There are so many different body types it is difficult to state for a fact what's up. At 18 you could still grow a little bit more, but not necessarily. It would be wise to go to a doctor for a physical and complete blood-work. (needles today are virtually painless)He will also give you an accurate height and weight. Most American men are not as tall as they think they are. It is that American attitude that bigger is better. This may just be your normal height and weight and that's that. If you are working out you may want to do exercises that focus on building muscle. High weights and lower repetitions, as opposed to low weights and many reps. The latter could cause you to lose weight. The former might help build lean muscle mass, which, as a matter of fact, weighs more than fat. While working out you need to increase your protein intake and a great way to do this is by drinking sports drinks with whey protein in them. I like the ones that are powdered and you mix them with milk. Some are pretty tasty. These products also exist with extra calories that can help you put on a some healthy weight. Lastly, genetics does definitely play a role, and as your dad shows, when you get older most folks metabolism slows down and they gain weight. Good luck and stick with work-outs for the rest of your life!
2007-03-06 02:25:41
answer #1
answered by gervoi 3
Heh, heh. It is kind of funny that you ask if your lack of exercise is the problem. That is the cause for the OPPOSITE "problem" from what you have. I propose, however, that you do not have a problem at all. Does your doctor say you are healthy? If so, then you are fine. If not, then there are any number of things that could cause you to be thin. For one thing, how much do you eat? The best way to gain weight is to eat, Eat, EAT! But it is also possible that there is a glandular problem, virus, or any number of medical problems. Talk to your doctor and rule out any medical causes. Then start eating more and see what happens. Strength training will help as well, as it will help you build muscle, but so long as you are not OVERweight, get exercise, and eat right... I wouldn't worry about it. Most people would happily trade places with you, but make sure you are healthy and are eating enough. That is ultimately all that really matters.
2007-03-06 02:13:50
answer #2
answered by Mr. Taco 7
Exercising will only help you burn calories, thus lose weight. If you're concerned you're too thin, which you may be, see a doctor to determine if you have any digestive or metabolic problems. From your avatar, I'm guessing you're a guy. You should start eating more lean meat and protein in order to put on some weight. Look into a good protein shake to take two times a day (mid-morning and mid-afternoon, or before/after a workout). Start lifting weights to build muscle. In order for you to gain weight and muscle, you'll just have to eat more. Just be sure to eat healthier foods high in protein and vitamins. Best of luck!
2007-03-06 02:12:20
answer #3
answered by Shannon L - Gavin's Mommy 6
It's all in the genes. If your parents were skinny, you will be skinny. You are only 18 - young men keep growing into their early 20s. Just eat healthy foods and stay active and your body will turn out just fine.
A combination of cardiovascular exercise (walkingm jogging, bicycling, etc.) and weight training is good for every body type.
2007-03-06 02:15:36
answer #4
answered by not yet 7
My son is also lean.
Well, vegging in front of the tube will bother you later, when you wish you had more active habits, so now's the time to set yourself up for success in that area. Go chase something! No, I'm kidding, just get physical on a regular basis, how about bike riding?
Eat balanced meals, with fruit in between, the minerals and sugars are important. Also one salad a day is important. Drink water throughout the day. Just avoid eating poor products, like refined flours, candies and salty chips; make eating count by trying to eat foods that are near their natural state, not overcooked. You'll be investing in yourself.
Get a Wii, get physical (you can easily break a sweat with the boxing game), and make it fun.
2007-03-06 02:15:27
answer #5
answered by Zeera 7
Evidently the person with a B.S. in nutrition and 10 years as a fitness instructor is not familiar with body mass indexing or BMI. The clinical diagnosis for someone 6 feet tall and under 120 lbs is severe malnutrition...not moderate malnutrition....not minor malnutrition....severe malnutrition. I question the authenticity of someone with experience in fitness to claim 6 feet tall and 120 lbs is at all safe or normal. I'd also question the authenticity of the original poster claiming to be very, very healthy. Look around and see if you can find for yourself a person 6 feet tall and under 120 lbs.....check their health. Here's a tip, you might have to look at a hospital, as they would in fact be suffering severe malnutrition.
2016-12-29 00:23:42
answer #6
answered by Duane K 1
I was so skinny growing up people would ask my sister if my parents were feeding me I am now 5 10 and weight 195 lbs so yes as we age we put on weight you could go to a heath food store and get some protein shakes in powder form they have stuff for body builder to use to gain weight
2007-03-06 02:18:02
answer #7
answered by delmonticoman 5
Guessing hormone balance is still off from a little thing called puberty, hormones can take into the mid 20s to stabilize so that would be a good bet.
Eat high protien meals and exercise sparingly to gain belly weight.
Eat high protien meals and exercise with weights to gain muscle mass.
Eat high protien meals and exercise aerobically (like walking briskly) to remain the same (think about it how many large looking long distance runners do you see?).
2007-03-06 02:13:11
answer #8
answered by Steve S 2
i have the same problem as a female....i eat more than anybody and dont gain a pound...ive tried just have a fast metabolism....if you go to your doctor and ask about how you could gain weight with a fast metabolism...he may prescribe you with protein powder that you could mix with water or also need to eat more foods with high calories...ex. bread...peanut butter....chicken...and other starchy foods...bananas will slow down your metabolism temporarily so maybe eat one before every meal so that your body does burn off the fat you eat.....good luck....and as for me....i just gave up.....o yea and another reason why you may not gain weight is because it maybe hereditary....most likly if your parents or grandparents were skinny...there's a higher chance that you may be to....
2007-03-06 02:17:31
answer #9
answered by ~*~Angel~*~ 2
It could be just the rate of your metabolism which only nature can change. As you work out you'll get more defined muscles. You'll have to take in a lot more calories, but don't necessarily overdo it on fat. Try more starchy foods, i.e., breads and spaghetti/macaroni/rice dishes.
2007-03-06 02:17:25
answer #10
answered by Venita Peyton 6