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And if so, would the world be a better place?

2007-03-06 19:17:54 · 38 answers · asked by ry_in_dubai 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

38 answers

Science cannot ever prove or disprove anything. "Proof" is determining that something is true with absolute certainty. Because science deals with a posteriori claims (i.e., ones that are based on experience and evidence), such certainty can never be reached, since it's always possible for any inference from experience to be mistaken. The very best science can ever reach is extreme likelihood that something is true or false, but if this constitutes "proof", then God is already "disproven", for the same reason that the idea of an invisible teacup orbiting the planet Neptune is: the profound lack of supporting evidence.

When people demand that others "prove" or "disprove" God's existence, they are simply misunderstanding the meaning of these terms. Proof exists in analytic logic, and in mathematics; it does not exist, at least in the strict sense, in science. Science, rather, is probabilistic: claims are either extremely unlikely, or extremely likely, or somewhere in between. Even the most solid and certain principles of science, like "Human beings exist", "the Earth revolves around the Sun", "evolution occurs", or "E=mc2", have never been proven, and never can be proven. All that can be done is that the evidence for and against each proposition be weighed, and a conclusion be reached based on this evidence.

A better question is: "would the world be a better place if people applied the scientific method to God?" The answer is probably a yes; it would cause many people to become agnostics/atheists, which would mean less butting heads over different people's ideologies, less religious strife. Of course, there would still be unrest of other sorts--nationalistic, for example. But at least one of the many sources of violence in the world would have been lessened. And people would still be free to believe in God in their own personal lives; they just wouldn't feel as justified in trying to convert or coerce others into believing exactly as they do regarding evidentially unsupported beliefs.

2007-03-06 19:20:30 · answer #1 · answered by Rob Diamond 3 · 2 1

It more or less has. Nearly every major concept in the bible has now been superseded.

Weather the world will be a better place, i doubt it. Science gives answers to the material which can be a good guild to the moral / ethical. However, it does not by necessity open minds. So looking for answers to moral question in science can be as bigger trap as believing any one book has all the moral answers. The greater solution is to open minds with understanding and scepticism towards 'quick, simple and plausible answers' in morality because they are usually wrong. Just read history.

By the way science is the progressive study of 'common sence'. The processes that produce answers in science are the very same that any sensible person would use to resoulve a problem. IE look at all the auternatives, test, test test again, Check out with all the people in the know for your area then put it up for examination by every person.

The idea that all science is just somebodies whim is to completily misundersand what is ment by theory. And those of you who up hold the Bilble as totally true - be aware of the arguments you use, if there are some holes in science theories, the ship of total biblical truth is fast mimicing HMS Hood

2007-03-06 20:47:44 · answer #2 · answered by Freethinking Liberal 7 · 0 0

Not likely. But it is not required to disprove God. Just to render God irrelevant. Nobody prays or holds masses to get God make tomorrow a sunny day anymore. They watch the weather satellite reports. Nobody prays for God to save the sun during eclipses. They understand that it is the moon blocking their view and that it will move. As things progress God becomes less relevant. Where there is a problem is that tech has not improved our social life. It has in fact made it worse. That is where the churches should be working. Not attacking science. Every time the Churches have fought against scientific discovery they have lost. That should tell them something.
Science is about understanding how the physical world works and is unbeatable in its domain. It is not about building community. Church is about community. Science is only a minor tool in that arena.

2007-03-06 20:28:59 · answer #3 · answered by U-98 6 · 0 0

I think the only way that science could disprove the existence of god would be through time travel. To travel back to when the belief in god first started and to when things like moses received the 10 commandments and to when Jesus lived. To prove or disprove things like this would i think be the only way.

