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I hope so, because it has never been more clear to me that this earth and man has nothing to offer, nothing of substance, nothing good. Without Jehovah we are headed straight away for destruction. I hope everyone comes to this realization. .

2007-03-05 15:20:45 · 28 answers · asked by 123 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

(Psalm 83:18) That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth.

I made the truth my own and was baptized as a Jehovah's Witness in 2004. It was the best decision I have ever made!

I am glad that you are learning the truths about Jehovah and his ways! May Jehovah bless you!

2007-03-06 08:28:45 · answer #1 · answered by misskitty593 1 · 1 1

You know, this is not a area for challenging or debating. It is meant for asking responsible questions with the intent to learn something, if only why other religions don't like the JWs. What you have here is a challenge, not appropriate for a witness, or this forum. I know you want to say this, but say it where it is meant to be said, in the door to door work, where you are speaking to people, one on one.

Looking at the history of questions and answers, I would guess you are fairly young. I remember the urge to challenge when I was your age. I imagine the elders have told you that witnesses are not there to debate. They are there to find those whose hearts are seeking truth. This is not a way to find them.

2007-03-06 01:05:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

All along, since when? It isn't as if JW's have been around since the beginning of time. People have been calling God Jehovah, but even Jewish people called Him Jehovah. Yahweh is the same name, in a different language. Are you suggesting that the truth has only been available since the formulation of the Jehovah Witness Sect of Christianity? Contrary to your realizations, those precepts that you stated have been in existence for thousands of years. Earth and man having no substance is a basic Buddhist belief, as well as Taoism, Hinduism, and others. JW is just a combination of already-existing philosophies, as is Christianity as a whole. There is nothing new in either JW or Christianity. In fact, it is quite limited in scope.

2007-03-05 23:33:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

I am very happy that you have learned the true religion. I am a JW, and i love hearing stories about how people come to understand the truth, and always understand that you are gonna hear lies, and negativity being told against Jehovah's people, but you can't listen to that. Even the bible says that you have to test your religion to see that it is good, and you will see Gods true people by their works.

2007-03-06 09:40:14 · answer #4 · answered by PW 2 · 1 1

Well Done. Keep up the god work.

It is such a shame that more people do not come to realise that the message of JWs is the kingdom of God as the only hope for mankind. No amount of effort by any man or organisation will solve our problems.

The earth was created for us humans and it will remain forever. Gods kingdom will restore it to its original condition.

There are many false things said about the teachings of JWs but if people would only stop and search things for them selves and not leave it to some biased scholars to do so they will discover that the Bible we use (The NWT) is extremely accurate (NO Bible is 100% accurate) and that JWs do teach the truth of the Bible.

OH if people would only take the time to see for them selves like you are doing

2007-03-05 23:45:15 · answer #5 · answered by gordo_burns 4 · 3 3

while they may basically have some truth much of what they teach is false. They say in the millenium everybody that ever lived comes back to life and has to restore the earth to paradise if they rebel they are cast into annilation.
For JUST one that does away with Jesus being our salvation if it is based upon our good works in the millenium.
It also means we can do whatever we want in this life and not be held accountable morally only legally to the court system.

2007-03-05 23:28:23 · answer #6 · answered by sapphire_630 5 · 1 4

No, you didn't even support your beliefs. Am I just suppose to take your word? What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe? Without Jesus Christ we are headed straight away for hell. I hope everyone comes to faith and is saved.

2007-03-05 23:27:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

Nope. Never will. I like my sleep in the morning. I'm not down with any religion that makes you walk around early in the morning knocking on innocent people's doors waking them up from a lovely slumber. If I want to know about it, I'll drive down to the hall or whatever it's called. I know enough to stay away and not answer the door.

2007-03-05 23:26:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

First, you need to be aware of their FAULTY TRANSLATION of the Scriptures. This 'New World Translation' is adapted specifically to support the Jehovah's Witnesses' anti-Christian doctrines denying the Divinity of Christ and His physical Resurrection. Below are the key mistranslations:
i) John 1:1 - this verse is mistranslated to "and the Word was a god". The insertion of the word 'a' has no basis in the Greek text. No Greek scholar would translate it in this way.
To show the JW inconsistency on this point, in John 1:6, the same construction is found in the Greek, but their translation here is 'god' not 'a god'. Ask them why.

