you ask some good questions, and yes you're right, people see anorexics as sick and people see fat people as greedy.
I think help is always available for fat people and anorexics, all depends who cries out for help.
2007-03-06 19:47:03
answer #1
answered by looby 6
Firstly many obese people have mental health issues the same as anorexia patients - so it's not always their fault.
I guess it's something that is in-bred into us when we see someone who is fat to automatically think - oh they've been at the pies. But when you sit back and think logically about it people have problems for varying reasons, and depression can also make you comfort eat - which of course will increase your weight. And if you aren't 'bothered' then your weight creeps up and bang your obese before you know it.
So the person who states it's their own fault is obviously in perfect shape, with no problems.
I also think that some people put on weight faster than others, my dad for instance could eat (when he was alive) whatever he wanted and he didn't put on an ounce (not to mention drinking beer). My mum however was the opposite and only had to look at something for the weight to go on.
I think again in this country people are discriminative which is wrong in this day and age..
2007-03-06 20:09:50
answer #2
answered by dabbit 3
I think there is help on both sides. I'm overweight and frustrated because I don't seem to be able to shift it, and the doc doesn't want to know.
On the other hand, my friend is anorexic and buleimic, 5 and a half stone and dying. All they can do is wait til she collapses, rush her to hospital and put her on a feeding tube.
I guess if I get to be 30 stone, they will consider wiring my jaw before I collapse.
I can't see that one has more support than the other, although I can see that anorexia is more acceptable as a 'disorder', whereas you are veiwed as a gluttinous couch-potato if you are a pound overweight.
2007-03-06 19:50:04
answer #3
answered by Dogsbody 5
I agree. It is always the same with the NHS, you are anorexic, they help. You smoke, they help you to quit. If you want to lose a bit of weight, then diet, exercise etc. But how do I Know if I am doing the right exercise? How do I know that I am getting the right balance in my diet? And why is it I have to pay the full whack to do the exercise when anorexics or smokers get their treatment for free. My local hospital runs a gym which is free to people with heart problems but not subsidised for overweight people, they have to pay full price.
Happened to me recently. I injured my back and the doctor told me to lose weight (i am slightly overweight) and work out. So I started to work out and my back got worse. Went back to the doctor and he then told me I Had been doing the wrong exercises and then gave me a copied sheet of exercises that would be beneficial. NO diet sheet etc.
We get fobbed off left right and centre.
2007-03-06 20:11:46
answer #4
answered by Valiant 3
There is plenty of help, out there, for obese people. There are books, magazines, clinics, diets, "fat farms", eating specialists, etc....... A person, who is obese, needs to resolve to want to loose the weight and change their whole lifestyle to a much healthier way of living and not fall for the "easy" way out, such as stomach stapling.
2007-03-06 20:05:58
answer #5
answered by rustybones 6
Basically this size Zero trend is getting stupid i watched some programme on BBC Three last night about this lady who slimmed down to size zero it was shocking on what she had to... eat like 500calories today and then they showed victoria beckhams wasit was sick. ALSO there were teenage girls saying that they would slim down to a size zero anyday...
WHAT also annoys me is that have you heard about those kids that are getting taken away from there familys just because they are over weight? If there was more help out there that didnt cost so much people wouldn't get to skinny or to fat
ALSO adverts dont help when every single advert is about slimming down...
anyway rant over.
2007-03-06 19:49:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
IMHO many anorexics generally do not want to get better, finding their way back to health takes years of medical and psychological care. And, they are the hype du jour which only makes it more glamorous (if you can call a skeleton glamorous).
2007-03-06 20:03:43
answer #7
answered by Lyn 6
Because the majority of obese people that are like that is from their own fault not a medical condition (i'm sure most try and blame it on being medical condition)
There is help for the obese, exercise and stop eating crap!
2007-03-06 19:47:26
answer #8
answered by Ni 4
Because obesity is a joke of a disease. It is also easier to get people to eat rather than to stop eating.
FACT: Burning more calories than you take in WILL make you lose weight. Stop eating so much. Exercise more.
2007-03-06 20:19:10
answer #9
answered by JohnDoe 3
Because anorexics have severe mental problem.
2007-03-06 20:38:08
answer #10
answered by nanx 2