I am extremly confused and i dont know what to do. To keep a long story short: my girlfriend broke up with me about a month ago. We decided to remain friends. After breaking up we did not really talk much and only hung out once. Recently, it seems like she is wanting to hang out with me more. we hung out yesterday (as friends) and she wants to hang out again today. I am fine with that I dont think it is that strange. What i find strange is that it seems like she wants me to be her boyfriend but without me actually being her boyfriend. I kind of feel like she is keeping me on "the back burner". Just things that she says and the way she acts, and the things we do. for example she wants to go to the circus with me (the circus is not something friends go too.. more of a relationship type event, or people w/ kids) She is pretty straighfoward and i think that if she wanted to get back with me she would have said something. I just dont understand because i am geting mixed signals
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