Also, consider Thomas´ testimony in John 20:28 "My lord and my God." Literally this is "the lord of me and the God of me." Why not use 'a' here?

Finally, remember that the Jews were monotheists. See the 'ONE God' verses already used.

ii) John 8:58 - "Before Abraham was, I have been." The problem with this verse is that it should read "Before Abraham was, I AM." This quote is a direct reference to Exodus 3:14. JWs rewrite this verse in John in an attempt to deny the divinity of Christ, i.e., in an attempt to deny that He and the Father are one. cf. John 10:30-33.
iii) Colossians 1:15-17- the JWs insert the word 'other' four times into this passage, even though the Greek original has no mention of this word. This ploy is used to separate Jesus from the Father, by claiming God created Jesus, then Jesus created everything else.

There´s a big problem with this approach, though. Look at Isaiah 44:24 - did Yahweh make everything, or did Jesus?

The other problem here is that the JWs try to make the term 'first born' to mean 'first created', which it most certainly does not. In fact, it has the sense of 'pre-eminent' as in Jeremiah 31:9. But the JWs don't like this interpretation as it goes against their view of Jesus as only a created being. The term in Greek is 'proto tikto'.

iv) Hebrews 1.6 - "obeisance". This word in Greek is "proskuneo" which means "worship", cf. Matt. 4:10. "Obeisance" is a fair enough translation, but the JWs use it to show Jesus is not due the worship due to God the Father. Look atActs 10:25-26, where Peter is visited by an angel and bows down in "proskuneo". The angel rebukes his saying such worship is due to God alone. So the big question is:

Why didn´t Jesus rebuke the angels in Hebrews 1:6 if He is not due the worship? The answer is He IS due the worship, because He IS God.

v) Hebrews 1:8 and Psalm 45:6 - here is another example of how the JWs misuse Scripture. The Greek of Hebrews 1:8 can be rendered in on of two ways "Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever" or "God is your throne for ever and ever". Both these translations are equally valid. a point to note is that the second translation does not affirm the divinity of Christ. To decide on the correct one to use, we note that this is a quote from Psalm 45:6. This psalm was written in Hebrew and can only be translated "Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever". For this reason, this is the translation used in the Bible.
Not so with the JW Bible, however. They use the OTHER translation, the one which does NOT affirm the Divinity of Christ. This is in spite of the fact that Psalm 45:6 shows that the first translation is the right one.

Other Problems: 1 Corinthians 1:18 refers to the "cross". JWs deny Jesus was crucified on a cross, but rather a stake. Use this verse to point out this error.

Also, JWs will use Proverbs 8:22-24 to try to prove Jesus was a created being. A glance at Proverbs 8:1,12 shows, however, that the chapter is not about Christ, but about WISDOM!!

JWs use 1 Corinthians 15:44-50 "flesh and blood can't inherit the kingdom" to deny the physical resurrection of Jesus. But see John 2:19-21. Also see Luke 24:39.
They also use 1 Peter 3:18 in an attempt to show that Jesus was not raised physically. However, all that verse means is that Jesus was raised in an imperishable body cf. 1 Corinthians 15:35-45 -"sown perishable, raised imperishable."

Acts 15:29 is used to support the JWs' notion that blood transfusions are immoral. it should be noted that these same restrictions are used in Leviticus 17 & 18 to get the pagan practices out of the people. Additionally, look at 1 Corinthians 8, in regard to the weaker brother. Luke 14:5 shows that in order to save the life of a mere animal, it was ok to break the law, how much more so for the life of a human!
Leviticus 17:10-11 listed this as a dietary restriction. But Christ abolished dietary restrictions when He said in Matthew 15:11 that what goes into a man does not defile a man, but rather what comes out. (another verse to look at is Genesis 9:24 - to show respect for sacrifices??)

One more point on this, a blood transfusion is not FOOD. Ask any doctor this.

2007-03-05 23:36:34 · answer #9 · answered by Gods child 6 · 3 4

We hope you come to the full realization that Jehovah Witnesses are not of the true revelation God intended. If they do not believe Jesus is God (which they don't) then they are of the anti- Christ.

2007-03-05 23:28:56 · answer #10 · answered by Midge 7 · 2 3

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