Why don't you approach him in prayer and do so by using his name to get his attention? In today's closest translation from the original greek and Hebrew texts, it translates as Jehovah . ( Ps. 83:18). I mean, if you want to get the attention of your best friend, do you call him/her ' HEY FRIEND!!" ??No, you say " HEY--- " and you use their NAME. So, call on God by using his name and then lay your heart bare to him and talk to him, respectfully, of course but openly and honestly and tellhim the things that are bothering you. Remember the Lord's Prayer that Jesus gave as an example in the Bible? This was an example of the model prayer, not a prayer that is something we should repeat word for word everytime we pray, but just an example of the kinds of things we should remember when we pray. Thank him for our blessings ( daily bread..) , pray for his plans to come to fulfillment ( your will be done , on earth as in heaven..), to forgive us please, ( as we forgive others) and so on. But we can also approach him personally and talk to him about the things that bother us and trouble us. Also the things that bring us Joy and happiness! He loves it when we can find delight in such a troubled world. Knowing that we care about our fellow mankind means alot to him. HE cares for us- Greatly, or else, why would he have sent his son, Jesus Christ, to have made a way out for us?
if you have more questions, email me. I'll be happy to anser more!
2007-03-06 19:25:41
answer #1
answered by heatherlovespansies 3
Prayer is a means by which we draw nearer to God.
God hears all the prayers of the righteous. But consider the following:
A Christian hunter is hunting bears in the woods. While walking up a hill he grabs a branch for leverage and it breaks sending the hunter tumbling down the hill, gun flying off elsewhere. When the hunter dusts himself off he sees a huge bear charging him. The hunter begins running, but trips and falls, landing on his knees. Seizing the opportunity, and being a good Christian, the hunter begins to pray, "Lord, make this bear a Christian."
The woods are quiet, the hunter turns and, Hallelujah! He sees the bear on his knees, paws together, praying! Listening, he hears the bear praying, "Father, bless this food to my body."
The key point here is that God answers prayers of the righteous, but the answer you get may not be the answer you want, BUT it will always be the right answer.
I speak to God just as I write these words to you now. I have a conversation with Him each day. My prayers are conversations that follow a pattern. I start every prayer with the following: "Most merciful God, not my will, but yours be done." I repeat that phrase often during my prayers. Sometimes I will do so for tens of times just to quiet my mind and make it open to hearing from my Creator.
Use the following pattern in all your prayers and you will see them answered: Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. See the links below for more information. (acronym: ACTS)
2007-03-07 01:34:01
answer #2
answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6
God's ear is always towards each and every living beings, but he has the duty to teach/demonstrate the results of good and bad deeds to all so that one should desist from doing any thing wrong.
But people take the risk to demonstrate that they dont belive in ........finally the result is ......... After his/her death every thing is left on this earth.
Once in need only then a person prays to him, when the boat is sailing smooth nobody recalls him, is this the way you behave with your parents?
Be a parent to know the feelings of other Parents. How ever if you can contribute just 5mts meditation "OM!!!!Namah Shivay"
2007-03-07 01:30:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
God, I'm here and ready to talk to you now.
See, God has always been there and is everywhere. He waits for us to come to Him. He doesn't force Himself upon us. You WILL get God's attention if you just talk to Him, plain and simple. No need for special words, because God can spot phoniness a mile away. Just be yourself. Rest assured, if you are sincere, you will have God's attention. If you are not, He will wait around until you are. Then you just need to patiently trust Him to reply in His own way, in His own time. He knows you better than anyone, even better than you know yourself. He knows the future. He knows what's best.
2007-03-07 01:21:50
answer #4
answered by Chimichanga to go please!! 6
Darlin - our dear Father is wonderfully able to be everywhere in every part of this old world all at once... and He is.
We are told in Matthew Chapter 6 Verse 6: "But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, and when you have shut the door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees you in secret will reward you openly."
God only requires your humble petition when you come before Him. You could follow Jesus' example in the Lord's prayer... spend time worshiping Him, asking His help and by asking for forgiveness of any transgressions - but the point is to just stay in communication with Him.
Verse 7 warns us against meaningless repetition.
1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 17 tells us to "Pray without ceasing."
God loves communion with His children.
He is with you right now.
If you are heavily burdened, share it with someone and have them act as your prayer partner. Jesus promised, "Where two or more are gathered, there will I be also."
Claim scripture when you pray. It is God's word - a promise to us.
Pray for His will in the circumstance you face. His understanding of the best solution is far greater than ours.
I pray that you are comforted by the Holy Spirit as you come before our sweet Lord.
Peace, dear one. --De
2007-03-07 01:31:08
answer #5
answered by Depoetic 6
It isn't so much that there are "correct" words to say. The attitude of your heart towards God is much more important. God said to the Jews "You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart." Jeremiah 28:13 but it is just as true for us, now, as it was for them.
Just use the words that are in your heart--God will listen.
2007-03-07 01:37:15
answer #6
answered by Ellen J 7
Do you think God is some dog who will come every time you call? YOU are HIS dog. And calling the relationship that demeans God infinitely more than it demeans you.
2007-03-07 01:39:32
answer #7
answered by Hate Boy! 5
Forgive someone who has hurt you. That will get God's attention. And how!
2007-03-07 01:21:23
answer #8
answered by MrsOcultyThomas 6
God Almighty, always listen. He does not ignore if some one calls Him seriously and sincerely. Some call Him having faith on Him only, without doubt of any other shared entity.
God is the only power and authority who can solve our problems, No other personality other then God Almighty has capability and authority to do so, but with the permission and blessings.
So God listen every call (with sincerity), and He answers as well. But God knows best how to answer, or how to give benefit to caller, what, when, how, Only God himself knows best. We have to have firm faith on Him.
In the Bible, God is very often referred to as ‘Elah’ in the Hebrew language. Muslims spell Allah as ‘Allah’.
Hebrew and Arabic are sister languages therefore we say it should be pronounced as ‘Allah’ and not as ‘Elah’.
It is mentioned in the New Testament in the Gospel of Mathew, chapter 27 verse 46 as well as Gospel of Mark, chapter 15 verse 34 when Jesus (pbuh) was put on the cross.
Jesus cried with a loud voice saying "E’-Li, E’-Li la’-ma sa-bach’-tha-ni?" that is to say, ‘My God, My God why hast Thou Forsaken Me?’ Does this sound like Jehovah! Jehovah! why has thou forsaken me? Does it sound like Abba Abba? The answer is ‘No’. Hebrew and Arabic are sister languages and if you translate "E’-Li, E’-Li la’-ma sa-bach’-tha-ni" into Arabic it is ‘Allah Allah lama tarak tani’ does it sound similar?
This statement of Jesus (pbuh), "E’-Li, E’-Li la’-ma sa-bach’-tha-ni" is preserved in its original Hebrew in each and every of its translation which is available in more than 2000 different languages of the world and in each and every of them, "Allah" is present.
Allah" in Sikhism
One of the names by which Gurunanak Sahib referred to God is "Allah".
"Allah" in Hinduism
"Allah" in Rigveda Book 2 Hymn I verse II
Even in the Rigveda which is the most sacred scripture of the Hindus, one of the attributes given to God Almighty in Book no 2 Hymn no I verse II, is ‘Ila’ which if pronounced properly is the same as Allah.
Almost all the major religious scriptures of the world contain the word "Allah" as one of the names of God.
2007-03-07 01:49:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Say whatever words you need to say. There's no magical formula for summoning Him. Say what you need to say, He'll listen.
2007-03-07 01:20:51
answer #10
answered by LX V 6