Jesus (Peace be upon him) is one of the prophets of God who performed miracles, cured the sick etc by the leave of God. God in his infinite wisdom has sent innumerable prophets to all people during all times to guide them. The first prophet was prophet Adam & the last prophet was prophet Mohammad (May peace be upon them all).
2007-03-14 00:35:04
answer #1
answered by easyrecognition 3
Yes Jesus was a prophet. The Last Prophet in Christianity. Jesus was a Prophet in Both Islam and Christianity. In Christianity He is God.
The Bible Calls Jesus a Prophet several times...
John 6:14
After the people saw the miraculous sign that Jesus did, they began to say, "Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world."
Luke 24:20
"About Jesus of Nazareth," they replied. "He was a prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all the people. The chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death, and they crucified him
Matthew 21:11
The crowds answered, "This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee."
2007-03-06 22:26:03
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
To the Muslims, Jesus is a prophet. To the Christians, Jesus is the Son of God.
2007-03-06 03:11:11
answer #3
answered by MishMash [I am not one of your fans] 7
He's Prophet, Priest, and King. He fulfills all the roles that were needed in the Old Testament. He prophecied about His own death countless times and about how He would die. He did have death and then He rose again. He's the Son of God and it makes sense to me that God Himself would be able to prophesy pretty well.
2007-03-12 18:14:32
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
the word prophet comes from the Greek verb profemi which means, to speak for someone. A prophet is one who speaks for God and so Jesus is a Prophet. But he is more than that: he is the Son of God as he himself claims and as he evidences by a life lived in grace.
2007-03-06 03:59:36
answer #5
answered by theobib 1
Jesus called Himself both a prophet and the Son of God.
2007-03-06 03:09:39
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The basic word for "prophet" in the OT is nabi`, which means "spokesman" or "speaker." Essentially a prophet is a person authorized to speak for another, as Moses (Ex 7:1-2; Nu 12:1-8) and the OT prophets were authorized to speak for God. Two other words to designate OT prophets are hozeh and ro`eh (both meaning "seer"). In fact, Gad is called both nabi` and hozeh (2 Sa 24:15). At times, prophets are called messengers (mal`ak, also translated "angel") and men of God. The message of the prophet may be called a prophecy (nebu`ah), but it may also be called a vision, oracle, burden, or simply "the word of the LORD."
Each of these OT terms invites us to look at an important aspect of OT faith and life and the unique gift of the prophetic office that God gave to his people.
The Greek word prophetes ("prophet") is the only word the NT uses to translate the Hebrew nabi`. Related NT words are propheteuo ("to prophesy"), prophetis ("prophetess"), and propheteia ("prophetic saying, gift, or activity").
In the NT, the appellation "prophet" is applied to OT prophets, to John the Baptist, to Jesus, and also to Christian prophets in the early church. Our primary difficulty in interpretation focuses on the meaning of "prophet" when applied to persons in the early church. John is clearly in the tradition of the OT's great spokesmen for God, as he warns Israel and calls for moral and spiritual reformation. Jesus served this same function when he announced previously hidden truth about God's purposes. But we are uncertain about the prophets of Acts and the Epistles.
Jesus was a prophet and the son of God
edit: this information come directly from an expository dictionary
2007-03-13 16:27:51
answer #7
answered by j.wisdom 6
Depends on who you ask!
As he is supposed to declare himself. He is the "son of Man". That makes many unwary readers read it as the son of God and indeed many who beleave that he was refferring to this biological and physical relationship.
I dont think its as simple as that. the holy trinity is made up of the father the son and the holy spirit. The words are supposed to be ill representative of teh actual relationship shared by the three entities.
What the bible is actually trying to tell you is that you have to stop thinking in terms of mother, father, uncle and cousin when it comes to the relationship of jesus with God. Although jesus used the words himself he was obviously trying to get the closest approximation of human relationships to the celestial association that he held with God. He means that he is of God, a part, a portion and therefore almost as important as the whole. Almost as of course its God whos more important than the son of God. Unfortunately many people get so fixated on the son that they forget that he came to bear witness for the father.
Having said that, Muslims beleave that jesus was a prophet. A prophet is not what you describe as one who accepts death. A prophet is a person who has a divine gift to be able to bear witness to God.
So Jesus is a prophet and the son of God. the trick is to rise above human language and understand the message.
2007-03-06 03:21:45
answer #8
answered by Dr. R 2
He fulfils the biblical role of prophet, priest, and king. He is also truly the Son of God. Read Hebrews.
2007-03-13 18:37:09
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
We all are children of god, Jesus is a prophet AND son of god.
2007-03-11 05:33:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous