First off, congratulations! I am very excited for you. This truly is a wonderful new beginning for you.
However, you must realize that there is a difference in believing that
God exists, and accepting Him into your heart as your Lord and Savior. After all, even the devil believes in God!
To truly accept Christ, you must believe that He was born by a supernatural birth, that He lived a sinless life, died for your sins and triumphed over the devil by coming to life again!
You must pray to God and confess that you know you're a sinner and that you really want to change that. You must turn from your sins and turn to God. God knows that you can't be perfect, He knows you'll sin from time to time, but you are commanded to stay away from sin. I would go to a local Bible preaching church and talk to the pastor there. If you truly accept Christ, you should then join a local church and be baptized.
Your life will get better, but know that even Christians have problems! Just because you're a Christian doesn't guarantee you'll have money or love, or anything. Saved or unsaved, Satan is still going to tempt you and try to get you to stray from God. You just have to be strong and believe that even if you aren't feeling like your life is improving, that everything will work out just as God wants it to in your life. Just because you don't physically see something happening, doesn't mean that nothing is. God can see beyond the physical aspects of our life and see things long term. Pray to Him when you have questions, tell Him your needs and desires, tell Him how wonderful He is when you see Him working in your life.. Things will get better if you give your life over to God, and let Him use you to bring glory to Him.. God bless!
2007-03-05 13:57:34
answer #1
answered by Miranda 3
Keep in mind that belief in God is not a guarantee of a perfect, happy life. I've always known that God exists, yet my life has been far from perfect. Happiness is what you make it. This is what I believe (I am a Gnostic Christian). We each chart our lives in detail before we come to this earth, even the hard times. We do this to perfect our souls for God. If everything were easy, how much would we learn from that? Hasn't every difficult situation you've gone through made you a stronger and better person? Please don't see yourself as a loser. I see everyone who chooses to incarnate on this negative planet as someone who wants to better themselves, and we are all doing our best. Don't compare yourself to other people. And yes, God does know that you're beginning to search for your spirituality. If you'd like to talk, you can email me. I can try to answer some questions, or maybe suggest some books to read. Finding your spirituality is always an ongoing process, and I believe knowledge is power. Just don't expect things to happen in a short amount of time.
2007-03-05 14:11:52
answer #2
answered by Starscape 6
Well, believing in God and accepting him as lord and savior are two different things. i believe in the prophit mohamed but I don't believe in islam. I guess i would want to know what you mean by "you started to believe in God." That tells me that something is knawing at you. you are staring to have questions and that's an excellent place to start. Simply believing in God doesn't mean that everyting will be peachy and that you will have wealth or fame or anything else for that matter. I believe in God as a means to live and guide my life, love others, and knowing that someday we will see God in heavan. Until then we all have a purpose on earth. This so complicated for me to give you a simple answer. (1) Get a Bible. Read the chapter of Luke. I believe it is the shortest of the four gospels. This will give you a good start tu understading who Jesus was. (2) Find a church. Doesn't matter if it is Catholic or Protestant.( try out 3 or 4 until you feel comfortable with one, and keep going.) Don't be shy after awhile get hooked up with a study group, youth group, singles group, or whatever. Find a small group in the church where you have a common interest and after awhile you will develop friendships. (3) get a book of devotions ( these are often free and found in the entry or lobby of many churches. If not ask for a book of devotions and I almost gaurantee that you will be given one, not to mention a bible if you don't have one already) Your life will ALWAYS have difficulties and hard times but god does have all the answers. I wish I could just sit and talk to you for hours. I hope you find the answers your looking for. Don't give up.
