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From today's news... more evidence in support of evolution.

'That makes the newly found creature an intermediate between older forms with large horns and later small-horned relatives, said State of Utah paleontologist Jim Kirkland, who with Douglas Wolfe identified Zuniceratops in New Mexico in 1998. He predicted then that something like Ryan's find would turn up."

"Lo and behold, evolutionary theory actually works," he said.'
-From CNN.com

It's pretty much a proven fact that evolution has and is still occurring. This is another piece of very strong evidence to that fact... So why hold on to creationism? What advantage does it have and what practical applications can it yield?

2007-03-05 06:31:17 · 17 answers · asked by ChooseRealityPLEASE 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

Creationists believe what they believe because they are ignorant of the facts in a lot of cases because they deliberately choose to remain ignorant. It isn't credible to glibly dismiss it as creationists do having looked at the wealth of evidence supporting it. Evolution is both a fact and a theory. Species evolve- that is a proven fact- and only the biological mechanisms are theoretical so is it not about time creationists dispensed with the "it's only a theory" nonsense?

2007-03-05 06:39:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Darwin thought that the various types of finches were also transitional stages of evolution, he was found to be quite wrong as the types were just that, types.
What disappoints me about the article you make reference to is that a scientist, a supposidly objective seeker of the truth, would make a such a claim (Lo and behold, evolutionary theory actually works). That is not an objective, scientific claim, it is a statement of fact, based on the beliefs of the one making the statement - thus it departs from the realm of science into faith.
He also refuts his own belief system in the very same statement, as a theory is not fact, but an idea, based on an understanding (an understanding does not necessarily equal proven facts mind you, but how a person interprits those facts).
In reality science has never been able to move evolution out of the hypothis stage to the theory stage (but alas they cannot, even though they claim it is a theory. However based on the scientific method, for something to be moved to the theory stage it must be observable, and evolution is said to take millions, if not billions of years, and thus is not observable)
But lets say that scientists were able to scientifically move evolution from the hypothis stage, through the theory stage, and into fact/law, then and only then should Christians and other faiths believe in it.
What I'm saying is that until evolution is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, no Christian or other practicioner in a faith that believes in a Creator, should ever try to reconcile the two belief systems of their faith and evolution.
As to why we should hold on to creationism:
First: There are many creationists (including some scientists) who believe that there is credible evidence to support that belief. Moreso than there is to support evolution, if we see it that way, to ask us to change our point of view is asking us to change our minds despite our understanding of the facts, and despite our common sense, and despite our conscience.
Secondly: Creationists tend to believe that man is a special creature/creation, evolutionists tend to believe that man is a great cosmic accident, a random event. Many creationists therefore corrolate the decline in morals and the degradation of man (ie: school shootings, devaluing of human life, mis-treatment of women and minorities, etc..) with the teachings of evolution. After all; if we are descended from animals and related to them, why not act like them? And if there is no Creator, and we are some cosmic accident then what is the point of living a moral, "good" life? If there is no judgment after death, why not do what we like and practice pure hedonism? In other words, creationists take the evolutionary model out to its logical conclusion.
Thirdly: The idea of a creation carries with it the idea of a Creator, if this Creator did indeed create the world/galaxy/universe, then we can have hope that He also has a plan for His creation. This in turn gives countless millions hope as well, in this life, and in eternity. What hope does the evolutionist have after death?
As for the difference between evolution and Biblical faith? Well there really isn't much, being that both are belief systems based on interpretations. However the one glaring difference is that Christians have always said that their faith in God and His word is a religion based on on a faith founded by their understanding; whereas evolutionists have always said that their faith in evolution is based on sceinitific evidence, and is therefore irrefutable. Both have made clarifications over the years, however the big difference is that Christianity hasn't changed with its clarifications, it has simply shown where it was misunderstood. Evolution on the other hand has changed, "evolved" if you will in order to try and remain relevant. For example: originally evolution was said to occur over a few million years, but that didn't give scientists the time they needed so they bumped it back a few more million year, and then they bumped it back a few more million years, and then they bumped it back to billions instead of millions. Sad to say, but that isn't science.

