The picture ad drives me mad, why did they think a smug geordie would make us buy a loan-"Josh,Dads found your scooter"AAARRRRGGGGHHHH
2007-03-05 05:36:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
1. When you go to pop the top on a soda or juice can and the tab
is defective and it only leaves a very small opening to pour
your drink out of.
2. People who never look before they cross a cross walk - they
just assume someone will stop.
3. When the weather changes and the door jamb in the all
weather doors swells so you can't get out - that always sucks.
4. The fact that there is not an ingredient list on the back of
cleaning products.
5. Cats that constantly lick themselves.
2007-03-05 13:37:30
answer #2
answered by AnswerGirl 3
1.Marketing phone calls, especially in evenings and weekends even when you're ex-directory.
2. Junk mail through the post.
3. Commercials on T.V. About loans , re-mortgages, credit cards & debt consolidation.
4. Films and programmes constantly repeated on Sky. ( That's what terestial T.V. is for ).
5. Drivers that forget what indicators are for.
6. Washing machines and tumble of them always devours a sock.
7. Door pockets in cars.....always get my heels stuck...or worse... mother in law gets her heels stuck....not fun picking gravel out of your mother in laws chin.
8. People that spit.
9. Seat belts that cut into your throat.
10. Traffic calming measures such as road humps that only act as a launch platform for boy racers.
11. Solicitors.... all of them simply act as legal extortionists.
i could go on but will spare you...
Thanks for the oppertunity to vent though feel much better now.
2007-03-05 13:45:21
answer #3
answered by literary_angel 3
Day time tv,Channel five old films,people begging,these huge three seater settees that wont fit in any ones home unless you are rich and own a huge house,dfs adverts the list is endless,Im off to the pub.Ive had enough.
2007-03-05 17:55:11
answer #4
answered by taxed till i die,and then some. 7
TV Magazines that are placed in the supermarket just where you can see the front page 'headline' about what is going to happen in your favourite programme this week, before you see it.
Barclays bank - who wont let me pay my blokes credit card over the phone cos Im a third party, and they wont let him pay it with my card cos its not his card!
Politicians and almost every govt dept go without saying
2007-03-05 13:38:22
answer #5
answered by jeanimus 7
Getting ice in my coke at MacDonalds when I clearly said NO ICE.
Burning the last piece of bread trying to make toast.
The dog snotting in my face to wake me up. It works every time and never fails to annoy me.
2007-03-05 14:31:19
answer #6
answered by Ali 3
1. Doorbell ringing missionaries. The Good Lord already knows me; I have to ask forgiveness morning and night!
2. Telemarketers, when I am expecting an important call.
3. Rainchecks. I want it now!
4. Wet Shoes! Oooo!!
5. The attack cat (known as Sonny) that belongs to my Sister................... one day...........!!!!
LOL. This list could go on and on!
2007-03-05 16:22:23
answer #7
answered by jfmm 7
1...bus drivers who think because they make a living driving on the roads they own the things....
2...spilling sugar (nightmare to clean and leave no stickyness)
3...toilet roll with too much gum at the start of the roll...
4...traffic lights...
2007-03-05 13:38:59
answer #8
answered by eddee d 2
Stuck in a queue on the motorway, can see one of those light up signs ahaead.
When you can actually read it, it says "Queues Likely"
2007-03-05 14:07:30
answer #9
answered by BrilliantPomegranate 4
All very annoying,but not as much as that bloody alarm clock at 5:00 a.m.!
2007-03-05 15:29:35
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
My Top 5
3.Rich People Bragging
4. People who have never worked a day in their life
5.People who are too "uppity" to live in the country
2007-03-05 13:40:39
answer #11
answered by ♥PopLock&DropIt♥ 4