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I had a smear back in 2005 & it showed borderline abnormal cells so i had to go back 6 months later to see if it had cleared up but it showed mild cell changes so they referred me to the hospital last august for a biopsy & they said the cells was now showing moderate to severe changes & that i would need treatment to romove the abnormal cells else it could eventually turn to cancer, I was scared to death of having the op as i suffer from a severe anxiety disorder so i didnt attend the appointment & now 6 months on from that i have started with period like pains & i am worried i may have left it too late???

2007-03-05 20:25:14 · 7 answers · asked by kitkatkel24 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions Cancer

7 answers

You probably dont have cancer yet, but you must call your doctor's office TODAY and tell them you were diagnosed in 2005 with abnormal cells and that you have too freightened to come in, tell her to get you in today while you have the courage!!!!
Now, secondly, there was NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF!!!!!!!!!!! The same thing happened to me about 20yrs ago. My doctor found abnormal cells and told me I needed CRYO-SURGERY -- asap !!! I said, "YES, LET'S DO IT -- ASAP !!!!" We set an appt for the next week and he did the procedure and i went home, drove myself and i have been fine ever since (knock on wood !!!).
It doesnt hurt, it can be done in the office of most doctors. You wont feel much, perhaps a little bit of a pinching sensation, but not painful!!! Cancer IS PAINFUL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, get your fanny and other parts to the doc manana' (I mean: 'hoy = today") and with gods love you'll still be in the helpable zone, but not if you wait any longer !!!! All the doc does is FREEZE (KILL) THESE BAD CELLS -- IT TAKES MAYBE 15 MINUTES AND YOU'RE DONE AND YOU HAVE saved your precious life !!!! iF YOU ARE STILL SCARED: CALL ME, GOTO MY E-MAIL & i WILL HELP YOU THRU THIS !!!! Barb ex-nurse and woman !!!

2007-03-05 20:45:17 · answer #1 · answered by BARBIE 5 · 0 0

Try Vitamin C therapy. A few years ago a cancer researcher came out with a paper saying that the best cancer and infection fighter as yet found was Interferon, but, at the time, it cost $15,000 a gram. The good part was that Interferon was a product of the natural breakdown of Vitamin C in your system. Shortly after that paper came out the FDA tried to make Vit C by prescription only. Guess why? The FDA says that the RDA for Vit C is 64 mg a day, just enough to prevent scurvy. Linus Pauling, who got a Nobel Prize for his work with Vit C and a second Nobel Prize for organic chemistry, said 1000 mg a day as a minimum and 2000 mg a day if you are sick. On a personal note, I was sick twice a year, for 2 weeks at a time, for 20 years, and was flat on my back for at least a week each time. To this day the doctors have no idea what the problem was. After I gave up on the doctors I tried Vit C. I took enough to keep from being sick and just below too much to get diarrhea. It followed a bell curve over 2 weeks with a peak at 40,000 mg a day – about 300,000 over the 2 weeks. I was not sick for those 2 weeks and after a couple of years of that I have not been sick since. I did not dissolve my kidneys, as some doctors said would happen. I did not get any calcium build up or stones and did not dissolve my cones or solidify my joints. Try it, but drink a lot of water – Vit C is a natural diuretic.

2007-03-06 01:44:26 · answer #2 · answered by David M 2 · 0 0

I know that it is scary to have to go through any procedure but i recommend that you call your doctor and schedule an appointment A.S.A.P. I too had been diagnosed with cervical cell abnormalities at the age of twenty seven for the first time and didn't continue going to the doctor due to fear. I began noticing changes and feeling pain, when I did finally call and made the appointment I was diagnosed with stage 2b cervical cancer. Prior to my first abnormal pap smear they had all been normal. It turns out that it was aggressive and I developed the cancer in two years. I was twenty-nine when I finally went to the doctor. I am glad i did. Wish you the best.

2007-03-09 15:44:55 · answer #3 · answered by girl 1 · 0 0

abnormal cervical cells is a common thing. The removal is not a painful thing either. It can be uncomfortable, depending on if you have cryo surgery or a LEEP procedure, but they are both quick and tolerable! Cervical dysplasia is an easily treated thing, and need not progress to cervical cancer. Reschedule your appointment to have the cells removed, and tell your doctor you are anxious about it, and would like an antianxiety pill. They should be able to prescribe you some valium or xanax or something like that, to settle your nerves. It is NOT too late!

2007-03-05 20:32:09 · answer #4 · answered by Penny P 5 · 0 0

confident, actually. Treating the contaminated cells does no longer get rid of the virus, in simple terms like blowing your nostril once you have a cold does no longer get the chilly virus out of your physique. HPV has a existence span of 9 months to 2 years, so if that's been 2 years or much less provided that he left her, you have HPV. in simple terms ensure you reside as much as this component on your paps so as which you will seize any strange cervical cells quicker quite than later. and don't hassle too plenty; in simple terms as a results of fact the virus reacted and brought about strange cells for her does no longer mean it is going to for you.

2016-10-02 11:23:32 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You probably don't have cancer, but you need to go back to your doctor! Moderate to severe changes to you cells will not go away on their own and need to be treated to prevent further damage. (they will also not go away with vitamin C so please do not try this) I understand your anxiety, but you will sleep much better knowing the problem has been taken care of.

2007-03-06 05:58:57 · answer #6 · answered by j 1 · 0 0

Oh please make another appointment I'm sorry that you anxiety caused this for you but you must get this done for your health I'm sure you understand that. take a look at the web site I've linked you will find loads of great advice.

2007-03-05 21:19:52 · answer #7 · answered by jlb 5 · 0 0

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