I have a Dachshund puppy too! She's about 11 weeks now, cute as a button. Anyway,
Like another answer said, most of the breeds back issues are do to obesity and not really from jumping. I also use the stairsfor her and she kind of knew when to use it.
What I do is, if I sit down on the couch and she doesnt use her stairs to jump up, I put her back on the ground and say "NO" and show her up to the stairs. and then give her a treat. (i'm always carring a treat in my pocket, just incase) She gets the hang of it as long as I reinforce it. Try that every time and she will get the hang of it. (*maybe you should try getting the stair ramp, maybe he doesnt like the steepness, or just the ramp in general*)
Also, as you are training him to not jump on the couch/bed try not to give him an excess treats for awhile until he gets the hang of it. No table scraps, and food twice a day and water all day. Just to ensure he doesnt get over weight and not going to get a back injury. Also, instead of using treats try carrots! I cut carrots up about 1/2 in. thick and give them to her as a snack or when im doing any type of training.
Good luck with your training!
2007-03-06 07:32:40
answer #1
answered by xtaintedLOVE 4
Generally no 'dog breed' will do ANYTHING that can cause them 'harm through injury' ... so the best that you can do is to try to teach him that using the ramp is more fun than jumping. Offer him treats ONLY after he's 'used the ramp' and 'ignore him' and even get up and move away from him if he 'jumps' ... he'll learn very fast that 'treats taste good' but that you 'ignoring him hurts his feelings' and he'll stop 'jumping' and use the 'ramp.' But they also have 'doggy stairs' that he might like better than the 'ramps' you are using ... so try buying a set of those and see if he doesn't like the 'stairs' better than the 'ramp' ... the 'ramp' may actually be at 'too steep an angle' for him to 'see properly' so he's 'jumping' because he can 'see where he's going' better. GOOD LUCK.
2007-03-06 07:27:31
answer #2
answered by Kris L 7
As a vet, I think the jump-complex with Dachshunds is a little over rated and exaggerated. It's going to be hard to prevent any energetic dog that they aren't allowed to jump. I don't know if you'll be able to train him to only use the ramp instead of jumping. The only thing you could do would be to just not let him on the couch. However, most of the back problems we see in this breed are due to obesity, rather than jumping. Sure, you don't want him becoming a track dog and jumping hurdles 24 hours a day, but him jumping on your couch every once and a while instead of using the ramp really shouldn't cause too many problems in the long run. It's much more important to make sure that you maintain a healthy weight in your dog.
2007-03-06 07:18:24
answer #3
answered by allisoncooke 3
I know exactly what you mean about the back problems. My dachshund is almost 4 years old now and he STILL jumps. I have tried literally everything to get him to stop. He hurt his back on Christmas Eve. It was a slipped disk and he had a very close call. I thought for sure he would have to have surgery. He settled down for a few weeks while he was taking his medicine, but after he began to feel better he was right back to jumping again. I have bought steps and ramps but he simply refuses to use them. One thing about dachshunds - they are STUBBORN. They are very hard to train because they want to do what ever they want, not what they are told.
Just scold him whenever he jumps and make it clear to him that it's wrong. If possible, send him to an obedience school.
My problem is - mine is so darn cute that I just cant bear to be firm with him. When I get my next doxie I plan to start the obedience training at a younger age.
Good Luck! Give that weiner lots of love and attention. :)
2007-03-08 12:35:26
answer #4
answered by I know, I know!!!! 6
Jumping every now and then would be okay - see if you can get him to understand that he needs to wait to be picked up to be put on the bed - It can be done but takes a lot of patience. Doxies are a bit stubborn. Good for you for wanting to teach your doxie to use the ramp! I have lost 2 doxies in 2 years due to back problems. Neither jumped a lot, but we do have stairs. My 1st doxie blew a disk and was paralyzed, we didn't know any better when the vet said to have him put down. (knowing what we know now, there is a good chance he would have recovered) The 2nd doxie also blew a disk and then developed myelomalacia, which is fatal. Neither was overweight. We are taking every precaution with our remaining 3 doxies, even though there is no medical history of this problem in these particular dogs. (The first two were father and son). You may want to look into Dodgerslist.com for more info on IVDD and myelomalacia.
Keep at it - Doxies are smart little dogs, he will get it. You may also look into clicker training.
2007-03-06 07:31:11
answer #5
answered by lyllyan 6
I also have a Daschund who jumps up on the bed and couch. She's very head strong and tends not to always listen! Telling him no is a good start. If you want him to use the ramp, you'll have to show him how. Use the ramp yourself and tell him, "Come on." If he is defiant, physically place him on it and encourage him to walk the rest of the way. Also try giving him treats when he does use the ramp. It will take some work, but he'll eventually catch on. They are very smart dogs.
2007-03-06 07:27:07
answer #6
answered by dazedandconfused 1
Most pet stores carry an anti-jump harness. He can walk and run just fine, but it links the neck to the feet and stops him from jumping. Sounds kind of goofy, but it's almost like a regular walking harness. Then train him to use the ramps/stairs. Just set him on the bottom of the and coax him up with a treat. He'll learn eventually, it just takes some work on your part.
2007-03-06 07:20:57
answer #7
answered by Stephen J 2
You could try putting treats on the ramp for him to eat as he goes up it.
You can then reduce the number of treats the more he gets used to using it.
Then when you have trained him completely, only treat him once in a while, just to keep him interested.
If he keeps jumping, get hold of him firmly mid flight and tell him firmly 'No' and ignore him for a short time.
Only reward the good behaviour and he'll soon learn!
Hope this helps!!
2007-03-06 07:18:37
answer #8
answered by Moofie's Mom 6
a spray bottle of water works best. anytime you catch pup in the act of jumping you spray him so that he stops and you put him on the ramp to show him an alternative to jumping. I grew up w/ mini dachshunds, so I've been through this before :) good luck and good job knowing about thier week backs.
2007-03-06 07:18:37
answer #9
answered by sportsnutchick 2
well what you need to do, is buy some padding first. then create a barrier that can be esaily removed when your not at your bed or your count. as soon as he realizes he cant get to the couch or bed without jumping, he will probably start using the ramp. when ever he uses the doggy ramp, give him a doggy treat and praise him.
2007-03-06 07:18:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous