Because that's all they do is sing! They are hypocrites! They go to church sing loud and cry and fall out on the ground but then they leave church saying all these good things about God and how great he is but then they go back to their evil, sinning ways. There is no God in a loud Baptist church.
2007-03-08 03:57:11
answer #1
answered by indiekidforlife 3
Don't think it's just a Black Baptist Church fault but, I can understand what you have experienced. Many other colors of churches have different faults and don't do what is the most important, that is Worshiping GOD in Spirit and Truth(Read, Teach, and Preach the Holy Bible).
1Ti 4:13 Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.
1Co 14:26 What then shall we say, brothers? When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church.
Now do you know what to go to the House of Worship for?
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears [2 Tim. 4:3].
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables [2 Tim. 4:4].
They want religious entertainment from Christian performers who will tickle their ears. We have a love for novelty in the churches today: emotional movies, pageants, foot–tapping music, colored lights, etc. The man who simply opens the Bible is rejected while the shallow religious entertainer becomes a celebrity. And verse 4 indicates that itching ears soon will become deaf ears as people turn away from the truth and believe man–made fables.
That is a very excellent statement, and now let us read verse 4—
They want something novel, something that will entertain them.
McGee, J. V. 1991. Vol. 50: Thru the Bible commentary: The Epistles (1 and 2 Timothy/Titus/Philemon). Based on the Thru the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.). Thru the Bible commentary . Thomas Nelson: Nashville
2007-03-07 02:13:21
answer #2
answered by LAIDBACKROB 1
Alright - I am a white, southern Baptist female... and there is an African American Baptist Church down the street from where I live. When in college, many of our sororities and fraternities visited with that congregation - and a friend of mine told me an amazing story. He was in a frat when they visited as a group one Sunday.
Separate from the absolutly joyous praising of our dear Saviour - and boisterous fellowshipping - there was a moment at the beginning of the service, after the meet and greet, when the Pastor sat down, bowed his head and became very still.
The members of the congregation also sat, bowed their heads and closed their eyes.
After a while, someone in the congregation began saying, "Yes," over and over... then another... then the Pastor... then someone in the choir... after a while everyone was saying, "Yes," over and over. Some were even crying...
Then the Pastor rose to his feet, came to the pulpit and spoke into the microphone: "Yes, Lord... now that we have already answered 'Yes' to you... tell us now what you would have us do.."
This was some 20+ years ago - and it is still an amazing testimony.
African American Churches have their wondrous culture that is special to them. ...Like the ladies and their wonderful hats... or the deep love of Jesus Christ expressed in angelic, rythmic song.
In the Bible, David ran ahead of the Ark of the Covenant leaping and dancing before the Lord. He was a man after God's own heart. We have reverence for our God, but we are told that the "Joy of the Lord is our strength." Why not show our Father some of that joy?
They are just a different part of the body of Christ (1st Corinthians chapter 12.) Be a little more humble. Their joy might just teach your soul how to have joy when someday you feel great pain.
There's a lesson in thier worship... please just take the time and ask God to show it to you.
Peace hon. --De
2007-03-07 01:15:07
answer #3
answered by Depoetic 6
It isn't neccessarily black people alone. That's a bit stereotypical. I have seen a number of "white" churches doing the exact same thing. When you are truly filled with the spirit of Christ, you can get pretty excited. The (white) pastor at my church gets crazy when he's preaching. he gets so excited about christ that He just can't contain it. It's a good thing, not a bad thing.
However, there are people that like to put on shows. I attended a church that was like that (and it only had one or two black people in it) and i felt very wrong about being there. God will give you discernment about the spirit of the church, you just gotta let him show you.
2007-03-07 13:37:17
answer #4
answered by Kristi H 2
Get a grip. Singing praises to God is one of the oldest and most beautiful forms of worship. Don't you have the book of Psalms? Those are meant to be sung, as is all scripture. Why do you think the bible is divided into VERSES. Originally, ALL sermons were sung. Even your bible says to "lift up your voices to heaven, and make a joyful noise".
I can't even walk by a black church without the hair standing up on my arms, and tears coming to my eyes. It goes straight to my soul. If it's loud and annoying to you, then it says something about you, not them.
2007-03-07 00:56:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It may seem that the majority of black Baptist Churches may be semi- if not utterly off base. Many a times it's purely due to ignorance. Their folks always carried out church this way so they will initially do the same. But where do you gather your information? Television? Movies? Personal Experience? I attend a Black Baptist Church and we are totally attuned to the word of God. We do not emphasis on entertaining rather we expose people to the person of Jesus Christ and his Gospel. We acknowledge four realities: The Person of God, The Plight of Man, The Provision of God, and the Prescription of Sin. We have a website. It's nothing fancy, but it serves it's purpose of revealing, explaining and providing helpful tools to understanding the Gospel. I also video record my pastor on sundays. I place his sermons on click on videos. It's a video service site like yahoo except you can view hour long videos. You must sign up for a free account and download their software to view the file. It's totally free. I hope i didn't ramble too much. I hope i could possibly rear your judgment about all black baptists. God bless.
2007-03-07 01:17:44
answer #6
answered by 1
Because they want to 'feel good' and be 'spiritually charged up' on Sunday. The center of their worship is all singing and music - not the message of the bible - plain and simple. They don't make preaching the Word of God as the main focus of their services. Instead, it's all about singing and 'feeling good'. Singing praises to God is only PART of worshipping God, but is not to be the core or heart-n-soul of the service. Hearing the word of God being preached is the real center of worship, learning the scriptures - that is how a Christian grows in wisdom and knowledge - not by all singing and clapping hands.
2007-03-07 00:51:57
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
1. read the book and not follow what your church or minister tells you.
2. realize that your very hands, spell Jesus name in old Hebrew, and the book says to raise your hands to praise him, hence why they do.
3. book constantly talks about singing to Jesus in praise....again, they are doing just that.
blacks follow the book better than any white church I have seen....and this comes from a white guy (well, native indian actually)
2007-03-07 00:50:26
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
what does the bible say about it?
Psalm 33:3 - "Shiru lo shir chadash."
"Sing unto Him a new song."
2007-03-07 01:06:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
If you're all about God, then why aren't you jumping around and carrying on about His greatness?
And if you aren't Christian, why is singing your problem with Christianity?
2007-03-07 00:49:12
answer #10
answered by Doc Occam 7