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talking to my friend from work about gay people is kind of weird. on one hand he is totally against it and thinks its totally wrong. yet he claims that its ok to be gay as long as you accept god. he believes that gay people shouldnt have rights like normal people, but its ok to be gay?
its ok to have less rights than your fellow humans. well as long as thats what god wants right?

2007-03-06 07:03:43 · 24 answers · asked by its not gay if... 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

if u are gonna talk about god hating gays read what zero says, if u are gonna say god didnt gurantee people rights, the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION did

2007-03-06 07:11:29 · update #1


2007-03-06 07:15:01 · update #2

click on my link and answer my other question about homofags and the new testament

2007-03-06 08:34:59 · update #3

24 answers

Your coworker doesn't think gay people should be entitled to equal rights?? Like... how? They shouldn't ride in the front of the bus with straight people? Wow...... sexual discrimination is really STILL one of the last accepted bigotries in this country.

Tell your friend that the Bible does NOT condemn homosexuality. Show them this:

The passages in Leviticus (18:22 and 20:13), understood IN THE CONTEXT of the time and place, are not an admonishment against loving sexual relationships between people of the same gender but instead against sex as a form of domination and control. Besides, these passages are part of the Holiness Code which is not binding to modern day Christians (or anyone else for that matter).

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah was a warning against rape, inhospitality and xenophobia. The reason for Sodom's destruction is made clear in Ezekiel 16:48-50. According to Ezekiel, the sins of Sodom were pride, laziness, being inhospitable, neglecting the needs of the poor, greed, and idolatry (the worshiping of idols). Nothing about homosexuality is mentioned. If Jude 1:7 describes anything about the sexual immorality and perversion in Sodom and Gomorrah, it's describing RAPE.

1 Corinthians 6:9 was a mistranslation of the word "malakee". It's used elsewhere in the Bible to mean someone who lacks discipline or one who is morally weak, and never is it used in reference to sexuality or gender.

1 Timothy 1:9-10? Also a mistranslation. 1 Timothy was an admonishment against male prostitution, not committed, loving same sex relationships.

The words "physin" and "paraphysin" in Romans 1:26-27 have also been mistranslated. Contrary to popular belief, the word "paraphysin" does not mean "to go against the laws of nature", but rather implies action which is uncharacteristic for that particular person. An example of the word "paraphysin" is used in Romans 11:24, where God acts in an uncharacteristic (paraphysin) way to accept the Gentiles. When the scripture is understood correctly, it implies that it would be unnatural for heterosexuals to live as homosexuals and for homosexuals to live as heterosexuals.

2007-03-06 07:06:17 · answer #1 · answered by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7 · 4 3

This question poses many complications. First of all, the very essence of Christianity is LOVE of God and neighbor. This love excludes NO ONE!
Now, because of Christians' belief in the sacredness of a sexual relationship and the belief that this relationship is intended only for married people, when speaking of gay relationships things get confusing. Christians define marriage as being between a man and a woman. SO the attraction that a gay person feels toward someone of the same sex isn't considered wrong, it's the actual acting on that attraction by engaging in sex that makes it wrong. Many Christians would concede that a civil union between gay people is possible, but not marriage. I'm not sure if these are the rights you are speaking about.
Another complication comes in when people start quoting the Bible and the commandments, etc. because gay people are God's creation and therefore created in God's image. SOOOoooo if that is truth, where is the sin in homosexuality. This is what I mean by so many complications.....
I am a Catholic Christian who struggles with this question all the time. I try to live the LOVE required by Christianity and not judge others. This may sound like a cop out, but I can't solve the issue and have never really read or heard any explanation that solves it for me. It's one of those things I must leave in God's hands. Finally, I think that much of the HATE that is directed toward gay people is the result of fear. Perfect love casts out fear.
I hope this helps and I would really like to read others' insights.

2007-03-06 07:16:55 · answer #2 · answered by hbern 2 · 0 0

All of you who say that the bible does not condem Homosexuality obviously do not ever read the Bible.

Zero Wrote: >>>The passages in Leviticus (18:22 and 20:13), understood IN THE CONTEXT of the time and place, are not an admonishment against loving sexual relationships between people of the same sex but instead against sex as a form of domination and control. Besides, these passages are part of the Holiness Code which is not binding to modern day Christians (or anyone else for that matter).<<<

I don't know how he came to this conclusion??? Is this the "Zero Translation"??? You may like what he said but that doesn't make him right. You should read the whole chapter of Leviticus 18 and not just the verses that Zero quoted.


