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Not actual drowning, as in drowning in water, but drowning in everything else in the world. All the worries about friends, family, the world, all the work, I feel like it's pressing in on me. I'm constantly wanting to just sit down and cry, and my superiors are saying that I'm slacking off for my own comfort, and they're tearing me up because of it. I'm having dental work done this Friday, and I'm in so much pain that I've been trying not to talk because of it, and so now my superiors are saying that I'm not 'contributing to our work force'. A friend of mine has suddenly turn suicidal, I can't quite figure out why. I can't sleep, I keep waking up at 2 in the morning, every single night. When I drive I can't remember what I did at times during the drive, sometimes even the entire drive, it's like I was spaced out for the entire thing. My thoughts are frayed, I can't focus... I honestly feel like I'm just drowning in everything. Why? What do I do to get rid of it? Please help me...

2007-03-06 04:05:49 · 6 answers · asked by kytigirl200 3 in Health Mental Health

6 answers

for one u can't rescue everyone they need to do that on thier own and you should focus on u.
i think u have developed depression and u should see the doc. cause ur anxiety could lead to a nervous breakdown.

2007-03-06 04:51:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, there is someone that feels that way, I do. You decribed me exactly. I take many meds, and they are keeping me going, somewhat or I would probably just give up. I take lexapro, lamictal, lorazpam to sleep. Sorry to say the only thing that gets me out of the house and able to do anything even grocery shopping is a vicoprophen. There is something in that that temp. relieves the depression, and I know what lies in store for me if I keep doing that but I dont know what else to do right now. Why are so many people feeling like this. If a person cant afford to get proper help, then we are screwed and just live miserable lives. Write in if you find an answer. Also any medicine I take I have to take it at night or I cant function at work. What is your age, do you need hormone theraphy, menapause will make you crazy without an HRT.Good luck.

2007-03-06 04:59:31 · answer #2 · answered by pitbullslola 1 · 0 0

Wow, I feel anxious just reading what your going through. You've got to much on your plate. Why are you stressing about family friends and especially the world. Other people outside of yourself can't be changed or controled. All you can do is control yourself and what is happening to you and in your life. At your job, it sounds like they are not very supportive, and maybe there isn't much you can do about that, except take care of yourself so you can get back to doing the best at your job that you can. Your being pulled is so many different directions no wonder you can't sleep at night. If your having a hard time cut somethings out in your personal life. Tell people that for right now you really need to focus on you, and getting yourself back on track before you can help anyone else. Don't be afraid to tell people this, even if you think they'll get mad. You can't help anyone else if you don't first help yourself.
The way to pull yourself up out of the water, is to see what is pulling you down, and letting go of it so you can climb out of the water. It sounds silly put that way, but you really do have a large weight on your shoulders, you have to except you can't climb out with all of it pulling you down.
If your really in need of some more help see a therapist also. It could really help to have someone to unload with.

2007-03-06 05:00:31 · answer #3 · answered by Kellie 5 · 1 0

Being in pain can really screw with your emotions, so can lack of regular sleep. The world is so full of problems and you have your fair share. First, take a deep breath. Try to think about it like this: there are things that you just cant fix or change, so concentrate on what you can, mainly yourself. Try to get some real sleep and see if there is a local 800 number that you can call for crises services. Please don't be so worried, things will get better!

2007-03-06 05:07:20 · answer #4 · answered by Luci Z 1 · 1 0

You must make an effort to change your thinking. I know it can be hard to do but you must try to see things in a more positive light. Listen to happier music, watch the sunset at a nearby lake. Hang out with people who are positive and feed off their energy. Go for a walk and listen to the birds and the breeze blowing. Beauty is all around you and most things in life are good so think of good things. Realize that life is precious and love those around you even in the face of how they treat you. If you get to drepessed go see the doctor and tell him or her and maybe try anti-drepressant medication. But most importantly think positive and take time to see the beauty of every day life. Its right beside all the ugly stuff, it's just what you choose to see.

2007-03-06 04:23:29 · answer #5 · answered by Sheriff of Yahoo! 7 · 1 0

It sounds like depression... go talk to your doctor, he can tell you what's going on completely.

