Being a Christians is not a license to sin.It's not "well,I can be forgiven,so what the hell".
Yes,homosexuality is a sin just like the others.But it is not something that you should be proud of,as if it was okay.Tell me,have you seen a 'Christian Adulterers' Parade,where people were actually reveling in their sin? That's what happens with homosexuality.
2007-03-05 15:15:20
answer #1
answered by musica 1
Homosexuality is sin, and just like other sins, once we accept the salvation that is offered through Jesus, then we should be trying not to sin anymore. You're right though, all sins in the Bible have the same punishment, and that is death. A person who is gay deserves damnation no more or less than a heterosexual adulterer or a liar as you mentioned. We all sin, and we all deserve death, but God in His mercy sent His innocent son to die in our stead in spite of the fact that we don't deserve it.
By the way, I want to clarify that I realize that a person does not make the choice to be homosexual, but neither does anyone consciously choose to be sinful, so the fact that we do or do not actually choose something does not let us off the hook.
About being exempt from the old testament as mentioned in the answer below mine, Christians are actually not exempt from the law of Moses. Before Christ died, when someone broke the law, they had priests make sacrifices because sin cannot be forgiven without the shedding of blood. However, Jesus, having lived a perfect life and being a descendant of Adam was our sacrifice, and that is why we are forgiven even though we still have sinned against the laws as in the old testament.
2007-03-05 15:20:50
answer #2
answered by DawnL 3
You are right with saying sin is sin in the eyes of God and that God does and will forgive the homosexual sin as well as lying. BUT you can't just GET forgiveness by JUST asking without REPENTING. And the meaning of Repenting = a Willingness to CHANGE! In other words, if I habitually lied, asked for forgiveness, then continued to lie WILLINGLY, that's not repentence. So, lilkewise with the homosexual sin, God will forgive a repentant heart, who is willing to turn away from this sin and change with God's help. If this person weakened and comitted this same sin again, they would again turn to God, repent and ask for strength to stop sinning. The difference is, it would no longer be an ongoing sin, and the All-knowing God who sees your heart knows if you are truly sorry and wanting to change and follow Him. It would be like a husband having an affair and asking his wife for forgiveness, then continuing to have the affair. Why would she forgive him if his behavior didn't match his words? Same with God, if asking for forgiveness doesn't match your willingness to change, your asking are empty words.
2007-03-05 15:53:18
answer #3
answered by connie 6
Many gay human beings in this enlightened age don't understand that maximum folk discover them repulsive. in case you anticipate to be frequently occurring rather of refrained from bypass back interior the closet. Open reflects of love between gays in simple terms isn't seen time-honored with the help of the overpowering majority of folk. The repulsive component of gayness has no longer something to do with the e book of Leviticus or anybody's thought of sin. that's a organic reaction to something unnatural. Being gay does no longer reject you from Christianity any further than having heterosexual relationships exterior of marriage does. in actuality, if even a fragment of the centuries-previous rumors approximately gays interior the Catholic Priesthood and between its Nuns are real you have adequate evidence that whether gay sexual relationships are a sin, they are forgiveable sins. As you're saying, in a nutshell, all human beings are sinners. say sorry. you could decide on whether or to no longer proceed to stay in sin.
2016-10-02 11:11:51
answer #4
answered by ? 4
Christians say you cant be a gay christian because it doesn't fit into the church's ideal of what is acceptable. I've read the bible and it is written that homosexuality is an abomination to God. I feel like these rules were written as warning so the world would continue to be populated, however along with other rules written in the word of god that are no longer being followed like the tents woman were to be in during their menstrual cycle or the fact that we cut are hair or get tattoos it is all relative and the world is progressing just fine hetero sexuals will continue to populate and if you believe Jesus Christ is your lord and savior and live morally that is the definition of a christian and your lifestyle is judged as an individual. So I believe you can be gay and a christian.
2007-03-05 15:35:45
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
There is a huge difference. You can be a homosexual and become Christian. You can be Christian and fall into homosexuality, which means you would sin. But, you can't truly become saved while continuing to live in homosexuality.
The reason for this is that when you are saved, that means that you repented of your sins (turned from your sins and turned to God). If you don't turn from your homosexuality when you are saved, then you haven't truly been saved.
2007-03-05 15:18:24
answer #6
answered by Miranda 3
Because the bible says in Romans 1:27" Likewise also the men
leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly
and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet"(refers to the penalty attached to wrongdoing)
Verse 28: And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a repobate mind(mind void of judgement) to do those things which are not convenient."
These 2 scriptures alone shows how God feels about homosexuality. #1 he says men with men is unseemly or shameful. #2 he says that it is error. #3 The scripture tells us that to practice this lifestyle you have to disregard the scriptures and the plan of God verse 28 states"they did not like to retain God in their knowledge"#4 the scriptures states that those things are "not convenient." or proper. Then also in verse 28 it plainly states those that do such things God gave them over to a repobate mind or a mind void of judgement.There is no wiggle room for compromise.
2007-03-05 17:11:38
answer #7
answered by 3
Of course homo sexuality is a sin... no one said you can't get frogiveness.. YES Christ died to save us from ALL unrighteousness and sins... God loves the sinner but hates the sin. ..All liars have a part in the lake of fire.. cos the Bible says the devil is the father of lies.. but when a man turns from his sin, he, with God's help will be victorious. same with being gay, turn from sin, and with God's help, you will llive a victorious life.
2007-03-05 15:30:03
answer #8
answered by twinklesnsparkles 2
will iam a muslim, but i kno that islam, christianity and judaism are all true religions. all three share common beleifs and beleive in same god. all three religions beleive that god made a man and a woman with bodys that fit eachother for a reason. he made adam and eve not adam and adam or eve and eve. that is a sign from god that homosexuality is a sin. plus thats just sick!!!
2007-03-05 16:03:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
This is a wonderful question, because it illuminates a certain hypocrisy within the so-called Christian religion. They claim that they are exempt from the law of the old testament, yet they still hold others to that law, without any authority whatsoever to do so. Christ exempted them, but not you. If however, you believe in the doctrine of salvation, as they do, then you, also, are exempt from the old law, and can do as you please, as long as you ask forgiveness before you die. If a Christian can have an abortion, then you can be gay. And if anyone says that Christians DON'T have abortions, then they are in severe denial, because I personally know several "good Christian" girls who have had them. If a Catholic priest can be forgiven for molesting little boys, how can being gay be worse than that?
2007-03-05 15:20:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous