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I never smoke! It was 2 years ago before this time, and 10 years ago before that!! It was a random thing, and now I have found a second job and they are asking for a drug test. Will it be out of my system soon??? Talk about bad timing!

2007-03-05 06:34:38 · 23 answers · asked by feather 2 in Health Other - Health

23 answers

A single joint wil usually clear in about 1- 5 days, for a urine test. For a heavy regular smoker be anything from 60-90 days. This may vary dependent on a number of things below.

What factors can affect how long a drug stays in my system?

Drugs affect every person differently, and so drugs will be metabolised by every person differently. Drug testing results are always unique to the individual. This means that there are certain factors about you and your drug use that can affect these results. These include:

strength of the drug
how much you use
how you use it
how often you use it
what other drugs you use
Results are also affected by your unique body, such as:

your tolerance
your sex and age
your overall health and wellbeing
your metabolism
your mood and the environment you are in

The simple solution is NOT to use drugs, even if occationaly, as we have no control on when a urine test will be strung on us.

2007-03-05 08:23:13 · answer #1 · answered by Georgie 7 · 3 0

It will take 7 days for the THC to fully leave your system. If you go to a Head Shop though you can purchase pills called Urine Trouble (theres other company names as well), but you can purchase these pills and they are Herbal pills that block the THC from being released in your urine for up to 5 hours. You must take the pills at least two hours before your test and you cannot have smoked anything for two days prior to the test. I use these pills all the time and I've never had a problem yet.

If they are giving a blood test then the only way you'll pass is by waiting the 7 seven days for the THC to clear your blood stream, before being tested.

And a little FYI in regards to what answerer named, BMAC said...if you do a follicle test THC can be detected for up to 7 years, not 6 months! Thats how Ross R from BC lost his Olympic Medal in Snowboarding.

2007-03-05 06:42:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you hadn't smoked for months and took one bong hit, chances are you're fine. THC is a tricky little thing. The more you smoke, the longer it lingers in your system. People who smoke once or more daily for long periods of time would have to wait 30 - 45 days, generally, before testing clean. If you never smoke and just indulge one night at a party, you will usually be clean in about seven days. If you're really nervous, though, a lot of health food stores sell drinks that will allow you to pass most urine based drug test, even if you smoked right before. Just make sure you read all of the instructions on the bottle.

2016-03-29 01:00:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have passed 18 urine test and have never failed one. If you do what I tell you, you can be clean within 3 hours. Here goes, when you get up on the morning of the test go to the bathroom check to see how yellow is your urine. If its dark yellow start drinking water. I mean alot of water. If its not that dark then 3 hours before your testing appointment start drinking water again. In either case fill yourself up to the point where you can't drink anymore. You may feel queesy but it passes quick. once that feeling passes do it again. You will continue this process all the way up to test time. Go to bathroom when you have to, but make sure you went atleast 3, 4, maybe five times before the test. Trust me you will have to go atleast that much. Check the color of the urine, it will lighten and eventually look clear, almost like water. When this occurs you are ready. DO NOT STOP DRINKING WATER TILL YOU STEP INTO THE DOCTORS OFFICE TO DO YOUR TEST. When your urine is that clean, all thats coming out is water. your body cannot handle all the water you put in it so it (your body) will forego the normal process and dispurse the overload of water that you drank. You will pass. 100% sure of this. I even tested to see how fast I could get clean. 55 minutes is the quickest i've done. took it one step further from there and smoked on the way to four test and passed all four. I smoke everyday and where I live and I can gaurantee the weed is much stronger than yours. Hawaiian hash buds. So follow these steps and alls good. I'm not telling you any B.S.. wouldn't do that to you I know your concern. You don't need to buy any pills or test clean or sonnie 7, just water. Lots of water. You will be drinking over a gallon quite possibly 2. It won't feel good at times but it will work. 3 of my friends and my brother have tried it and they all passed, and one is in the military active duty. He is the guy who taught me god bless him. Don't listen to all the dooms day experts answering this question, they have never tried this. What they are saying is true, but thats if you don't alter the normal functions of the way your body takes in liquids. If you overload your body with that much liquid that quickly, your body willgo into protection mode and bypass normal functions and just start to dispurse the overload. Besides I'm the only one giving you any kind of hope of passing. IT WORKS 100% FOR SURE. And its all natural. Besides you'll be flushing away a bunch of toxins also. After the test you'll still be going for awhile, but you'll be clean and so will your test. hollar back if you need more help. Don't worry you'll pass, I promise. The others will probably say its a load of crap, they are also saying your screwed anyway so whats to lose except your job. You have nothing to lose by trying this, and everything to lose if you don't. You may as well try it. Noone else has givin any solutions have they. Only facts and a bunch of "Oh man your so screwed", "well you shouldn't have", "BUMMERS DUDE". Block out all that, do this, when you pass tell all your friends. Let everyone here know also. Good luck! RASTAFARI, JAH! MARLEY RULES! ALOHA FROM HAWAII LAND OF THE KRYP!!!!!