2007-03-06 04:21:50 · answer #6 · answered by lovely lady lessy. 1 · 2 0

I yearn to help you. I hope what I give will be useful and uplifting. I assure you, you are not alone. I know what you are going through. We all go through trials and tribulations yet a lot of people forget their not the only ones.
Let me quote some Edgar Cayce Readings.
Why worry, when ye may pray? Know that the power of thyself is very limited. The power of the Creative Force is unlimited. reading 2981-1
Lonliness is destructive, yet in Him ye may find companionship. 845-4
Q How can the entity best overcome lonliness?
A Fill the life with the interest of others. 295-2
All are tried as in the fire of self. For He has not willed that any soul should perish, but has with every temptation, every trial, prepared a way of escape. And they that are His, He will not allow to be tempted beyond that they are able to bear. 3292-1
In suffering strength is gained. 5528-1
Without the cross there is no crown. Without the bitter there is no sweer. Without love, ye are lost indeed. 254-78
Pray at two o'clock in the morning...facing east. 3509-1
Ask yourself some serious questions and analyze the steps you take and actions you make.
Do I feel empty or missing something? What am I lackig?
Why am I worried?
Am I setting myself apart removing myself from the rest of the world?
Why am I sad, depressed?
Have I set time for myself to relax and enjoy the world?
What can I do to change and improve my life?
What are my goals and ideals, and what am I doing to accomplish them?
Ask yourself what you want instead of what you don't want. For instance, you would say, "I want to change my life," and not "I don't want to stay the same." Keep positive, always. Don't take everything too serious. Enjoy life and view everthing, good or bad, as a great experience. Alsways a lesson to be learned in the after-life. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, thats what the physical creation is for and all about. I would also like to advise you not to put metal in your mouth if that is what you plan to do, or if you have, take them out.
Excerpt reading 325-55 As follows:
Q Does gold in the mouth help to cause bitterness?
A It does! No teeth should ever be filled with heavy metals, (such) as gold. 325-55

As for your friend maybe some encouraging words from Cayce may help. Do tell these to your friend.
Q Why is the thought always with me to kill myself?
A Self-condemnation. For, not enough of that seeking to manifest God's will has been maifested. When this thought Occurs, let thy prayer be as indicated: "Lord, here am I--thine! Use me in those ways and manner as THOU seest, that I may ever glorify thee." 2540-1 Cayce emphasized in quotes.
Q Why is suicide considered wrong?
A So long as there are those that depend upon the body! And how hath it been given? No man liveth to himself, no man dieth to himself. No man hath been so low that *some* soul hath not depended upon, relied upon same for strength.
Thus we find while there may be those experiences, these are rather of a selfish nature. 1175-1 Note Cayces emphasis added on *some*
She lost in soul development, for she took her own life to satisfy self, not in defence of principle, self, country, or position. 369-3
(She took her own life not to defend anything [self defese] but for self(ish) desire.)
The will makes the life go on. That is, the spiritual life, the essence of God itself. Make your life one with His love! In making the burden of someone elses lighter, you make yours also lighter. In lightening other's burdens the whole of will's power is strengthed manyfold. -My translation of excerpt 911-70
Talk to your friend and ask for what reason he/she wishes to take their life. Here is a site im sure would be helpful, which shows people countering death and returning. Some of which commit suicide:
I hope all of this helps you, your friend, and all others in need. Take care and God bless.

Rabbi Elazar And Rabbi Aba rejoiced and said to him, "Come, you shall ride on the donkey and we shall walk along behind you."
But he told them, "Have I not told you that this is the command of the King, 'until the donkey driver appears.' This refers to Mashiach, who is described as 'poor and riding on a donkey.'"
They said to him: "You have not told us your name, or where you live."
He said: "Where I live is a good place and very precious to me. It is a very highly exalted tower that floats on air. And those who live in the tower are the Holy One, blessed be He, and one poor man. But I have been exciled from there, and came to drive the donkeys."
To Rabbi Elazar and Rabbi Aba, his words were as sweet as honey. They said to him, "If you tell us the name of your father, we will kiss the earth under your feet."
He responded: "Why? It is not my habit to take pride in the study of the torah. But the place where my father lives is in the Great Ocean, and he was a fish that swam from one end of the Great Ocean to the other. With his might, he was able to cross over the entire ocean in an instant, and he was able to swallow up all the other fish in the sea. Later he released them full of life and full of all the good in the world. And he released me, like an arrow from the hand of a valiant man, and hid me in the place of which I told you, the tower that floats on air, while he returned to his home in the ocean."
Rabbi Elazar thought about his words and said: "You are the son of the Light of the Torah. You are Rabbi Hamnunah Saba, the venerable! And you drive our donkeys for us!" Both Rabbi Elazar and Rabbi Aba wept and kissed him.
-From "The Essential ZOHAR" pg.53-54

John 5:30 "I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge, and My judgement is righteous, because I do not seek my own will but the will of the Father who sent Me."

2007-03-06 07:27:23 · answer #7 · answered by WWJD: What Would Joker Do? 4 · 0 0

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