The Bible only calls a few things "Abominations" and Homosexuality is one of them.

Here are a couple of more quotes:

Leviticus 20:13 (Whole Chapter)
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Deuteronomy 22:5 (Whole Chapter)
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

1 Kings 14:24 (Whole Chapter)
And there were also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the LORD cast out before the children of Israel.

The God may accept us (gays included) as we are but the question is weather or not we can stay as we are to remain in the presence of the God???

All of you who say that the bible does not condem Homosexuality obviously do not ever read the Bible.

2007-03-06 07:43:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Homosexuality is an abomination stated by GOD. Your friend is trying to be nice to you by lying. If you truely believe in GOD, then you would know that being gay is wrong. It's nothing more than a sexual preference. There are always going to be people who are going to say it's alright. Satan says that sin is alright. It's up to the individual to make the correct choice. You need to read the Holy Bible and GOD will speak to you through prayer. You know in your heart already what the honest answer is, you just have to overcome the fear of knowing the truth. Thank you and may GOD bless.

2007-03-06 07:11:53 · answer #4 · answered by cookie 6 · 1 0

why are the same questions posted so often?

homosexuality is a sin. understand that. Salvation is a must for every human being. understand that. Sinning while saved is not a good idea, as you are rejecting God's laws, being disrespectful, or devaluing God's word. understand that. So it's technically "possible", but not allowed, as people do CHOOSE what relationships they have with people, regardless of hormonal disorders.

God stated all the (moral) rights (ten commandments, Jesus' commandments) He wants humans should have in the Bible, and He set up the ways things should be done. understand this.
Going against what God said is NEVER a good idea. understand this.

I just made you REALLY hate the phrase "understand this", didn't I?

2007-03-06 07:12:36 · answer #5 · answered by Hey, Ray 6 · 1 0

First, defne "normal people." In a world of different races, cultures, religions and diversity there are sure to be many concepts of "normal." I was raised in a very large family with a belief in a God who created all living things with no prejiduce toward any. Our God did not exist in a bible or church, but in our conscience. Any act which caused pain, emotional, spirtual or phyisical, to any living thing (or oneselve) is a sin. Because of these teachings I have lived a life so full of diversity and experiences that I wouldn't change one moment with any "normal" person I know.

2007-03-06 07:24:52 · answer #6 · answered by S E R 1 · 0 0

:;sighs:: for those who don't' seem to get it yet.
God made us all sexual people, we are men or women.
Thusly, you are going to be attracted to each other.
Being of the other persuasion is not the sin.
The sin is acting on the lust or obsession.. its just like heterosexuals who are prostitutes, those who pander with prostitutes,who have children with 7 different women and just keeps on being a sperm donor or has extra martial affairs those are sins.
The acts are the sin not the person.
Some day everyone will understand the difference!!!

2007-03-06 07:15:08 · answer #7 · answered by Tapestry6 7 · 0 0

Love the sinner hate the sin. Primoa is right. You can be gay and then (leaving that lifestyle behind) become a Christian. Homosexuals should have all the rights that heterosexuals do. They are not any less of a human being because of their homosexuality. However let us be very clear that marriage is not a right.

In Genesis 19:1-29 the cities of Sodom and Gommorah were destroyed because the people were so wicked. The men of the city wanted to have sex with other men. So God's judgement on the city was to destroy it by raining down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah.

Leviticus 18:22 (speaking to men in Israel) "Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable."

Leviticus 20:13 "If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Romans 1:26-27 "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion."

1 Corinthians 6:9 "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexual offenders...will inhereit the kingdom of God."

1 Corinthians 6:13 "The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body."

1 Timothy 1:8-10 "We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers."

2007-03-06 07:07:43 · answer #8 · answered by cnm 4 · 1 3

The US Constitution and Bill of Rights already protects the rights of citizens, including its gay citizens.

More recent legislation simpley spells out in greater detail how those protections should apply to gays.

But now gays and liberals have taken it a step further to political correctness.
(Be careful...the THOUGHT POLICE are out and about.)

Equality is one thing. Preferential treatment is another.

2007-03-06 07:16:48 · answer #9 · answered by Bobby Jim 7 · 0 0

I don't really know man. The Bible says hate the sin and not the person. Homosexuality is a sin, but it is no different than any other sin...it's all sin. I think homosexuals should have the same rights as everybody else because they are dudes too and God loves them...He just wants them to turn from their own unnatural desires and come back to Him.

2007-03-06 07:09:23 · answer #10 · answered by drewby1129 2 · 1 1

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