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i want something for base! i going to get 2, 12's and a amp..but not sure what kinda speakers and amp to get? i was going to ger Diamond Audio 12" or , i cant member the brand but it was Somthing Type R. i have about 700-900 dollers to spend!

2007-03-06 03:23:04 · 4 answers · asked by blazer extreme 1 in Cars & Transportation Car Audio

4 answers

you need a pair of these.


one has more xmas then a 12w7. and there less then 1/3 of the price. these will knock your sox off. now all you need is a big amp to power them. lets see. . . this hifonics will push them both very well.


with this set up you'll send others home crying at sound offs in your town. you'll spend 1/2 as much as someone with 2 12w7s and you'll probabley still be louder. lol. you'll love it!

2007-03-06 06:05:27 · answer #1 · answered by JimL 6 · 0 0

well if ur goin with 12's. go with 2 kicker L7 subs. they ar square subs, but hit as hard as most round 15's. also go with a kicker 1500 watt mono amp. that will be extreme, trust me.

2007-03-06 12:13:20 · answer #2 · answered by harley 3 · 0 1

go to caraudiodeals.com or onlinecarstereo.com they have good prices and many different brands to choose from also onlinecarstereo.com has reviews to help you decide ! caraudiodeals.com has a whole package amp,box,subs,and wires for $500 !!!!

2007-03-06 17:30:34 · answer #3 · answered by bigsportsnut2 5 · 0 0

the type-r's are from alpine. i guess it comes down to what you really want, and location. because here in los angeles, you can get some seriuos bass for that amount of cash.

2007-03-06 12:05:04 · answer #4 · answered by ramon c 2 · 0 1

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