well it is both sometimes. for me daydreaming is just thoughts floating through my head. you dont have to be ACTUALLY DREAMING, its only if you arent really paying attention and your mind is wandering. there is no one way or right way to day dream so hang in there, im sure you are more then capable of day dreaming in your own way. have a great night :]
2007-03-05 12:34:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
A Daydream is not really a dream per say, but more of a fantasy scenario that you play over in your head. You are not going to really see anything, though most people's daydreams are accompanied by some visualization. I have always had complete control over my daydreams, where as my sleeping dreams are played out more like an unfolding movie in which I usually have little or no control. Ive had only a handful of lucid dreams in my life and I immediately knew I was dreaming, and that opened up a doorway to me being in complete control of my dreams which was amazing.
2007-03-05 12:46:35
answer #2
answered by Great Dalmuti 1
Mine are often images that I see in my mind's eye. I don't actually see them in front of my face. The thing is, don't try to do it, just let it happen, that could be why you aren't getting images. But I guess some people can daydream without visuals...
2007-03-05 12:39:24
answer #3
answered by Genea_80 3
it's half visual, half verbal. do you daydream a lot? perhaps you'll get 'better' at it. i'm like a pro at it, daydreaming is all i ever do, lol, (and btw, it's a somewhat beneficial thing when it comes to intelligence). however, it's certainly not like a real dream, it's much more verbal. if you're looking for real dream like images, i suggest you stock up on Valium or invest in some LSD.
2007-03-05 12:36:03
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I often visualize things when I daydream...it can be just certain images, or me interacting within the daydream.
2007-03-05 12:34:50
answer #5
answered by josh m 4
i imagine things i dont actually see them lie a dream but i can imagine them enough to seem like i can almost see them
2007-03-05 12:43:30
answer #6
answered by Miss Casey 4
its really just getting lost in thought-not seeing anything. don't strain yourself. it's supposed to be relaxing and will come to you but not on purpose
2007-03-05 12:34:55
answer #7
answered by Lucy 2
2007-03-05 12:31:54
answer #8
answered by Gail V 1