2007-03-05 07:10:30 · answer #4 · answered by t_manilow 1 · 1 0

Only if you are a regular user will it take 30 days to be out of your system. I was in the same dilemma as you. You only need a maximum of a week and you have to do the following:
You need to keep your metabolism raised, that means you'll have to do cardio for about an hour (2 half hour sessions) every day, and ofcourse at least 8 glasses of water- if you have coconut water, that would be better because it helps to rid your body of the delta- 9 tetrahydrocannabinol or THC.

Alternatively, there are detoxing kits you can buy- google it and you'll see.

2007-03-05 06:46:19 · answer #5 · answered by Ri 3 · 0 0

It usually takes like 30 days to completely get out of your system, depending on how much you have smoked though. If it was a puff or two, you may need to drink alot of water and go to the GNC store and pick up some Niasin or Golden Seal. Or what you could do is call Starship and ask if they have any products, since they sell the pipes and such, or even GNC. I wish I knew who you were, b/c I could get you a test just to see if it is stillin your system or not. So, good luck with the test!

PS You may want to call the job and tell them you have a family emergency and that you have to go out of town but will be ready when you get back....just a thought.

2007-03-05 06:45:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It takes 30 days for pot to leave youre system. There's not much you can do but wait it out. You can try some "pot detox drinks." Pick up a copy of High Times magazine. There are ads for the drinks in there as well as some other "creative ways" to pass a drug test. Good Luck!!!!

2007-03-05 06:41:05 · answer #7 · answered by working man 2 · 0 1

I see everyone above me has said 30 days for marijuana to leave your system; this is true ONLY if you smoke on a regular basis.

In your case, as long as you didn't ingest (eat) any of the pot you'll be fine. For people who DO NOT SMOKE on a regular basis (i.e. no more than once every 3 months) the marijuana is only detectable for a few days, that's it.

I know that this is true, I did extensive research as I had to be tested for a government job., but I had smoked about 9 days before my test. I passed no problem. The only suggestion I have is to drink a lot of water.

2007-03-05 06:46:40 · answer #8 · answered by white.sale 3 · 1 1

Try to drink about a gallon of cranberry juice. Just try to pee like 10 times a day before the upcoming drug test. I heard if you drink about a gallon of water a day for a week, your system will be completely clean. Or, you could go to a taboco shop and ask them if they sell those flush drinks that clean out your system, but know that your system will only be clean for about 8 hours or so after drinking one of those.

Also, for all those saying you won't pass a hair follicle, I did find this...http://www.mbdetox.com/category8/default.html
Who knows if it works.

2007-03-05 06:39:23 · answer #9 · answered by kaleidoscope_eyes33 2 · 0 0

Obviously, you DID smoke or you wouldn't be asking this question. It makes no difference how long you hadn't smoked in the past. You screwed up by smoking last week and that's all that matters. You are screwed with the test. Yes, it will be in your system.......it can be detected for up to 6 months if they do a follicle test.

2007-03-05 06:39:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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