiety

www.worriedneed2talk.org.uk - website for young people

Useful book
Overcoming Depression by Paul Gilbert - Publishers Constable & Robinson: ISBN 1841191256
Click here to read more or buy this book

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2007-03-08 21:29:51 · answer #6 · answered by kirsty m 3 · 0 0

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