Your question is not offensive at all.
I think that I would change the fact that so much nonsense is taught in the churches.
I think its the reason so many people dump the entire idea of God, because they paint Him as someone who wants to fry them like bacon, mixed with someone who loves, loves, loves.
They make God sound like a schitzo.
2007-03-06 04:09:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I would remove all doctrine, that the Bible does not support, namely Doctrines of men. These Doctrines confuse people and cause them to loose faith in God.
Each person is responsible for themselves and their loved ones. The Bible says that if we serve God we will be better people and even have an opportunity for everlasting life here on earth. See Mathew 6:9,10, Psalms 37:9-11,29, Mathew 5:5, Revelation 21:3,4, Daniel 2:44. The Doctrines of men give people a false hope that will lead to their destruction. Understanding the Bible is the key to gaining God's approval and his protection in these times of distress. It should be used in a way that 2 Tim 3:16 says. If a person truly wants to survive this wicked world he will search the Instruction book for the answers and apply this instruction in their lives. He will worship God in a way that God wants, not in a way that man wants. John 4:23,24, John 14:17
2007-03-06 12:30:12
answer #2
answered by gem 4
I wouldn't change the message but most certainly would change the messengers. Christians today seem bent more on condemnation and judgement than on what Christ was actually all about. They attack gays, non-Christians, and in some cases even people of colour. They presume to speak for God and telling others they are going to hell where they will burn forever.
Bottom line, the messenger has not only killed the message but is also killing the recipient.
2007-03-06 12:06:53
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Jones ask, "Do the Jehovah's Witnesses really believe they have the Holy Spirit? in this area of Yahoo Answers of Religion & Spirituality and I had this info from Time Magazine that expose the Catholic Church big time and they as well as other clergy who make a lot of money for their preaching can get mighty greedy if their followers do not keep serious watch over their use of that money. And can anyone remember where it says in the Bible we cannot be loving God and riches at the same time? One or the other will rule our hearts. Love of money can and does many times cause a person to be come selfish whereas the true loving spirit of God will help us to be kind and unselfish with our money and time toward others. Which agrees with the golden rule of treating others just like we like to be treat. See Matthew 7:12 about that great one of a kind rule that would fix ALL world problems if ONE & ALL in truth lived by it at ALL times! With that loving rule we can unmix bad religion from the good. Good religion will never knowingly go against that rule even when ALL other religion will go against it when their own church and state (whichever form they live under) says go kill others in that other nation no matter that we have people of our faith there too! Does the Bible God say hate and kill your enemies at Romans 12:19? How many of your paid clergy take serious notice of what the Bible God said there? If every paid clergy took serious what is said there might we be right at the door for PEACE & SECURITY? Once you see the website below, it just make sense that has not come yet!
Does the Catholic Church have the holy spirit or the greedy spirit and how many other church leaders have the same problem? Do they love the people or their money? Money is needed to take care of the needed bills but how much are we to pay for waters of truth from Jehovah's word the Bible? Does he not tell us at Revelation 22:17? Jehovah's Witnesses will preach the truth for free and with their own time and money bring that truth to you at your own home. How long would your paid preachers do that? We have seen some try but not for long! Why? Because they do not have the power of the holy spirit in them to keep up the good work Jesus give true Christians to do at Matthew 28:19 that says "Go therefore...and teach" GLOBALLY until the end of wicked mankinds rule! ALL signs show we are just about there!
See what the big mother church is doing right NOW! Blind faith will not save anyone! Paying greedy clergy will not give us life forever! They con people out of their money and life! They put on a show of being holy and having holy spirit but their true acts show otherwise! Fact of history! Time Magazine has exposed the facts of our own day! See for yourselves!
I see they have taken the link off below and I do not have the name of that info with me at this time. So I have to see if there is another way to show it to you. Because it is right at the heart of greedy clergy and love of money not the people! I will be back soon I hope with some way to show that serious fact to you as a wake up call to where the clergy and their are at!
If you can find that page again please link it with your reply please!
2007-03-06 13:12:12
answer #4
answered by Constitutionally Sound U 1
I think the biggest problem with Christianity is that it is too faith based -- it depends on what we think rather than what we do or how we live. Christians tell us that we can say a few magic words like "I accept Jesus as my personal savior" and that's it. Congratulate yourself for being born again and go about your business as usual.
If it were up to me I'd put the emphasis on how we live rather than what we believe.
Oh yeah, I'd have them lighten up on the threats. Please don't tell us that God going torture us for eternity if we don't believe he is an all loving, all merciful, warm and fuzzy, smile-Jesus-loves-you kind of God. The threats don't fit the profile.
2007-03-06 12:13:09
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
There is no need to change pure, charitable Christianity. It is perfect as is. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to live. What needs to be changed is people's hearts.
2007-03-06 12:07:59
answer #6
answered by Answergirl 5
No, I wouldn't. But there are people out there who have that have changed it to suit their liking by acting like it doesn't stand for honesty, ethics and morals. Those people will burn if they don't repent. The True Religion is one that is so good that it has made millions of converts. Because it is loving and compassionate and liberating.
2007-03-06 12:06:30
answer #7
answered by Dntcrosthline 1
Ignorance of simple truths of nature.
(Really, I'd ax it altogether, but I don't think that is an option. Real education for its followers would be a start. Of course, not all current Christians are ignorant.)
2007-03-06 12:06:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
the 2 sides of christianity(the Sunday morning Christian) otherwords, if your a practicing christian, your susposed to be taken at face value, not how you are this great person on Sundays, but then turn into the devils playmate the rest of the week.
2007-03-06 12:06:45
answer #9
answered by dadknows 4
Theist- and I would have God himself come down and tell all the Evangelicals that they are total nutcases and stop being so judgmental as it is not their job but his to do so.
2007-03-06 12:05:29
answer #10
answered by ? 5