yogurt with less sugar is best.
a handful of mixed nuts
whoe grain bread with pb&j
baby carrots, cut up veggies. etc
and remember, most of the time thirst is mistaken for hunger. keep a water bottle with you or drink an extra glass before/after each meal to keep yourself full between meals.
2007-03-05 19:03:46
answer #1
answered by imnotachickenyoureaturkey 5
A little container of yogurt twice a day won't hurt you. Eat low or no fat. A handfull of raisins and nuts. Carrots and celery---all you want! Broccoli. Popcorn without the salt and butter.
2007-03-06 03:04:27
answer #2
answered by San Diego Art Nut 6
yogurt is a great snack. it's loaded with calcium and vitamin c (some of the fruit in it does). one is good for a snack
here are some other ideas
-apple slices with peanut butter
-cucumbers and carrots with low-cal ranch dressing
-cottage cheese w/fresh strawberries or grapes
-an orange or banana (with yogurt to dip it in)
- 1/2 cup of mixed nuts
-quaker rice cakes (they come in several flavors)
-pretzels (not chips)
-cheese cubes
-granola bars
-make a smoothie ( use fresh strawberries,grapes,oranges,bananas,etc) cut the fruit up and put in a blender. pour in fat-free milk (enough to cover the fruit) and blend. you can add ice or cool whip too.
-cheerios (i love to snack on these)
avoid anything to overly salty or sugary. not only will these add calories to your diet but they can also cause dehydration.
2007-03-06 03:09:58
answer #3
answered by prncessang228 7
Fruit is good. Apple sause. Gram crackers. Peanut butter. Those nutrition snacks are low in calories and quite filling.
2007-03-06 03:02:13
answer #4
answered by Debi in LA 5
I think yogurt is okay. You just have to use your own judgement on how much is excessive. Another healthy snack would be carrots.
2007-03-06 03:03:36
answer #5
answered by Speedy 6
Any kind of fruit. I also boil eggs and eat only the whites.( throw away the yolks as they have too much cholesterol) Cottage cheese . Raw veggies like carrots celery.
2007-03-06 03:04:03
answer #6
answered by chicklette0008 3
most of the yogurt in stores in unhealthy, as it is loaded with sugars to make it taste good. Get the unflavored stuff and eat as muhc of it as you want and its healthy for you!
2007-03-06 03:02:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
8 oz of yogurt is fine, i keep little raw carrots, broccoli florettes, tiny tomatoes and such around to eat when i get the urge for a snack.
2007-03-06 03:02:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
providing they don't have allergy to nuts try trail mix minus the m n'm's
granola bar
any type of fruit
yogurts good (protein and good yeast which aids in digestion)
string cheese (not in excess)
raisins (yogurt covered even)
2007-03-06 03:05:29
answer #9
answered by th1despina 2
i usually eat about to yougurts when i want a snack and also a banana but theres way more alternates thats just me
2007-03-06 03:02:15
answer #10
answered by Lesha 1