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At school we were going into science.
The class was getting their science books as I asked If this class was boring...because other people had said it was.Jokingly...of course.I didnt mean it in a rude way.and he said it was a bad impression of me.Later he had to talk to me and tell me It was disrespectful and rude and innapropriate to say such a thing.He had asked me If I had friends and then asked me if I talked to them like that.I said yes...I was unsure of his question.He said he'd give me another chance.Im in the 7th grade.
Do you think It was disrespectful...should I have said it??

2007-03-05 07:43:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Other - Health

6 answers

I think your teacher over-reacted but I was a teacher for a long time and I know how hard I worked to make the class interesting and enjoyable while still making sure everyone learned. Have you told him you've thought it over and you're sorry you offended him but you weren't sure what to expect in science class. If I were you, I'd work real hard in his class so he'll realize you are really a good kid! I can tell you are because if you weren't you wouldn't be still thinking about what you said and how he reacted.

2007-03-05 07:50:57 · answer #1 · answered by missingora 7 · 1 0

Do you mean your teacher said that?? I really don't think it's as big of a deal as he was making it out to be. Perhaps, he just loves teaching and is passionate about the class and was hurt that others have found it boring. He just took things personally.

You have a right to express your opinion and to joke. He chose to take it personally.

Perhaps, now that he knows other people have found the class boring, he'll put a little extra effort into it to make it unboring.

2007-03-05 15:52:04 · answer #2 · answered by K 5 · 0 0

Give you another chance??? Don't your grades mean anything at all?

It isn't terribly polite to criticize someon's class while in the class or when they are present, but honestly, it wasn't that big of a deal, and lets. face it . . . most classes are pretty boring.

2007-03-05 15:53:16 · answer #3 · answered by Runa 7 · 0 0

You are making a mountain out of a molehill honey, and so is your teacher by the sounds of it. Pupils say all sorts of things about their classes.

2007-03-05 15:50:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

My dear, you bring to mind this quote; Always keep your words sweet; you never know when you'll have to eat them.

2007-03-05 16:00:17 · answer #5 · answered by doggybag300 6 · 0 0

4get it ur teacher is kinda insane peace up

2007-03-05 16:11:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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