I hope this answer clarifies the creationist position for you.

2007-03-05 06:51:57 · answer #2 · answered by AirborneSaint 5 · 0 3

And ,so, what advantage does evolution have? Just what practical applications does it have? And if I change my mind tomorrow will I, like, suddenly evolve? And, so, the "find" suggests something? But isn't all the theory of evolution suggestions and conclusions?

With religion one has hope, with evolution one has nothing.

And I know that evolutionists hate this part, but, if there were not monkeys and apes, there would not be a theory of evolution and that is just a fact. Look back only the 50's and 60's and see what scientists were looking for. The missing link. Evolution is like a person cheating at cards, he enters the game expecting a certain result, and plays until he gets that result.

If I declared that dirt becomes gold, I can search and come up with that result although like the theory of evolution, the proof will not be in my hand.

2007-03-05 06:39:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

"pretty much a proven fact"
I just copied the line above from your statement just to show everyone that even you are aware that evolution has not been factually proven either. Pretty much fact and fact are 2 different things.
Your science is no better than another mans religion as far as the evolution of the world is concerned. You get all of your info out of a book full of stuff that no one seems to be able to understand other than the person who wrote it and like 5 or 6 other people worldwide. And just like the bible there are thousands of different interpretations, Scientist A sees one thing, but Scientist B sees something totally different in the same results.
It is all open for interpretation, just a bunch of beliefs, no different than religion!

2007-03-05 06:41:12 · answer #4 · answered by answerman 4 · 2 3

Evolution is far from a fact. At best, it is a theory. The leading scientific proponents of evolution have agreed that it is impossible, but it is the only alternative to the creation. This is a classic example of a faulty premise leading to an untenable position. My favorite examples of the impossibility of evolution are: 1) the seed, and 2) DNA. Both are quite clearly proof against evolutionary theory.

The issue of creationism versus evolution isn't one of advantage or application. It is an outfall of the decision to accept or reject God. If you accept God, everything is explained, everything is solved, nothing is feared. If you reject God, nothing is explained, nothingis solved, and everything is feared.

2007-03-05 06:42:53 · answer #5 · answered by Rick 5 · 1 3

Evolution may exist but is it someting we want to exist? If we evolve any further people like me with all the survival skills of a saucepan will be non -existant. Helppppp

2007-03-05 06:37:17 · answer #6 · answered by Medy 1 · 1 0

What I find amazing is the believers answer to evolutuion is primarily "it's a theory, not a fact", yet believe in a god whose existence is a theory too.

Or has someone come up with empirical proof of god's existence

God is a theory

2007-03-05 06:44:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

It looks as if your image is Kent Hovind behind bars... can't be sure, but that's who it looks like.

Try listening to him, then give specific examples of how creationism is stupid... you'll find it hard... especially if I'm involved.

BTW: horn do still grow, they could have been a young animal just growing horns... give the whole story next time so I can see it in context and give an educated answer.

TO STORM CHASER: We do believe dinosaurs existed. It is you evolutionist who don't believe man existed ALONG SIDE of dinosaurs, but we have fossilized proof.

2007-03-05 06:36:51 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 4 3

"It was sort of the grandfather or great-uncle of the really diverse horned dinosaurs that came after it."

His own words.
A horn in between the other two.
My gosh absolute proof. Probably Vodka 140.

Get A Grip.

2007-03-05 06:37:29 · answer #9 · answered by Get A Grip 6 · 3 3

define theory: abstract thought; speculation

still called Theory of Evolution. When you care to know the truth past the lies, just ask. I can easily disprove evolution with modern science, heck, millions can.

Edit to Storm Chaser:

we don't believe in Dino's? what crack did you smoke? I'll even prove dino's lived with Noah, were on the ark with Noah and even still live today among us. Just goes to show the MISINFORMATION so many have of the bible, Jesus, Christians. Its all hear say, myths, half truths, yet they spread them over n over again as if it was fact.

2007-03-05 06:36:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

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