Why do many Christians (not all, of course) bash Muslims?
A lack of education. Or in some cases, a lack of ejumakayshun, lol.
The media is not a substitute for a classroom, or for cracking open a book or two about Islam. The media is of course slanted, showing only the awful things going on in Islamic countries. Because all we're fed is crap about the Muslim world, we have to make an effort to learn about Islam, the true Islam, and differentiate the true religion from the local and regional customs and laws. IE: Women can't hold jobs or drive in Saudi Arabia. This isn't Islamic, it's cultural. It takes extra effort to learn the difference, when the Muslim world mixes up religion and culture, and label it all religion.
Pretty much that's the reason, it's a lack of education about Islam.
EDIT: I see you're being accused of Bible bashing in your question. I disagree, you are not Bible bashing. However, you are simplifying.
SOME Muslims bring up these things which you mention, but not all Muslims do. I've talked with lots and have Muslim friends and a Muslim fiance, and most do not bring up these things.
SOME Christians (which I am not) bash Muslims, but not all do. For those who do bash Islam, to answer your question as to why, is pure and simple: THEY CHOOSE TO DO IT, IT'S CALLED BAD BEHAVIOR. And if they blame their bashing upon the negatives that they see about Islam in the news, then that's called not taking responsibility for one's actions. 1) bad behavior, 2) blaming some/thing else for one's own bad behavior. Childish, very very childish.
2007-03-06 11:26:41
answer #1
answered by Dolores G. Llamas 6
hello! stereotype!
#1 that's what you think. Besides manuscripts, Roman records indicate who He was and when He died, and for what charges
#2 why do you care? Christmas is the celebraton of His brith, not His birthday
#3 So? the Quran wasn't written by Allah
#4 there is no debate over which one is right. In Christianity, both are accepted, and Jesus commandments take preseidence
#5 wrong! most historians believe Peter founded Christianity
#6 so? muslim countries have the highest women abuse rates, poor literacy, leprocy and religious suicides. what's your point?
#7 things make no sense to those with a limited intellect
#8 God's human body died. 1/3 of God was on Earth all the time, 1/3-2/3 were in Heaven. How is this hard to understand?
what are you, 12? why don't you be the bigger person and NOT Bible bash. What does this solve? I'll be the bigger man here, something the Quran obviously doesn't promote...
2007-03-06 11:25:28
answer #2
answered by Hey, Ray 6
There is plenty of evidence Jesus existed. History backs that claim.
Jesus was not born in the spring. Most theologists believe He was born around September/early October.
No one claimed Jesus wrote the Bible. Even the books themselves speak of some of the authors.
Old Testament was the written under the Law. New Testament was written as a new covenant under grace.
Christianity was found in Antioch (or the term was first coined)
Just because countries may claim to be Christian doesn't mean everyone follows the religion. Note the atheists on this section.
Trinity makes perfect sense.
Jesus died because He came down as flesh. He gave up some of His heavenly authority to come to earth. Since Islam doesn't share this philosphy, we shall refrain from this discussion, even as it is easy as pie.
Why is Mohammad still in the grave, yet Jesus was risen from the dead?
2007-03-06 11:18:11
answer #3
answered by n9wff 6
Suggestion ma'am (as part of growth; which most (self included) has some to do). Very seldom use an absolute 'all, never,' etc; those get one in trouble (credibility wise) real quick.
Second, there are several assertions above I understand what is being talked about, but I find disagree with.
As for old and new testament, part of the division in 'Christianity' is related to that. The scriptural old testament that was done away with is the law of Moses which is Exodus 20-
Deut. 27 inclusive, not Genesis-Malachi; but that test takes a while (apparently to separate for many people).
As for trinity 'think of them as a 'team or very close knit family'. I could goon; if you want more info email me.
May you receive today there a large surprise to God's glory!!!
2007-03-06 11:27:11
answer #4
answered by jefferyspringer57@sbcglobal.net 7
i don't bash muslims. i think it is more of an american thing than a christian thing. also, let me help you with some of those facts.
~ Bible was not written by Jesus but his friends ( who could have added what ever they wanted)
^ that is common knowledge that all christians should know, and we have to trust his friends on what happened. it's called FAITH.
~ That in general Christian countries have more crime rate, teen age pregnancy rate, more STD's and HIV, AIDS, HPV and other horrible diseases
^you are absolutely correct. i believe this is because muslims dedicate more of their everday lives to religion and in general are a lot closer with ther religion.
~ Trinity makes no sense wats so ever
^maybe to you it doesn't, but to chrisitans it does. let me explain. the trinity is the father, the son, and the holy spirit. the father is god, and the son is jesus. the holy spirit is present in both, and therefore jesus is both god and being.