2007-03-06 20:13:53 · answer #4 · answered by SilverSurfer 4 · 0 0

Its a similar question to..'Will science eventually disprove the bible'? The bible claims to be the Word of God and so if this is the case it could never be disproved because God should know everything. Here are some examples of how the bible has been correct scientifically........There was a time when mankind thought that the earth was flat and that you could sail off of it..In the eighth century B.C.E., Isaiah wrote of Jehovah “dwelling above the circle of the earth.” The Hebrew “hhug,” translated “circle,” can also mean “sphere,” as Davidson’s “Concordance” and Wilson’s “Old Testament Word Studies” show. Hence, Moffatt’s translation of Isaiah 40:22 reads: “He sits over the round earth.”........“He is . . . hanging the earth upon nothing.”—Job 26:7. The Egyptians said it was supported by pillars; the Greeks said by Atlas; others said by an elephant standing on a turtle that swam in a cosmic sea. But the book of Job, 15th century B.C.E., was scientifically correct........The Mosaic law (16th century B.C.E.) reflected awareness of disease germs thousands of years before Pasteur. That law contained ordinances to protect against contagion.—Lev., chaps. 13, 14........The creation account of Genesis is accurate biology—testified to by the fossil record and modern genetics—when it says each family kind was to reproduce “according to its kind.”—Gen. 1:12, 21, 25......“Go to the ant, you lazy one; . . . it has gathered its food supplies even in the harvest.” (Prov. 6:6-8) Critics scoffed that no ants did this, but in 1871 a British naturalist discovered ants that maintained granaries. They are called harvester ants. The Bible knew about them hundreds of years before Christ......The genetic blueprint in the fertilized human egg cell contains programs for all the bodily parts, before any hint of their presence. Compare Psalm 139:16: “Your eyes [Jehovah’s] saw even the embryo of me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing, as regards the days when they were formed and there was not yet one among them.” That is just a few areas in which the bible has been shown to be correct, there are many more. Hope that answers your question.

2007-03-06 19:40:10 · answer #5 · answered by dunc 3 · 0 0

When I read about quantum physics and astronomy I become more and more convinced that there IS a God. Maybe it's his vast knowledge of science that convinced Einstein too. Look at these quotes:

"I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice."
"God is subtle but he is not malicious."
"I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details."
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."

Also, I think it is so unfair that people keep pointing fingers to believers when it comes to past wars. They were caused by extremists. People will always find reason to fight, whether there's faith in the world or not.

And nobody seems to realize things Christians do quietly, because it's a Christian thing 'not to let your right hand know what your left hand does.' Many of us are pacifists and we all believe in helping other people to the point of self-sacrifice, or we couldn't be called Christians.

2007-03-06 19:43:39 · answer #6 · answered by Amelie 6 · 0 0

Even if somehow it does, people will refuse to believe it. I don't think it will ever happen because the more we know and find out about our universe, the more questions it brings about.

A thought: "At some point in time, something had to come from nothing." If you believe in Big Bang, where did those protons and neutrons and gases come from to create it? And if there is a God, who created Him?

A book I'm reading now..."Spook", a serious but somewhat serious look at the history of trying to prove, or disprove, life after death.

2007-03-06 19:29:30 · answer #7 · answered by tennisnerd11 2 · 0 0

1. Science discovers God's greatness and helps us benefit from the goodness of His creation. Science is gradually revealing God to us - that's the opposite of proving He doesn't exist.
2. God is every person's greatest friend - though some reject Him. Would life be better without a best friend?

2007-03-06 19:31:09 · answer #8 · answered by Andrew G 2 · 1 0

No. Nor will it ever prove it. We need a theorem to deal with this; the following has been proved: The predictive power (i.e., usefulness) of any theory derives exclusively from its refutability. Corollary: an irrefutable theory can predict nothing. The notion that god is not involved in earthly processes is irrefutable in principle; such involvement might simply be invisible. But it follows from this that any theory that god IS involved in such processes can predict nothing: it is useless.

As to the other part of your question, the world would certainly be a better place without religion. Can you imagine Iraq, Palestine, Kashmir, Bosnia, and Iran without religious strife? The prospect is breathtaking.

2007-03-06 19:28:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

i dont care if they prove or disprove god, but it would be nice to know how existance came into being. that answer may not be far off in the future.

remember flying was once thought to be impossable
reaching the moon was thought to be impossable
understanding the chemical makeup of the stars was as well

in the history of science we have found answers to many things. its just a matter of time.

2007-03-06 19:22:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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