I believe in God because of the hard evidence he exists: in the order of nature and the universe, man's superior intelligence and moral conscience. But the most incontrovertible proof of his existence is no other than Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son and the second Person in the Holy Trinity. He was sent by his Father not only to save and reconcile mankind. He was also sent so that men may come to know God. What human can:
Silence a typhoon?
Walk on water?
Multiply a few loaves of bread and fish in order to feed a multitude of 5,000?
Bring back dead people to life?
Give sight to people born blind?
Change water into wine?
Rise from the dead?
These miracles prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Jesus is what he claimed to be - God. They demonstrate Christ's power over life and death and the forces of nature. Only a God can have such powers.
And if these miracles were just made up, Christianity would not have grown by leaps and bounds in the first century. Many people witnessed these miracles. The resurrection of Jesus cannot be silenced because more than 500 people saw his resurrected body.
2007-03-06 13:21:09
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Let me give you a simple argument called "The Cosmological Argument." The argument is simply this: The cosmos is here and must be explained as to how it got here. This argument is using the law of cause and effect, which states: Every effect must have a preceding and adequate cause (the cause must come first and be adequate). What do I mean by adequate? Well, the building didn’t collapse because a mosquito landed on it. The tsunami didn’t hit because someone threw a pebble into the ocean.
Now, when it comes to explaining the existence of the universe, you only get three possibilities: (1) the universe is eternal (it has always been here), (2) the universe created itself, or (3) something created the universe. There is no other possibility except to claim that the universe is simply an illusion and does not exist. So let’s examine these three possibilities to see which is the most reasonable.
First, is the universe eternal? Absolutely not. We know this is true because of the universally recognized second law of Thermodynamics (the law of energy decay or entropy). This law states that everything goes downhill from order to disorder, more usable energy to less. This law is the reason why heat flows from hot to cold and why this building will fall apart if it is not kept up with. If someone doesn’t believe in the second law of thermodynamics, just challenge them to live forever; even with this awesome machinery we have in our bodies, you will eventually wear out and die. We can see that the universe is running down and wearing out; the stars are burning up, the radioactive atoms are decaying, etc. Given enough time, the universe will experience what they call a “heat death” where there is no more energy available for work (everything will just be low level heat energy); every part of the universe will be the same temperature, and no further work will be possible.
Eternal things obviously do not wear out because they would have had an infinite amount of time to come to their end. Since you cannot have an end without a beginning, the universe must have had a beginning. And everything that has a beginning has a cause. This building had a beginning, you had a beginning, therefore there must have been a preceding and adequate cause. The evolutionists know this and so they came up with the “big bang” theory from that “cosmic egg” (the universe exploded into existence). But there is still a major problem, you have to explain where that “cosmic egg” came from. As it has been said, “There must be a cosmic chicken.” Some scientists like Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov proposed the oscillating universe theory to avoid a beginning. This theory states that the universe acts like a yo-yo; it explodes and then gravity pulls it back in, and then the process repeats itself over and over. But the second law of Thermodynamics still refutes that idea, since each cycle would exhaust more and more usable energy. The universe is not eternal!
Ok, that brings us to the second possibility: Did the universe create itself? I think Hebrews 3:4 answers that pretty well, “...every house is built by someone...” Let’s say I walk into my livingroom and see a crayon drawing of our family on the wall. When I ask my daughter where it came from, will I accept her answer of, “It just appeared there; it came from nothing”? Her grandparents might, but I won’t. It is pretty clear that something cannot bring itself into existence. As R.C. Sproul has said, “It is impossible for something to create itself. The concept of self-creation is a contradiction in terms, a nonsense statement . . . It would have to have the causal power of being before it was. It would have to have the power of being before it had any being with which to exercise that power.” As it has been said, “Nothing scratched its head one day and decided to become something.” I’m sorry to have to drop this bombshell on you, but from nothing, comes nothing.
And now the third possibility: Did something create the universe? If the universe is not eternal and could not have created itself, then the only remaining alternative is that the universe was created by something or Someone. This would have to be a transcendent, eternal, self-existing being. I can find only one satisfactory explanation to our conundrum, and that is found in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
Someone may argue, “If the universe needs a cause, then why doesn’t God need a cause; who created God?” The answer is, everything that has a beginning has a cause. God, unlike the universe, did not have a beginning. Time is linked to matter and space (as we can see from Einstein’s general relativity). If God created the universe, then He created time along with matter and space. If God created time, then He is outside of time and doesn’t need a beginning.