~ IF Jesus was god then how did he die and if he died how did he wake up again if he ( god) was dead? since only god has power to wake some one up from the death?
^ because he was BOTH HUMAN AND DIVINE. he was conceieved by the power of the holy spirit and born of the virgin mary, a human. therefore he was human but also posessed god-like qualities. jesus was not god, he was the son of god.
i am not arguing, i am merely trying to help you see the thinking behind this.
2007-03-06 11:17:42
answer #5
answered by Konrad 6
Jesus is the most recorded historical figure, even your Qur'an asks you to respect Him and His teachings.
The Bible never claims that Jesus was born in December.
Qur'an was not written by Muhammed, the scribes could have added whatever they decided. Jesus confirmed the Old Testament and protected the New Testament. The Bible is very reliable book. Even Qur'an asks you to believe in it.
What kind of huge difference you are talking about? So you do not believe that Muhammed believed in the Bible, why he asked you to believe in it?
The most historians do not have this view.
The most Muslim countries people live under dictatorship and they do not really have a choice.
Trinity is hard to understand, especially if you try to understand it from the Qur'an point of view.
Jesus did exactly what was in the prophecy, He fulfilled the OT prophecy. Jesus was here in a human form ( He can do it because He is God ), He died and He conquered the death. He is God. His tombwas empty. He died for forgivenes of our sins. So we are not left to try to go to the heaven by deeds like Muslims. When you have done enough? How you can be sure you make it?
I know that Muslims do not believe Jesus was Messiah, so you still wait for Him, like Jews? Jesus is Messiah, and He died for your sins too. Why would God send such a violent prophet to change everything Jesus taught? Why would Jesus die on the cross if we needed to have deeds to go to heaven?
2007-03-06 11:19:18
answer #6
answered by SeeTheLight 7
I don't bash islam. I set the record straight. Your false religion is an insult to Christianity. You call our Holy Bible corrupt, yet conveniently use it to say false prophet Muhammad was foretold in it. You lie about allah being the God of my faith. They are not the same. You make up stories about Jesus not being crucified. TOTAL LIES! But I should just sit back and allow that. No I tell the truth.
The only reason islamic countries have low teen sex is because the teens will get stoned to death if caught. How about the woman from Saudi Arabia who was gang raped and then beaten by her brother for insulting the family and then given 40 lashes I think by the court because she was with her boyfriend when she was attacked? That's civilized? That's something to strive for in any country? That's Sharia Law and Islam and it's demented!!! You are following a false teaching. You have been misled and want others to follow you. I will tell the truth and hope others don't make the same mistake as you.
May God Bless you.
2007-03-06 11:20:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Ohh,dear.let's clear up a few misconceptions.
1.Yes,there are plenty of records of Jesus existing.Like Jospehus and Pliny.
2.Yes,He was born,but you are right:not in December.
3.The Gospels are accurate and reliable.Honesty was of extreme importance to the Jews,Jesus,and His disciples.
3.No,there is no 'huge difference'.They are both part of the same book-the Bible.
4.Rubbish.Any historian who said that,must have failed his course,or he must be a complete idiot.Christianity was NOT founded (or made up) by Constantine.There is a multitude of records of Romans persecuting Christians long before Constantine came onto the scene.
5.Yes,because not all people in those countries are,in fact,Christians.
6.Yes,it does.
7.Jesus was raised from the dead.
Criticism of Islam is NOT Muslim bashing.
And,if you were a Muslim,you would know that jesus (Isa) is a part of Islam.Why are you so misinformed?
2007-03-06 11:13:13
answer #8
answered by Serena 5
people of all faiths bash other faiths
for whatever reason.
I don't think there will be peace in this world
until people learn to have tolerance and patience.
Until then i just keep hoping and praying for it.
But you are right whenever i read these questions i always see people (everyone not only Christians) saying Islam is false (which its not)
and then when people say that Christianity is false it is the atheists who say that.
The most i have ever said about Christianity is that Jesus is not God..and that's my opening
i did not degrade them or say anything insulting.
but whatever i guess i just have to get used to the ridicule of my religion.
It only makes me stronger anyway
and if you people think that when you say things, like
Islam is false or the Muhammad (pbuh) was a pedophile, that i will convert or rethink my religion..then your wrong.
it only makes me love it more because then i just feel sorry for the people who don't know the truth.
God Bless
2007-03-06 11:16:26
answer #9
answered by . 3
Looks like you're doing what you claim Christians do ...bashing.
Feel better now?
If there is no record of Jesus ever existing, why is He also mentioned in the Koran? The rest of your questions stem from plain ignorance on your part and are not worth answering as the answers will fall on deaf ears anyways.
2007-03-06 11:16:42
answer #10
answered by me 6