Matt 7:13 “Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.
you are right there is only one true church. how do we find it?
(1) On what are its teachings based? Are they from God, or are they largely from men? (2 Tim. 3:16; Mark 7:7) Ask, for example: Where does the Bible teach that God is a Trinity? Where does it say that the human soul is immortal?
(2) Consider whether it is making known the name of God. Jesus said in prayer to God: “I have made your name manifest to the men you gave me out of the world.” (John 17:6) He declared: “It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.” (Matt. 4:10) Has your religion taught you that ‘it is Jehovah you must worship’? Have you come to know the Person identified by that name—his purposes, his activities, his qualities—so that you feel you can confidently draw close to him?
(3) Is true faith in Jesus Christ being demonstrated? This involves appreciation of the value of the sacrifice of Jesus’ human life and of his position today as heavenly King. (John 3:36; Ps. 2:6-8) Such appreciation is shown by obeying Jesus—sharing personally and zealously in the work that he assigned to his followers. True religion has such faith that is accompanied by works.—Jas. 2:26.
(4) Is it largely ritualistic, a formality, or is it a way of life? God strongly disapproves of religion that is merely a formalism. (Isa. 1:15-17) True religion upholds the Bible’s standard of morality and clean speech instead of weakly going along with popular trends. (1 Cor. 5:9-13; Eph. 5:3-5) Its members reflect the fruits of God’s spirit in their lives. (Gal. 5:22, 23) So, those who adhere to true worship can be identified because they sincerely endeavor to apply Bible standards in their lives not only at their places of meeting but in their family life, at their secular work, in school, and in recreation.
(5) Do its members truly love one another? Jesus said: “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.” (John 13:35) Such love reaches across racial, social, and national boundaries, drawing people together in genuine brotherhood. So strong is this love that it sets them apart as being truly different. When the nations go to war, who have enough love for their Christian brothers in other lands that they refuse to take up arms and kill them? That is what early Christians did.
(6) Is it truly separate from the world? Jesus said that his true followers would be “no part of the world.” (John 15:19) To worship God in a manner that he approves requires that we keep ourselves “without spot from the world.” (Jas. 1:27) Can that be said of those whose clergy and other members are involved in politics, or whose lives are largely built around materialistic and fleshly desires?—1 John 2:15-17.
(7) Are its members active witnesses concerning God’s Kingdom? Jesus foretold: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.” (Matt. 24:14) What religion is really proclaiming God’s Kingdom as the hope of mankind instead of encouraging people to look to human rulership to solve their problems? Has your religion equipped you to share in this activity, and to do it from house to house as Jesus taught his apostles to do?—Matt. 10:7, 11-13; Acts 5:42; 20:20.
clearly then the answer is clear: Jehovah's Witnesses
2007-03-06 06:46:38
answer #1
answered by Special K 2
Jesus established the church (followers of Christ). Christians later created denominations and various forms of Christianity. We have so many different versions because people can not agree on some aspects of Christianity and on procedures for worshiping God.
Honestly, there probably isn't a denomination that is COMPLETELY correct about everything. It would be considerably arrogant to assume that you are the only one that got it all right. However, some things probably don't make a huge difference in the grand scheme of Christianity. Some may just be personal preferences of how best to serve God.
Look around some more in your search for a church home. You should find that not all denominations claim to know everything and be the ONLY correct choice. Best wishes on your search.
2007-03-06 14:14:22
answer #2
answered by BR 3
I think the patriarchates of the ancient church were considered equal. Possibly Rome had some status as being in the capital city of the empire and being founded by Peter. I don't think they'd let Rome impose its decisions, decisions were by concensus at the Councils.
Later on in the West it was very convenient and useful to have a hierarchical church, in the age of chaos and barbarian people groups that followed the collapse of the Roman Empire.
So I believe its more that churches should stand fast to Jesus' teaching, crystallized out in the Nicene creed. The catholic church has probably done better at that than some other denominations. The Orthodox church is very convinced that is the original church. The Copts and Armenians might think that way as well.
2007-03-06 13:55:39
answer #3
answered by Cader and Glyder scrambler 7
founded by Jesus?
if Jesus had founded the church and he was the base of all christian movements, we would only have one thought one leader of the church and all end up in the same heaven
, a place much like earth, where we would wish difference as we did when we were on earth, then it would start all over again and again.
My mentor was a blind man,
he had never lay ed eyes on any man or women in his life. when he was a boy he was asked by his teacher to draw a picture of God.
He showed it to me, i was weird to say the least it was not in the shape of a man,
it was a circle of shades of black and white lighter as it got to the middle. H actually won a newspapers contest with it many years ago. and i have had the drawing ever since,
he has past away, i hope someday to see if God looks like Buddha or Ah la or Christ,
somehow i don't think i will be surprised at all.
2007-03-06 13:59:11
answer #4
answered by t-bone 5
Jesus didn't establish any Christian church. In fact, he advocated sticking to the Jewish Torah repeatedly. The first Christian church was the Catholic church established after Jesus' death.
2007-03-06 13:47:25
answer #5
answered by Wonderland 3
The first century church was based on the teachings of the apostles and those gifted by the Holy Spirit to teach. There are SOME non-denominational churches which strive to follow those teachings as they were recorded for us. Just keep looking, or start a congregation on your own... but understand that RESTORING the TRUE church is a PROCESS. It is not something that happens overnight. As we learn more and grow in our understanding of the scriptures, it needs to be reflected in our churches.
Matthew 16:13 Jesus went to the area of Caesarea Philippi. There he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?”
14 They replied, “Some say John the Baptist. Others say Elijah. Still others say Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.”
15 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ. You are the Son of the living God.” 17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah! No mere man showed this to you. My Father in heaven showed it to you. 18 Here is what I tell you. You are Peter. On this rock I will build my church. The gates of hell will not be strong enough to destroy it. 19 I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. What you lock on earth will be locked in heaven. What you unlock on earth will be unlocked in heaven.”
20 Then Jesus warned his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Christ.
Peter is Greek for "pebble." The ROCK on which the church to be built was BEDROCK or BOLDER, "petra" in Greek.
THE CHURCH established on Pentecost WAS NOT A DENOMINATION. It GREW INTO the Catholic church, BUT that WAS A DEPARTURE from its original teaching on MANY points.
2007-03-06 13:41:57
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I dont think any specific denomination is the correct church. The bible believing church who follows Jesus and is obedient to God living them with all their heart, mind and soul and loving others is the one that has it right, no matter what name the church is under. The churches boasting that they are the origional church are full of pride and are acting like Pharisees trying to show they are the right ones but God looks at the heart. He knows who is going through motions and is really far from Him.
2007-03-06 13:45:53
answer #7
answered by Ms DeeAnn 5
None, since Christianity, thus meaning churches, was founded by Paul.
2007-03-06 22:11:50
answer #8
answered by -♦One-♦-Love♦- 7
None of the Christian churches existing today were founded by Jesus.
2007-03-06 13:43:36
answer #9
answered by MishMash [I am not one of your fans] 7
None of them, and all of them. They all have one thing in common and that is the belief in Jesus, but there are so many branches from the beginning of the Christian religion that over the course of time, the original ideas and essence was lost over time.
2007-03-06 13:42:17
answer #10
answered by thezaylady 7