What is more absurd, to believe that God Created everything out of nothing or that nothing turned itself into everything? The fact is, we live in a Universe that is an effect. There must be a preceding and adequate cause for it. The only thing that makes sense is a Creator who is more powerful than anything we can imagine.
2007-03-08 19:32:47
answer #2
answered by Questioner 7
And he does not cure you either.
The other question is rather: and here I defeat?... (place your truth, I already saw it).
Seeing with intention is better than enacting seeing some, it figures. So there is the sight and there is the beholder, if there is a knack of vission there is sense and so on. When someone claims something and knows it be true in himself it is true too. We get to believe because we see truth, false, and performance in comments and speeches, not just communication.
Hence it is said I know because the truth claims on within its own reason to provide with joy and faith the lord of all exists to maraud the imagination, claim the peace and dishonor the disbeliever of these beautiful lines, who can be god when he wants because he is humble to his woman and cute to his enemy as a subtle, supreme and loyal being, respected and all (oh, yes I am).
See the fair dismay in after effort and realize for your erratic senses this was a revelation indeed and the commisioner is all that is claimed about, so is god, our relentless figure of political drama and alloted representation while on the flesh.
We come and go forward with our life, so will you.
Agnus Dei.
2007-03-06 21:09:23
answer #3
answered by Manny 5
Is it possible for God not to exist? The universe is such a complex work of art, could it really have been created by chance? I heard a saying that I found interesting: If you believe and God and he does not exist, then you have lost nothing; if you don't believe in God and he does exist then you have lost everything.
2007-03-06 21:05:39
answer #4
answered by Meredith W 2
Being driven by facts rather than questions, I personally don't believe in a higher being--but I completely respect those who do.
God is more of a need than a real thing in my opinion. He's something we invented because we know, inevitably, we are going to die. Eventually I hope more people begin opening their eyes to the facts all around them, and stop believing what a few men who gathered around together to teach strong and important life lessons wrote down. I respect the fact that some people have a "never-ending hole" that needs filled, and they choose to fill it with God. Hey, it's your decision!--not mine!
2007-03-06 22:00:26
answer #5
answered by CORY 1
Yes. How do I know? Well I did NOT come from monkeys. And I know it takes special design to make a world like this. It didn't happen by dust. Because if we leave a pile of dust somewhere for years, it won't become anything. And dogs aren't evolving. They breed but still come out with a dog. Whoever believes in evolution and not God is going to hell.
2007-03-06 21:02:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Does God exist? Theologians, philosophers, scientists, and atheists have debated the existence of God for hundreds of years. Theologians affirm His existence, even though they debate about who He really is. Philosophers ponder the ability of knowing God and if He exists at all. Scientists don't find Him under a microscope or on a scale. So they largely ignore and often define Him out of existence. Atheists, of course, deny Him and many of them try to prove He does not exist.
Yet, God exists.
He does not exist because we say He does; He is independent of our proclamations. He does not exist because we want Him to exist; He is independent of our desires. He does not exist because in our ignorance, we insert God in order to explain the unknown; He is independent of our ignorance. No. God exists because He is. We Christians have experienced Him, felt Him, and know Him. We can see His hand in our lives. We see the circumstances of life move and be moved to bring us to answers that we know are from Him. We sense Him our prayers and our lives. We see Him work in the lives of others. We watch as He answers prayer and confirms in our own hearts His love for us. We know He exists because He exists.
The Bible speaks of God and does not defend His existence. It simply asserts it. Sometimes there are simply things you cannot prove to someone else, but you know. Yes, this is subjective, but it is often true.
To the query “Why is there but one God?” a child answered: “Because God fills every place, and there’s no room for another one.”
2007-03-06 21:09:32
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
"because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened."
2007-03-06 21:03:48
answer #8
answered by Bill Mac 7
Yes God is real.email me at ilovepsp1@yahoo.com and tell me if you do.Some people say,well how did be created.Well nobody knows.Maybe he created himself.You need to believe in him to get into heaven.All non-believers go to hell and suffer for an eternity.Heaven is where all your dreams come true.I mean,how could space just be there?Space wouldnt be there without God you know.I want all people to get into heaven and i'll try me best to help anyone get into heaven.
2007-03-06 21:09:10
answer #9
answered by ilovepsp1 1
Of course no-one knows for sure. But religions are just guessing, though they pretend they know it for a fact. Its called self-delusion.
I think its very nice to think there is one because there is a force that loves us unconditionally and understands us and will take care of us in the afterlife. BUT JUST BECAUSE WE WANT IT DOESNT MAKE IT TRUE.
2007-03-06 21:02:10
answer #10
answered by peaco1000 5