Best thing you can do for yourself is finish high school and get away to college. There are loan programs and student aid to help you, which don't require parental approval or assistance. Start looking into those options ASAP.
2007-03-05 06:51:59
answer #1
answered by Jarien 5
At 18 years old, it isn't running away - it's moving out. Sometimes a parent has a hard time realizing their child isn't a child anymore. Is he someone that you can sit and talk to about what is on your mind?
If not, then you have some very adult decisions to make. Are you able to move out and support yourself? Do you have a friend that you could have as a roommate to share expenses? Just think of all your options and decide what is best for you. No matter how your dad reacts, make sure he knows you love him. Don't argue, leave on good terms if at all possible.
2007-03-05 15:00:59
answer #2
answered by Beckers 6
First of all, if you are 18 years old, LEGALLY you can move out on your own, and you are RESPONSIBLE for all the bills and expenses of what you consume in your life ... your shelter, your clothes, your food, the utilities, etc.
Now ... here is the real question:
Do you have a job at this time of your life? Have you finished High School? Are you getting ready to go on to College/University or Trade School? What about entering the Military Service?
YOUR father sets the rules for the household ... because it is HIS household .. and that means he can expect you to follow those rules while you are LIVING at NO COST in his household!
Is it that much to HONOR the request he has that you come home nightly before a certain time? To not have people over without INFORMING HIM? To get a job and help out with the expenses? To continue on in school and work hard at your studies, getting the best grades possible? To help out with the CHORES around the home?
All these questions need to be answered, and yes, you need to really sit down, THINK ... and reflect that you HAVE a home and a LIVING Parent willing to house, clothe, feed, and provide for you AFTER you legally turned an adult (since you are already 18 years of age).
2007-03-05 16:02:45
answer #3
answered by sglmom 7
You won't be running away - you can get a job and move out. You didn't say how he's ruining your life, but I have a feeling that seeing as you are living in his house, he has rules that you may not like. Where you live at the age of 18 is ultimately your choice.
2007-03-05 15:16:59
answer #4
answered by pacshore 2
18 year olds don't run away...they move out. But since you didn't give alot of details as to how your father is controlling you it's hard to get specific with an answer. He may just be trying to protect you. He may be having a difficult time letting go as you will be leaving home soon. Believe it or not it is difficult for parents to let go of their children...
I suggest talking to him with your mother or another family member who you find support from. Graduate from high school (if you already haven't) and focus on going to college. It may be better for you to stay on campus that way you can have some independence without parental control.
Good luck
2007-03-05 15:02:10
answer #5
answered by answergirl 3
If you are 18, it wouldnt be considerd "running away" . You are an adult, you should have that option of leaving if you want. I think it would be best if you left, this way, it will show your dad you are responsible & can take control of your own life, this way he will think twice before he tries to control you again. Hope this helps you out some. I wish you the best, & take care.
2007-03-05 15:23:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If you are 18 then you wouldn't be running away. I had the same situation when I was 18. My father wouldn't even let me talk to a guy on the phone and he wouldn't let me drive or go anywhere. I decided to move out. It lasted a month and I wanted to go back. I told them I would come back if they let me date. Just so happened I met the love of my life when I was moved out for a month and that is the only guy I ever dated. I understand now that I have children why my father was like that. He loves me and didn't want me to get hurt. Do whatever your heart says.
2007-03-05 15:04:17
answer #7
answered by LRCMT 2
You're 18; in most places that is considered old enough to leave home without needing permission from your parents. If you feel that they are that detrimental to your life, you need to: 1. get a job that will support you, 2. find a roommate, and 3. move forward in life. If you aren't able to do so, maybe you need to seriously consider what it is they have to say to you.
2007-03-05 14:54:02
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
now do you really think hes trying to ruin your life or do you think he wants to protect you because he loves you??? ok tell me this, If you leave home how will you live??? on the streets or mabey a cheap, run down appatment???? You really have it made and all you have to do is follow some rules. Im very sorry if this isnt what you want to hear but your very young and sometimes our parents do know whats best for us. if you want to move out, theres nothing stopping you, your 18. just be happy that your father cares enough about you to want to be part of your life. some unfortunate young people arent that lucky,
before you move out, please make sure you save up a good amount of money.
2007-03-05 14:57:26
answer #9
answered by eightieschick70 5
if your 18 it's not called running away from home, it's called leaving home to start your own life, so find a job and a couple of good friends with jobs and rent an apartment together!!
2007-03-05 15:02:45
answer #10
answered by Sir Hard & Thick 3