The prophecy in Daniel 12:13 has a two-fold fulfillment.first
at Jerusalem , begining in 66 c.e. when roman troops started
to beseige the city then withdrew and this allowed the Christian
remanent to escape to the mountains.The romans came back in 70 c.e.and completly destroyed Jerusalem.The prophecy at Matt.
24,starting at verse 15,has to do with the time we now find our-
selves living.In 1914 c.e. Christ was installed as King of the
heavenly Kingdom of Jehovah God,That is also when satan and his demons were hurled to the vicinity of the earth,And as Im
sure you know it started the first war to ever be a conflict that involved literally every nation. WW1. after it ended in 1918,was
the raising up of The League of nations,WELL WE ALL KNOW HOW LONG that lasted,In 1939 began the mostly deadly war to
end all wars,past and present,WW2,And what emerged after
that?.... the united nations,an attempt by satin the devil to convince mankind that men were in charge of the worlds salvation,that the U.N. can bring lasting peace and security to
the earth.Do we see any evidence of that taking place now?
NO!we do not.So what do you think the disgusting thing that
causes desolation is?We truly are living in the last days,with
Jesus Christs prophecy at-Matt.24:7--22,now being fulfilled.
2007-03-05 11:52:45
answer #1
answered by OldGeezer 3
It is the an image of the beast, a statue maybe or computer image or maybe old bones. the false religious prophet Beast will bring it to life. It is more fully explained in 2 Maccabees when in the Jewish temple the Romans put in a statue of Zuess in the Holy of Holies. They would put a brass tube inside the statue exiting in the mouth so priests could speak in one end and make people think that the statue was talking.
Many people claim that this is the Antichrist but nowhwere in the entire book of revelation is the word Antichrist used. This is a made up philosophy by the churches to put fear in people. The only place the term AC is found is in 1 & 2 John. It is mentioned five times in four verses and John states that there were many Antichrists alive in his day, he claims the prophecy of AC was fulfilled.
2007-03-05 10:10:53
answer #2
answered by pontiuspilatewsm 5
It happened in 70AD when Rome's army camped around Jerusalem. They departed for 3 days at which point the Christians left, but then the army came back and besieged the city & destroyed it - not one stone left upon another in the temple as Jesus prophecied.
It will happen again in the last days - something against God. When the Christians see it approaching they are to flee the cities again. The Seventh-day Adventist church sees this as a Sunday law being passed. In the late 1800's it was taken before Congress and did not pass because an Adventist went to argue against it. But it is still in the workings as you who read fundamentalist papers will realize. Conservative SDA's believe that was the time to leave the cities prior to when it will be brought before Congress again and passed.
They believe the Sunday law is the disgusting thing, or abomination as KJV puts it, because the 4th commandment is the one that man has tried to change from it's original Saturday to Sunday - against God.
2007-03-05 10:19:48
answer #3
answered by V 5
I stand to be corrected where wrong or misinformed. I believe you are refering to the abomination of desolation - the Man of Sin.
As best I can I'll give you my basic understanding.
Israel will rebuild the temple. On the world scene will appear a man of peace, a man offering world peace to a world desperate for it. This man is the Antichrist (the main one among many).
At some point, he will enter into the Holiest of Holies in the temple, and declare himself to be God (Note the downfall of entities who declare themselves God - Pharoahs, Caesers, James Brown, etc.). When he does this, he will become the embodiment and personality of pure evil in human flesh.
It's been a long time since I've studied this stuff. Thanks for the question, it's time to hit the books again.
2007-03-05 10:21:40
answer #4
answered by TzodEarf 5
it's not something the "scholars" think is is something God calls an "abomination" that causes desolation. Idol worship is an abomination. That is what is being spoken of here.
2007-03-05 10:12:30
answer #5
answered by sheepinarowboat 4
Trinity Broadcasting Network.
2007-03-05 10:10:36
answer #6
answered by kent_shakespear 7
a million Corinthians 14:34-35 "permit your females save silence interior the churches: for it particularly is not authorised unto them to talk; yet they're commanded to be under obedience as additionally saith the regulation. 35 And in the event that they are going to learn any ingredient, enable them to ask their husbands at homestead: for it particularly is a shame for females to talk interior the church.
2016-12-18 06:23:34
answer #7
answered by ? 4
A statue of the anti-christ, probably with an inscription declaring that he is a god.
2007-03-05 10:15:06
answer #8
answered by Randy G 7
brother killing brother
its like a cannibal eating his brother
all are gods children
who is most beloved by the father when both are trying to be the worst nation
2007-03-05 10:14:54
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
the anti-christ
2007-03-05 10:11:50
answer #10
answered by silverxdust 2