2007-03-05 14:09:54
answer #3
answered by Scott K 4
It does not take a little while i don't think you have really accepted the Lord in your life you should have a changed attitude u should be in your bible reading for more if your are not eager to get to know the lord more than i don't think your a christian have you addmitted that you sin? If you want God just because u want money and all that your fiath and trust in him is not real there is so much to say i don't know where to start. Just go to a pastor or start going to a local church do research find out 4 yourself what is true don't let people convince you into a faith even if it's the right way you need to make the chane yourself and accept him yourself it should be beetween you and GOd no one else
2007-03-05 13:53:30
answer #4
answered by Tara 3
Well some of what has been said is true, some not. Believing in God is not enough, what God wants, or should I say demands is that we repent of our sin and trust in Jesus Christ. Why you may ask? Only when we stop and realize how very very holy God almighty is and how our sin breaks his heart, offends him and makes him angry, can we understand what we must do. Every time we sin we anger God and break his heart. It sounds to me like you think God may be an insurance policy to happiness on earth. This is not true. True chrisitanity brings about much rejection from the rest of the world as is evidenced by some of what has been written here tonight. God does not call us to give us "stuff" and make us rich or what ever you think he is here for. He created us to worship him and to witness for him so that others can be saved also. God knows you are there, he created you and knew you before you were born, indeed before you were conceived. He has the hairs on your head numbered and knows the number of your days here on earth. While you say you are not looking for happiness in the after life, I ask you this question.
What profit a man if he gain the whole world but lose his soul?
Mark 8:36
You should care about your afterlife because its going to last a lot longer than your earthly life. To spend and eternity with God or separated from God is the most important decision you will ever make. I pray you make the right one. True repentance brings about a contrite heart. There is no such thing as a "good" person. Everyone has sinned and everyone needs Gods forgiveness. Bless you
2007-03-05 14:04:48
answer #5
answered by evertoldalie 3
Good news. You were only given part of the process. When you open your Bible, go to The Gospel of St. John 3:5. Jesus Christ who is the Savior of the world says that we must be born again of the water and of the spirit. Bear with me. it takes longer to type out than it is to do it.In Acts 2:38 St. Peter tells us how to do this. We ask God to forgive us for our sins, then we are baptized by immersion for the washing away of those sins. When you come up out of that water, you will feel a peace that you won't be able to explain. Wait, it gets better. Then God will give us His Spirit so that we can overcome anything in our lives. We know that we have His Spirit inside of us when our Spirit speaks in a language that our minds can't understand. The Bible calls this tongues. Examples of the infilling can be found in Acts 2:4, 10:45-46, 19:6, and St.Mark 16:16-17. And when you get this you will probably do cartwheels, just be careful you don't poke someones eye out. I got the Holy Ghost six years ago and when I got it, I couldn't stop speaking in tongues. I didn't want to stop. It is such a high you won't believe that you took so long to get it. Experience it, it is the only way!!!
2007-03-05 14:08:10
answer #6
answered by michael m 5
If you want to believe inGod because you think it will make you happy, it won't work that way. God made man to be a being independant of him, with our own free will. We are responcible for our own happiness. The same with getting money and love.God is no genie that he comes and goes when men call him. He's not santa that he will give you everything you want just because you ask him. God does love and care for you though, and if you have accepted him, and start living the way he has outlined in the bible, with his help you can do anything you set out to do. You are not a loser by the way.It's thoughts like that which probly keep you from being happy. God bless you and good luck ^_^
2007-03-05 13:56:17
answer #7
answered by ralahinn1 7
Do you think that now that you believe in God all things will all of a sudden get better? That's not how it always works out dude. It takes action on our part as well to see change. You can't expect God to do everything for you.
You may always be in the same situation you are in now but that's where your faith comes in. If you have your health, a place to live then I think that is proof God is working in your life. Focus on the spiritual aspect of your life. Then you will start to see the goodness of God in your life.
2007-03-05 13:55:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Receiving the blessings of God takes more than just a belief in His existence. In order to receive God's blessing we must have a means of communication in the way of prayer. God answers prayers of his children. Confess that you believe that Jesus died and shed his blood on the cross just for you for the forgiveness of your inherited sin, and ask him to come into your heart. I'm sure the result will come quickly once you are saved.
2007-03-05 13:58:30
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
'Robert' has a very valid point.
Besides, where did you get the idea that life would be a real 'rose garden' once you started believing in God?
the bible tells us the exact opposite.
"...In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33 (NIV)
Besides, we're in the last days (have been since Jesus came, actually...) so I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but: It's only gonn'a get worst.
God Bless.
2007-03-05 13:52:19
answer #10
answered by redglory 5