You have some anxiety, you should talk to a doctor.
2007-03-06 16:32:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It takes a mighty person to admit there may be a problem, and if so, you are willing to seek help. Is there anything in your childhood or as a young adult that may have happened to create this situation? Were your parents divorced when you were younger? Try to analyze your past and see were this may be coming from. Please do not watch scary movies and leave on a small lamp at night. A warm bathe and a good book will also relax you. When you are in bed you need to stretch your body and hold your breath, do this at least three times and you should fall asleep. If none of these things work then asK God for peace & guidance. Repent of your sins and read His word especially the book of Pslam always rexlaxes me. When you get scared, that is if you do, whisper the name of Jesus & a calm will come over you. This is truly your answer to the problem.
2007-03-07 00:50:31
answer #2
answered by NJ 6
As ridiculous as it might sound, your fears actually may be a source of security for you. They are, to your mind, REAL dangers and threats, even though deep down, you know they are irrational - otherwise you wouldn't post this question because you would believe your experience was perfectly natural and not worth exploring.
You may be using these irrational fears to cover up more concrete issues for which you have every right to be apprehensive. So instead of worrying about things like "Am I going to be able to graduate from college?" or "Am I a good parent?" you retreat into more benign fears like "Is there an axe murderer waiting in my closet like in that new movie?"
Here's something which you might find really bizarre - fear can be fun. Why do Americans spend millions of dollars every year to watch gory, sensational slasher movies? Or riding roller coasters? Or bungee jumping?
It could be that, at one time, you enjoyed the feeling of fear, or more accurately, the feeling of relief once the suspense engineered by the fear faded away.
There's a whole psychological aspect to fear which I won't go into, but there are no shortage of books on the subject at your local library which will go a long way in answering your question.
You should probably seek counseling. Cognitive Therapy can give you the tools you need to help you overcome your fears.
However, be very careful about taking prescription anti-anxiety drugs - they are often more trouble than they're worth and don't treat the source of your problem, but rather, mask it. Anti-anxiety drugs are very controversial, especially since drug companies are pushing them on the American public through constant TV advertisements.
Conversely, and just as dangerously, is the cottage industry hawking natural cures, Eastern medicine and self-help books as the antidote for anxiety, mental issues and life-threatening diseases.
Always be skeptical. Seek out a counselor you feel comfortable with and look for constructive ways to deal with your fears, primarily through education and self-awareness.
Further, try to keep your fears in context. One third of the world will go to bed tonight hungry, fearful that they will not eat tomorrow. Or fearful that they will ever see their loved ones again. Or fearful that they will not survive to see another day.
2007-03-07 01:19:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Avoid pondering on the negative consequences of all situations. Think more on the positive. That all occurrences of any situation happen for a good reason. Put effort into turning your experiences into events that help you grow. ie./ a scary movie. try thinking of how brilliant the ad was made or how ridiculous it was. Think that... ' how ridiculous is that?' and laugh at it. If you don't have scary thoughts initially, your dreams most likely won't be scary either. If you're in the dark...think of it as a challenge in navigating to where you are. All the good thoughts. And being alone....'finally i have some time to i can ponder what i want to grow up to be.'
If you are on top and in control of each situation, you will be in control of them in your dreams.
Be not afraid.
2007-03-07 00:41:36
answer #4
answered by Core L 1
Fear of the unknown is usually the base of all fears. If you are afraid of something, educate yourself enough to know every aspect of that which has frightened you so that you know what it is or what you can expect. Knowledge is power, so go out and get the power to take control of these useless fears.
I personally fear NOTHING. Not death, the death of another, anythig. Nothing phases me anymore because I know so much about the world around me that I would be ok with certain things or know how to deal with certain situations. Don't be the one to run away from the unknown, embrace it and learn it so you can use it to your advantage. If that doesn't work, go out and take self defense classes if that helps you feel better. You have the power within your mind to accomplish anything, go out and do what you need to in order to get rid of these silly fears. Think in your mind that you want to be able to face these fears and gain bravery amd always focus on your goal. Just think about it and focus on this goal enough and life will give you what you need piece by piece to make things better for you. Stray from your focus and you get nowhere, trust me.
2007-03-07 00:39:34
answer #5
answered by Life Is Illusive 3
I am 19 and I am the same but I actually enjoy the being scared part I love scary movies because they truly do scare me. If you are getting scared and there is no joy in it at all you should talk to a doctor or see your family doctor and ask about a therapist.
2007-03-07 00:35:39
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I'm 31 and still have this. I'm afraid that someone or something is going to get me in the middle of the night, hurt my daughter or my spouse, and I just can't deal with insects...grasshoppers, spiders, centipedes, beetles, roaches, etc. even the rubber ones at Wal-Mart in the toy section freak me out. I even peed my pants one day when I saw an oversized tarantula on the television screen when I was home.
To me, it sounds like you were traumatized somehow. If not in this life, then in a past one if you believe in that sort of thing. Did you witness something that just shook you so much when you were younger and you still feel as if something, to include watching horror films, is going to get you? This happened to me and to this day I just can't do bugs! I would start there. If need be, talk to your regular medical doctor about this. If they feel that it needs to be addressed any further they may suggest a psychologist for you. It doesn't at all mean that your just means that you have some feelings to sort out and there's therapists out there for this exact sort of thing. Good Luck sweetie!
2007-03-07 00:37:41
answer #7
answered by Mom of One in Wisconsin 6
I don't think you are weird or immature, sounds like you suffer anxiety and panic attacks. All you need is a little bit of counselling, reassurance that you are ok. See you GP be honest about what is happening to you and I am sure he will start you in the right direction
2007-03-07 00:37:32
answer #8
answered by judles 4
I'm 49 years old and have been a cop most of my life so to say I used to not be afraid would be an understatement. I was an Adrenalin junky. I liked the fear and the anticipation. A few years ago something happened to me and I have had what the Dr's call anxiety disorder. I'm afraid to go outside, I'm afraid not to, I'm phobic about a lot of things. You need to talk to someone who understands.
2007-03-07 02:14:37
answer #9
answered by Bains Gram 3
Force yourself to sit in the dark every night after watching a scary movie,resisting the urge to get up and leave, and eventually you will be habituated to it.
2007-03-07 02:11:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Fear is not a thing to be made fun of..... it is real and sometimes it causes you to freeze in panic.... Fear in small doses is a healthy thing.... I used to be afraid of heights, restriction, spiders, and yes sometimes even silly things.... I have found that in order to live without being debilitated by fear that I must conquer my fear lest it conquer me. Take small steps to desensitize yourself and eventually you will conquer the fear that threatens to conquer you.
2007-03-07 00:45:56
answer #11
answered by Odyssey 4