there is no way you can improve your eyesight. The only way will be going to the optometrist to have a laser surgery to correct your vison.
2007-03-06 17:29:03
answer #1
answered by msjerge 7
3⤋ (Bates Method)
Before anyone disregards what I'm saying about the Bates method, let me point out that I've had great improvements with it. It does not have to do with 'eye exercises' but good eye habits, relaxation, and seeing better through the mind. I know it sounds strange, but my vision went from 20/100 to 20/13 through mental 'clear flashes' (confirmed on Snellen eye chart). It is based on mental imprints of something appearing "perfect" using your own imagination. Kind of like "muscle memory" in a tennis player. But a tennis player will not develop "very good muscle memory" the first day, until the day after that, and then the day after. It works in a neuroplasticity sense (neuroplasticity is a division of neuroscience). To read more about how to produce 'clear flashes', read this:,425.0.html
There are a lot of unscientific men out there disclaiming the Bates Method without really trying it themselves. You can find such men at who write arguments against the method. Even if some of what Bates mentioned may have been incorrect, they make it look like the WHOLE thing is incorrect. They could not have been more wrong.
I have been able to argumentatively 'trap' a great deal of scientists who dismiss the 'clear flashes', simply by saying:
"If you do not try something before disregarding it entirely, you are the "one" being unscientific. It's as simple as that.
Unscientific people jump to conclusions without trying things -- when you do not try something, how does that make you scientific?"
Ignorance (not knowing) and adamant disrefusal to believe something without trying it are two entirely different things, but my statement above clarifies the difference between being "scientific" versus being "unscientific". Experience IS the best teacher. The method is different from 'eye exercises' products which assume your extrinsic eye muscles are weak, when in fact the eye moves more than any organ in the body and the muscles are being overused and not relaxed properly. These misleading 'eye exercise' products tell you to exercise your eyes 25 min/day, then you go back to your bad eye habits for the rest of the day - that is why 'eye exercises' have a limited success rate. The Bates Method teaches you how to use correct eye habits 24/7/365 just like perfect-sighted people. It also teaches you to relax your muscular and nervous system to promote vision. Furthermore, it teaches you how to create 'mental imprints' that helps you see better.
2007-03-07 09:34:03
answer #2
answered by one who enjoys learning 5
certain jobs in the air force have requirements for eye sight. get a job that you'll like and qualify for. the air force will pay to have lasik surgery on your eyes if your vision qualifies for it. my husband tried to get it done but he has a stygmatism, so he can't get it done. it's also very risky to have done, you should do some research on lasik surgery if you haven't already. as long as your vision can be corrected to 20/20 you should have a problem with too many jobs in the air force.
2016-03-16 06:22:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There is no way to improve your vision without using glasses, contacts or surgery.
2007-03-06 17:26:53
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There's no way. If there was, the monocle wouldn't have been invented.
2007-03-06 17:39:16
answer #5
answered by ⊂( ゚ ヮ゚)⊃ 4
2007-03-06 17:27:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous