this is actually real, just not the real Jesus.
2007-03-05 05:21:48
answer #1
answered by Patti T 3
I haven't seen it yet and so don't have anything really to say on it.
However I am putting forth a warning to watch out for those who've never seen it and try to debunk it without even knowing what the arguments are. The two details they released during the announcement were completely ignored by people who claimed it was false. The two details (if accurate) directly disproved their claims, but they were made anyway.
Those who have seen it and can adequately refute or support the documentary's claims by their merits are the only ones worth listening to.
i.e. anybody who writes it off as "jesus was a common name back then" is missing the statistical analysis (as well as the other 4 names) in the documentary and is dead wrong.
2007-03-05 13:24:16
answer #2
answered by Mike K 5
Where do people think that the Body of the one called Jesus is? He was "flesh and Blood". The bible says that "NO flesh and blood will enter into the kingdom of heaven" so where did His body go???
His Body was not raised up to The God or else the Bible would be a Lie!
Most Christians believe the lie that one day all of the dead bodies will rise up out of their graves and go to heaven or something.
No dead body is going to come out of any grave and the one called "Jesus" is no different. His Spirit ascended to God but his body followed the natural law. It came from the earth and it has returned to the earth. The one called Jesus developed in the womb of a woman for nine months, he walked on the earth for about thirty-two years, and when the body died, it died. The Spirit of Christ lives on forever but the body of the one called Jesus is somewhere in the earth.
From Ashes...
To Ashes...
From Dust...
To Dust...
2007-03-05 13:57:23
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I watched. It was a slightly entertaining dramatization in parts but it was not good archaeology (biblical or otherwise) because they sought from the beginning to prove it was the tomb of the biblical Jesus of Nazareth (and later Capernaum) rather than just examining the evidence scientifically - without an agenda.
Newsday is kind enough to call it a theory ... it is an extremely weak hypothesis at best ... and that's being lenient.
"If 'The Lost Tomb' had been prepared to consider all the evidence - pro and con - then maybe this might be a more compelling theory." -
As for the statistical info that seemed to be the backbone of their argument, from Ben Witherington (Professor of New Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary):
"The statistical analysis is of course only as good as the numbers that were provided to the statistician. He couldn’t run numbers he did not have. And when you try to run numbers on a combination name such as ‘Jesus son of Joseph’ you decrease the statistical sample dramatically. In fact, in the case of ‘Jesus son of Joseph’ you decrease it to a statistically insignificant number! Furthermore, so far as we can tell, the earliest followers of Jesus never called Jesus ‘son of Joseph’. It was outsiders who mistakenly called him that! Would the family members such as James who remained in Jerusalem really put that name on Jesus’ tomb when they knew otherwise? This is highly improbable."
And if you did watch it ... did you see at any at point information abut the fact that there are several known ossuaries inscribed with the very common name of Jesus? Are that there is even another ossuary in existence that is also inscribed "Jesus, son of Joseph" which comes from a different tomb? No?
They barely touched on the fact that the practice of using ossuaries ended with the destruction of Jerusalem in 72 CE (it had only started about 70 or 80 years earlier) but did you learn from them that it is important to authenticate an inscription on an ossuary to guard against fakes? Or did you see them attempt to authenticate the inscriptions? No?
Did you know that the archaeologist Joe Zias, who cataloged the alleged "missing" ossuary, explained to the film maker the following (but was ignored):
Joe Zias jezias@yahoo.comTo: Subject: Re: Jesus Tomb Sent: Thursday, March 1, 2007 6:02 AM
"Amos Kloner is right as I received and catalogued the objects, the 10th was plain and I put it out in the courtyard with all the rest of the plain ossuaries as was the standard procedure when one has little storage space available. Nothing was stolen nor missing and they were fully aware of this fact, just didn't fit in with their agenda." ShalomJoe
From: Joe To: Subject: Re: Jesus Tomb Sent: Thursday, March 1, 2007 4:31 PM
"There was no photo of the 10th ossuary as there was no reason to photograph it, plain white ossuaries, basically once you have seen one you have seen them all. time is money and it would be a waste of time to waste resources on something which was put out in the courtyard. Remember these are large, and heavy not to forget that Kloner has the measurements. They knows this from me personally. The conspiracy idea fits in well with their agenda of hyping the film as well as his/their book."
One more quote:
"The conclusion is that the name Mariamenon is unique, the diminutive of the very rare Mariamene. Neither is related to the form Maramne, except in the sense that all derive ultimately from the name Mariam. There is no reason at all to connect the woman in this ossuary with Mary Magdalene, and in fact the name usage is decisively against such a connexion." --- Prof. Richard Bauckham (M.A., Ph.D. Cambridge;F.B.A.; Professor of New Testament Studies and Bishop Wardlaw Professor, St Andrews.)
I could go on but you get the point.
2007-03-05 13:22:41
answer #4
answered by Capernaum12 5
This would actually lend credence to Gnostic Christianity. In Gnosticism the body is seen as a defiled vessel that would never be allowed in the pleroma. Jesus' resurrection was in the spirit, not the flesh.
2007-03-05 13:34:41
answer #5
answered by Wisdom in Faith 4
I do not think we will ever know definitively. It might or might not be, but it will not change over 2000 years of a practicing organized religion.
2007-03-05 13:23:47
answer #6
answered by john r 1
This is one way how Satan trys to distract people from the truth. Don't believe that. read your Bible and you will fin the truth and the truth will set you free.
2007-03-05 13:37:18
answer #7
answered by tono 1
They found it 27 years ago.Everyone knows it is not His.It is ratings sweep month.They always try something juicy around Easter.
2007-03-05 13:21:52
answer #8
answered by AngelsFan 6
Probably real, in my opinion.
2007-03-05 13:51:25
answer #9
answered by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7