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19 answers

Religion: any specific system of belief, worship, or conduct that prescribes certain responses to the existence (or non-existence) and character of God.

Cult: a group of people (often a new religious movement) devoted to beliefs and goals which may be contradictory to those held by the majority of society. Its marginal status may come about either due to its novel belief system or due to idiosyncratic practices that cause the surrounding culture to regard it as far outside the mainstream.

So, the difference is generally just how accepted they are by mainstream society.

2007-03-07 00:36:51 · answer #1 · answered by Tom :: Athier than Thou 6 · 5 2

religion defined:

# strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny
# institution to express belief in a divine power

Online Etymology Dictionary gives an interesting definition, & includes this interesting comment:

"The equal toleration of all religions ...
is the same thing as atheism."
[Pope Leo XIII, Immortale Dei, 1885]

Secret Societies--How Great the Threat? :
- Why All the Secrecy?
- Secrecy in the Name of the Lord

This^ goes into detail in describing & explaining what cults are, how they operate, & what their goals usually are.

2007-03-10 07:25:12 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Religions don't have totally inflexible rules that are enforced maliciously and subjugate the free will, cults do.

If you can't make it to a church service or won't or don't for any reason, no one climbs all over you.

You are allowed to have an outside life with free choice. Cults keep close watch over you, have closed communities and send people out in packs, never alone.

Religions don't care what you read, see or hear. The Catholics, for example, have an advisory system for books, movies and music, but no one stops you from digesting these in whole or part.

There are rules to follow in religions, but by and large these are reasonable and sometimes flexible.

Cults, by are large, are the opposite.

Hence, something like Comminism meets my definition of a cult as practised by China and the USSR.

2007-03-07 00:42:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

A religion is a set of beliefs and practices generally held by a human community, involving adherence to codified beliefs and rituals and study of ancestral or cultural traditions and mythology, as well as personal faith and mystic experience. The term "religion" refers to both the personal practices related to communal faith and to group rituals and communication stemming from shared conviction.

Religion is often described as a communal system for the coherence of belief focusing on a system of thought, unseen being, person, or object, that is considered to be supernatural, sacred, divine, or of the highest truth. Moral codes, practices, values, institutions, traditions, and rituals are often traditionally associated with the core belief, and these may have some overlap with concepts in secular philosophy. Religion can also be described as a way of life.

The development of religion has taken many forms in various cultures. "Organized religion" generally refers to an organization of people supporting the exercise of some religion with a prescribed set of beliefs, often taking the form of a legal entity (see religion-supporting organization). Other religions believe in personal revelation and responsibility. "Religion" is sometimes used interchangeably with "faith" or "belief system,"but is more socially defined than that of personal convictions.

2007-03-07 21:58:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well, to answer that you need to define "religion" and "cult"

Cult - [noun] adherents of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices.

I liked 'EARL D' 's answer. He elaborated on what exactly distinguishes a cult, from a religious Group.

*"exclusive" is the keyword here that emphasizes the traits of a cult.

religion - [noun] a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny. Institution to express belief in a divine power.

Therefor a 'cult' is inclusive to religion, but not the same as it. Religions are made up of beliefs ~ and those who practice beliefs would seem to form 'cults.'

2007-03-07 00:41:46 · answer #5 · answered by redglory 5 · 0 2

A cult is a religion with no political power.

2007-03-07 04:20:23 · answer #6 · answered by Todd W 3 · 1 2

I believe that all religions are cults. Why, because they all come up with their own rules and regulations that the members must follow to stay a member and all require tithing because they need money to stay open.

2007-03-07 09:16:10 · answer #7 · answered by Lonely Bàstard 5 · 0 2

The term “cult” is used loosely by many who may not be fully aware of its connotations. To prevent confusion, some theologians actually avoid using the term.

The World Book Encyclopedia explains that “traditionally, the term cult referred to any form of worship or ritual observance.” By that criterion, all religious organizations could be classified as cults. However, in general usage today, the word “cult” has a different meaning. The same encyclopedia notes that “since the mid-1900’s, publicity about cults has altered the meaning of the term. Today, the term is applied to groups that follow a living leader who promotes new and unorthodox doctrines and practices.”

Endorsing the popular usage of the term, Newsweek magazine explains that cults “are normally small, fringe groups whose members derive their identity and purpose from a single, charismatic individual.” Similarly, Asiaweek magazine notes that “the term [cult] itself is vague, but it usually denotes a new religious creed built around a charismatic leader, who often proclaims himself to be the personification of God.”

The language used in a joint resolution of the 100th Congress of the State of Maryland, U.S.A., also conveys the derogatory connotation of the term cult. The resolution states that “a cult is a group or movement exhibiting excessive devotion to a person or idea and employing unethically manipulative techniques of persuasion and control to advance the goals of its leaders.”

Clearly, cults are generally understood to be religious groups with radical views and practices that clash with what is accepted today as normal social behavior. Usually they conduct their religious activities in secrecy. Many of these cultic groups actually isolate themselves in communes. Their devotion to a self-proclaimed human leader is likely to be unconditional and exclusive. Often these leaders boast of having been divinely chosen or even of being themselves divine in nature.

Occasionally, anticult organizations and the media have referred to Jehovah’s Witnesses as a cult. A number of recent newspaper articles lump the Witnesses with religious groups known for their questionable practices. But would it be accurate to refer to Jehovah’s Witnesses as a small fringe religious group? Cult members often isolate themselves from friends, family, and even society in general. Is that the case with Jehovah’s Witnesses? Are the Witnesses using deceptive and unethical techniques to recruit members?

Cult leaders are known to use manipulative methods to control the minds of their followers. Is there any evidence that Jehovah’s Witnesses do this? Is their worship cloaked in secrecy? Are they following and venerating a human leader? Pointedly, are Jehovah’s Witnesses a cult?

2007-03-07 20:31:21 · answer #8 · answered by Alex 5 · 0 1

a religion worships Jehovah God and his son Jesus Christ. a cult worships man and does what he wants and they live all together and sleep together. a religion does what Jesus Christ commanded to love one another and to do what Matthew 28 verse 19 and 20 tells them to do. a religion lives in there own homes in 236 lands and is a worldwide brother and sisterhood.

2007-03-07 03:36:07 · answer #9 · answered by lover of Jehovah and Jesus 7 · 2 1

A religion is what I believe in, a cult is what you believe in.

2007-03-07 01:19:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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