any sort of depression can be tide over by faith in GOD and sincere prayer.
Your prayer is from your heart. Further You must have to understood the fact that God is present in our heart. This can be realised in meditation. Further we are the creation of our own destiny. As per Hindu sacred religion, we carry all good and bad deeds life after life. There is no end unless we pray for unification of self with the divineliness.
Hence there is always a possible way to complete mergence with God in this life by a simple and wonderful meditation
2007-03-05 21:33:19
answer #1
answered by Master 4
Certain medications taken at night can make you groggy in the morning--if you take any, start taking them earlier.
You could try drinking something with caffeine to wake you up in the morning. Green tea has some caffeine, and is healthier than coffee or regular tea.
If you are really that tired in the morning, you probably are not getting enough sleep. I know you don't want to go to sleep earlier, but are you in a position where you can take naps in the daytime (not great to do--better to sleep more at night).
I don't know how old you are, but if you are still in school (even college) your body requires a lot more sleep than someone older. You may still be growing, and hormones changing--really think about more sleep.
2007-03-05 22:45:48
answer #2
answered by Holiday Magic 7
You're just a very heavy sleeper. I have the same problem. I will get up and turn the alarm clock off in my sleep, I have conversations with the people who try and wake me up in my sleep - and I never remember anything about it. I am always late because of it. I've had the problem since I was very young. Probably the best thing to do is try and find a job that starts in the afternoon. lol ;-)
2007-03-05 22:53:56
answer #3
answered by Butterscotch 7
Okay, this is what I've experienced. When you have sleep-debt, then you will continue to wake late and unsatisfied. For a week or so, try sleeping a couple of hours earlier than normal (before midnight! 10pm is ideal), and getting up that the usual time so you get 2 hours of extra sleep before midnight. By the seventh day, you'll pretty much automatically wake up at that time that you usually wake yourself up.
When this happens, shorten the time you sleep to around 8 hours if you're an adult or 9 and a halfish if you're still growing. After you have gotten rid of your sleep-debt, it is important not to oversleep as oversleeping makes you sluggish and tired.
Hope that helps!
2007-03-05 22:49:32
answer #4
answered by Hi, how are ya? 1
Try exercising in the evening...this will help your body rest more effectively, no caffeine at night either...I have same problem....I love to sleep....I have started using melatonin a natural sleep aid, this helps, but I would still love to sleep more...I think some people are designed to need more sleep...I catch up on week ends...if you find a secret, let me know Good luck!
2007-03-05 22:46:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Get a very loud alarm clock & put your radio on blast then put it far from the bed and soon will you get annoyed which makes you get up. Keep the alarm clock far where you can get up, or make someone wake you up.
2007-03-05 22:40:40
answer #6
answered by Thrills 5
Have someone wake you up uncomfortably. After a while you will wake up on your own because you dont want them coming in your room anymore.
2007-03-05 22:39:50
answer #7
answered by Eason W 5
I'd try doing something you really enjoy when you first wake up.. like listening to your favorite song.. or eating your favorite cereal - or drinking your coffee .. something to look forward as soon as you open your eyes.. that always helps me get out of bed.
2007-03-05 22:40:01
answer #8
answered by callmecouture 3
I would suggest talking to your doctor about taking something in the morning. You could set your alarm to take it at an hour before time to get up, take the meds and roll back over. Also I would suggest getting a coffee maker with a timer. set it up the night before and wake up to the smell of fresh brewed coffee. Now I know that alot of people keep the coffee maker in the kitchen cause it's handy. I keep it in the diningroom right next to bedroom door.
2007-03-05 22:41:54
answer #9
answered by goddessmelanisia 4
Go to bed earlier, if you still can't wake up, ask your doctor to check to see if you have anemia,low blood, may need vitamins & iron, or ask your doctor to give you tests to see why.
2007-03-05 22:42:20
answer #10
answered by SweetLady 1